  • 論一開始,我很想參與。
    When the argument started I wanted to dive in.
  • 對於學術上的不同意見,必須堅持百傢鳴的方針,展開自由的討論。
    When views diverge on scholarly questions, we must follow the policy of "letting a hundred schools of thought contend" and encourage free discussion.
  • 而對於這個原則問題,論的雙方倒是沒有什麽分歧,倒是幾乎一致的,都有某種程度的輕視工農兵、脫離群衆的傾嚮。
    On this question of principle, however, there has been hardly any divergence between the two contending sides and they have shown almost complete agreement; to some extent, both tend to look down upon the workers, peasants and soldiers and divorce themselves from the masses.
  • 我們的蓬勃經濟發展有賴開放、多元化及公平競
    Our economy thrives on openness, diversification and fair competition.
  • 繼續實施市場多元化戰略,力今年外貿出口有所增長。
    We need to continue implementing the strategy of market diversification to increase this year's exports.
  • 深化軍工企業改革,建立現代企業制度,推進企業投資主體多元化和經營機製轉換,促進軍工企業成為自主經營、自負盈虧的市場競主體。
    It makes efforts to deepen the reform of military industrial enterprises, establish a modern enterprise system, and push forward the diversification of investors of the enterprises and transformation of operational mechanisms so as to enable these enterprises to turn into market competitors operating independently and responsible for their own profits or losses.
  • 鑒於全球貿易一體化,以及來自其他出口地的競愈趨激烈,本地製造商除了把勞工較密集的工序移到內地進行外,亦致力促進産品多元化及開拓新市場。
    Apart from relocating the more labour-intensive processes to the Mainland, local manufacturers have also been striving hard to diversify their products and markets, in the light of the globalisation of trade and keener competition from other export producers.
  • 摩托車手之間的論轉移了我的註意力
    My attention was diverted by an argument between motorists.
  • 甚至某些人在戰形勢稍為好轉的時候,就準備在國共兩黨之間加緊磨擦一下,把對外的眼光轉到對內。
    There are even some people who, the moment a slightly favourable turn occurs in the war situation, are prepared to intensify the "friction" between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, diverting attention from external to internal matters.
  • 不管怎麽吵也不能使他們分開。
    No quarrels can divide them.
  • 什麽樣的論也不能使我們不合。
    No quarrels shall divide us.
  • 順從的易屈服於壓力、論和勢力的;柔順的
    Inclined to give way to pressure, argument, or influence; docile.
  • 我們同林彪、“四人幫”的中心內容之一,就是反對他們偽造、篡改、割裂馬列主義、毛澤東思想。
    One of the key points of our struggle against Lin Biao and the Gang of Four was opposition to their falsification, doctoring and fragmenting of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 普遍的學說;對核戰的普遍恐懼。
    a widespread doctrine; widespread fear of nuclear war.
  • 哈斯德魯伯在第二次迦太基戰期間曾試圖在伊比利亞半島建立軍事統治的迦太基將軍,但於207年被羅馬軍隊打敗
    Carthaginian general who attempted to establish military dominance on the Iberian Peninsula during the Second Punic War but was defeated by Roman forces(207).
  • 威脅來自他們稱霸世界的企圖。
    The war menace grows out of their attempt to dominate the world.
  • 在這個“做眼”的問題上,表示了敵後遊擊戰根據地之戰略作用的重大性。
    It is in the matter of "dominating the spaces" that the great strategic role of guerrilla base areas in the rear of the enemy is revealed.
  • 相互對抗的人們,團體或思想之間奪統治地位的鬥
    A struggle for domination between two contending persons, groups, or ideas.
  • 美國司法部宣稱微軟利用了其在操作係統市場上的主導地位來限製競
    The US department of Justice alleges that Microsoft has used its domination of the operating system market to restrict competition.
  • 在歐洲方面,德意帝國主義集團和英法帝國主義集團之間,為了奪對殖民地人民統治權的帝國主義大戰,是迫在眉睫了。
    In Europe, a large-scale imperialist war is imminent between the German-Italian and the Anglo-French imperialist blocs which are contending for domination over the colonial peoples.
  • 因為,雙方的目的都是帝國主義的目的,都是為了奪對殖民地半殖民地和勢力範圍的統治權,都是掠奪性的戰
    The aims of both sides are imperialist, both are fighting for the domination of colonies and semi-colonies and for spheres of influence, and both are waging a predatory war.
  • 柔然,是北方草原古老民族東鬍人(中國古族名)後裔,五世紀初興起於蒙古草原,公元402年建立了強大政權,同北魏(公元386年—公元534年)奪西域。
    The Rouran were descendants of the Donghu, an ancient people rising on the northern grasslands in the early fifth century. After establishing a powerful regime on the Mongolian grasslands in 402 A.D., they struggled with the Northern Wei (386-534) for domination of the Western Regions.
  • 在英法方面,是把波蘭作為英法財政資本掠奪的對象之一,是為了在世界範圍內拒絶德國帝國主義重分它們的贓物而去利用波蘭的,是把波蘭當做自己帝國主義戰綫的一翼來看待的,所以英法的戰是帝國主義戰,英法的所謂援助波蘭不過是同德國奪對波蘭的統治權,同樣是不能同情的,是應當反對的。
    As for Britain and France, they have regarded Poland as an object of plunder for their finance capital, exploited her to thwart the German imperialist attempt at a world re-division of the spoils, and made her a flank of their own imperialist front. Thus their war is an imperialist war, their so-called aid to Poland being merely for the purpose of contending with Germany for the domination of Poland, and this war, too, should be opposed, not approved.
  • 我們再次申明矢志支持一切為維護各國主權平等的努力,尊重其領土完整和政治獨立,以和平手段並按照正義與國際法原則解决端,給予仍處於殖民統治和外國占領下的人民以自决權,不干涉各國內政,尊重人權和基本自由,尊重所有人的平等權利,不分種族、性別、語言或宗教,進行國際合作以解决經濟、社會、文化或人道性質的問題。
    We rededicate ourselves to support all efforts to uphold the sovereign equality of all States, respect for their territorial integrity and political independence, resolution of disputes by peaceful means and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, the right to self-determination of peoples which remain under colonial domination and foreign occupation, non-interference in the internal affairs of States, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, respect for the equal rights of all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion and international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character.
  • 然而,當今世界上,以大欺小、以強凌弱、干涉內政、侵犯主權、武裝侵略和占領他國領土等違背聯合國憲章和國際法準則的行徑仍然存在,局部戰和地區衝突從未停止。
    However, in today's world, acts which go against the United Nations Charter and the principles of international law still exist. These include such practices as the big bullying the small, the strong domineering over the weak, interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and violating their sovereignty, and armed aggression and occupation of the territory of other states. Local wars and regional conflicts have been incessant.
  • 國防部長拉姆斯菲爾德和政府的其他官員表示,如果太空在未來戰中將扮演越來越重要的角色,解决方案是"太空控製"。
    The solution, if space is going to play a bigger role in future warfare, say Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and others within the administration, is " space control.
  • 九十年代的每個學生都在盡力做一個全面發展的人。
    Every student of the nineties is dong his utmost to be an all-round person.
  • 從社會行程說來,日本已不是興旺的國傢,戰不能達到日本統治階級所期求的興旺,而將達到它所期求的反面——日本帝國主義的死亡。
    In terms of social development, Japan is no longer a thriving country; The war will not lead to the prosperity sought by her ruling classes but to the very reverse, the doom of Japanese imperialism.
  • 一種無色、有毒的可燃氣體,用於有機合成,塗抹晶體管,在戰中用作毒氣。
    a poisonous colorless flammable gas used in organic synthesis and to dope transistors and as a poison gas in warfare.
  • 回顧人類戰與和平的漫長歷史,人們深感和平來之不易,應倍加珍惜。
    Looking back over mankind's long history of war and peace, one is deeply struck by the fact that peace does not come easily and thus should be doubly treasured.
  • 但它不是。在經濟蕭條時期保持生産力的增長會使一個企業在經濟恢復時更具競力。
    It isn't, and improving productivity during a downturn puts a company in a stronger competitive position when things turn up.
  • 問:假如戰拖得很長,日本沒有完全戰敗,共産黨能否同意講和,並承認日本統治東北?
    Question: If the war drags on for a long time and Japan is not completely defeated, would the Communist Party agree to the negotiation of a peace with Japan and recognize her rule in north-eastern China?