Chinese English Sentence:
  • 附件:船通告表格一份
    End, : A completed form
  • 货已装船。
    The ship has completed loading.
  • 货已装船。
    The ship have completed loading.=Ship completed loading.
  • 但是,加包器可能增加复杂性和费用,这与原本采用以太网技术的目的背道而驰。
    But adding the wrapper might add complexity and expense, which defeats the purpose of using Ethernet technology in the first place.
  • 一旦标准被批准了,使已安的modem符合标准所要做的全部工作就是软件升级。
    Once a standard was ratified, all that was needed to bring deployed modems into compliance was a software upgrade.
  • 那样当事人双方都会确认配合签约条件而附上汇票和证明船的单据。
    That way both parties confirm the documents that will accompany the draft and constitute evidence of shipment in compliance with the contract terms.
  • 目前的想法是要求internet置通过符合java的浏览器运行java小应用程序,虽然微软公司和其它厂家也在计划提供与之竞争的平台。
    The current thinking calls for the Internet device to run Java applets through a Java-compliant browser, although Microsoft Corp. and others are planning to offer competing platforms.
  • 我们对复杂的机械置不太感兴趣。
    We are not too keen on complicated mechanism.
  • 我们对复杂的机械置不太感兴趣。
    We is not too keen on complicated mechanism.
  • 每个零件在配前都经过仔细检查。
    Each component is carefully checked before assembly.
  • 结构构件吊装
    hoisting and installation of structural member and component
  • 我们的政治路线的重要一部分就是武斗争。
    Armed struggle is an important component of our political line.
  • 用来抽取连接紧密的部分的置。
    an instrument for extracting tight-fitting components.
  • 通过将成分配或者连接在一起形成的。
    formed by fitting or joining components together.
  • 将各个部分配起来。
    put together out of components or parts.
  • 部件必须适应包以便运送到目的地。
    Components must suitably packed for delivery to site.
  • 部件必须适应包以便运送到目的地。
    Components must be suitably packed for delivery to site
  • 例如,声音请求可以送进“个人数字助理”,该置对话音进行压缩,以便在internet网上以4kb/s的速度通过无线电或其它介质传输。
    Voice requests could be fed into a personal digital assistant, for example, which could compress the speech for transmission via radio or other medium at 4 kilobits/sec across the Internet.
  • 通过轴压缩包来形成密封的小室。
    a small chamber in which packing is compressed around a shaft to form a seal.
  • 水下作业用的潜水置;有一个敞开的底并用压缩空气维持供应。
    diving apparatus for underwater work; has an open bottom and is supplied with compressed air.
  • 可压缩包材料;可压缩箱子
    Compressible packing materials; a compressible box.
  • 把气体或者空气导向火焰以产生热量的置。
    directs air or gas into a flame to concentrate heat.
  • 得太满、太紧凑或者太集中。
    overfilled or compacted or concentrated.
  • 数据被记录在一些被称为磁道的同心圆上,存取置读写磁道的过程是从一个磁道到另一个磁道,一次只读写一个磁道。
    The data are recorded on a series of concentric circles called tracks. The access mechanism steps from track to track, reading or writing one track at a time.
  • 防止怀孕的置或作用物。
    an agent or device intended to prevent conception.
  • 有些备光靠总后勤部自己搞不行,要有几个研究机构配合来搞。
    With regard to some items, this question cannot be tackled by the General Logistics Department alone, but must be solved through the concerted efforts of several research institutions.
  • 本地船舶为数多达14600艘,包括渡轮、趸船、货物卸及海港工程船艇、渔船和游乐船只。这些船舶持续不断为香港港口提供各式各样高效率的运输服务。
    The concerted efforts of 14 600 local craft including ferries, barges, cargo working and harbour engineering craft, fishing boats and pleasure vessels provide a variety of efficient and continuous services for the Port of Hong Kong.
  • 鸽派人物主张和平调解或谈判而不主张对立或武冲突的人
    A person who advocates peace, conciliation, or negotiation in preference to confrontation or armed conflict.
  • 然而,随着他夸夸其谈,他那身束所激起的全场一片欢愉和赞叹,渐渐消失了。等到末了他说出“等显贵的红衣主教大人一驾临,我们就开演”这句不合时宜的话时,他的声音被雷鸣般的喝倒采声所淹没了。
    Unfortunately, the admiration and satisfaction so universally excited by his costume died out during his harangue, and when he reached the unlucky concluding words, “As soon as his Reverence the Cardinal arrives, we will begin,” his voice was drowned in a tempest of hooting.
  • 第三十七条未经环境保护行政主管部门同意,擅自拆除或者闲置防治污染的设施,污染物排放超过规定的排放标准的,由环境保护行政主管部门责令重新安使用,并处罚款。
    Article 37. A unit which dismantles or leaves idle the installations for the prevention and control of pollution without prior approval by the competent department of environmental protection administration, thereby discharging pollutants in excess of the prescribed discharge standards, shall be ordered by the competent department of environmental protection administration to set up the installations or put them to use again, and shall concurrently be fined.
  • 光是谴责这种侵略罪行是不够的;他们必须采取行动,用枪支弹药将自己武起来,抵抗侵略。
    It is not enough to condemn aggression: they must take steps to arm themselves against invasion with guns, bombs, etc.
  • 用于蒸馏液体的置;物体被热量和空气能浓缩的冷凝器中蒸发。
    an apparatus used for the distillation of liquids; consists of a vessel in which a substance is vaporized by heat and a condenser where the vapor is condensed.