  • 我以期待的心情等待用饭的时到来。
    I look forward to mealtime with anticipation.
  • 他们滑稽动作的传闻成了好莱坞民传说的一部分
    Rumors of their antics became part of the folklore of Hollywood.
  • 在战争期,这个杂志始终是反法西斯的。
    In the war the magazine was antifascist from hub to tire.
  • 用荧光显微镜接地检测抗原的方法。
    a method of using fluorescence microscopy to detect the presence of an antigen indirectly.
  • 巴布达岛西印度群岛中安提瓜和巴布达的一个岛屿,在安提瓜北面,于1691年至1872年被私人占有
    An island of Antigua and Barbuda in the West Indies north of Antigua. It was privately owned from1691 to1872.
  • 他们两人之潜伏着一股反感的暗流。
    There was an undercurrent of antipathy between them.
  • 使(思想)陈旧使随时变得陈旧或僵化;使过时
    To make outmoded or inflexible with time; antiquate.
  • 在度假期,我们无意中发现一有趣的古玩店。
    On our holidays we chanced upon an interesting antique store.
  • 他用消毒剂冲了房
    He swilled his room out with antiseptic.
  • 持续时较长的液体杀菌药;外科医生在动手术前用来洗手的药物。
    a long-lasting liquid antiseptic; used by surgeons to wash their hands before performing surgery.
  • 冲突不相容或持不同见解的人思想或兴趣之的矛盾;冲突
    A state of disharmony between incompatible or antithetical persons, ideas, or interests; a clash.
  • 王宫庄严的钟乐从四面八方不懈地抛出明亮的颤音,恰好圣母院钟楼低沉而略微歇的钟声均匀地落在这颤音上面,仿佛铁锤敲打着铁砧,火花四溅。
    The royal chime of the palace scatters on all sides, and without relaxation, resplendent trills, upon which fall, at regular intervals, the heavy strokes from the belfry of Notre-Dame,which makes them sparkle like the anvil under the hammer.
  • 阿尔法在书架之匆匆地跑了起来,焦急地四处张望。
    α began to trot between the bookshelves,looking around anxiously.
  • 他们立即都坐下了,围成一个大圈,老鼠在中,爱丽丝焦急地盯着它,她很清楚,如果湿衣服不能很快干的活,她会得重感冒的,
    They all sat down at once, in a large ring, with the Mouse in the middle. Alice kept her eyes anxiously fixed on it, for she felt sure she would catch a bad cold if she did not get dry very soon.
  • 房子里连把椅子都没有。
    This room hasn't any chair.
  • 随便什么时;任何地方。
    any old time; any old place.
  • 你喜欢什么时都可以。
    Any time you like.
  • 随你便,任何时都行。
    Any time you want.
  • 房间里有人吗?
    Is there anybody in the room?
  • 无论如何,我想换一
    Anyhow, I'd like to change my room.
  • 别再浪费我的时了!
    Don't waste my time anymore.
  • 他再也不能应付这么长的时
    He couldn't cut the long hours anymore.
  • 我念高中时经常去游泳,可是,我(现在)再抽不出时了。
    I used to swim in high school, but I don't have time anymore.
  • “我们在一起时太长,我真的不在意了。
    “ We've been together for so long now that I really don't mind anymore.
  • 有人能定出更好的时表吗?
    Can anyone design a better timetable?
  • 你什么时来都可以。
    You may come anytime.
  • 就你的时间吧。
    Make it anytime that suits you.
  • 不难,香功不同于其他气功的就是它很容易学,你几乎可以在任何地方、任何时练习香功。
    No, unlike other qigong exercises, it's very easy to start. You can start practice anywhere and anytime.
  • 这将使用户用一个因特网传真地址在任何地方、任何时接收传真,而此传真地址对用户电子邮件地址是一个补充。
    This would enable users to receive faxes anywhere, anytime with an Internet fax address that complements their e-mail address.
  • 公司的奋斗目标:“帮助at&t向客户提供先进的通信和信息服务--包括消费者和销售公司--为他们提供所需要的任何时、任何地点以及任何形式的服务。”
    Corporate goal: "To help AT&T deliver advanced communications and information services to customers--both consumers and businesses--anytime, anywhere, and in any form they desire."
  • 到2008年,基本实现任何人、在任何时、任何场所都能够安全、方便、快捷、高效地获取可支付得起的、丰富的、无语言障碍的、个性化的信息服务,保证北京奥运会的出色承办,向世界充分展示中国的信息化水平和成就。
    By 2008, information services will be inexpensive, rich in content, free of language barrier, and personalized and available for anyone, at anytime and anywhere. This will not only contribute greatly to the success of an excellent Olympic Games, but also display to the world the level and achievements of China's IT.
  • 想象一下这样的世界:信息成为交换的主要媒介,现金只是用于平凡而单调的贸易;通用的语言是信息而不是英语、德语、日语或俄语;知识与信息的力量替代了军事力量的威势;完全依赖于使信息可以在任何时立即传播到任何地点、任何一个人的高技术工具。
    Imagine a world where information is the medium of exchange and cash is used only for pedestrian trade.A world where information,not English,German,Japanese,or Russian, is the common language.A world where the power of knowledge and information usurp the strength of military might.A world totally dependent upon new high? tech tools that make information available instantaneously to anyone,anywhere,at anytime.