  • 七王国从5世纪到9世纪盎格鲁·撒克逊王国的非正式联盟,由肯特、南撒西克斯、西撒西克斯、东撒西克斯、诺森布里亚,东格兰和麦西亚组成
    The informal confederation of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms from the fifth to the ninth century, consisting of Kent, Sussex, Wessex, Essex, Northumbria, East Anglia, and Mercia.
  •  如果包括一切国家在内的那样一个世界联盟的确存在,那时各国所处的地位将同组成北美合众国的各州一样,过剩的人口、才能、技术和物质资本将从国流向欧洲大陆各国,情况就同相类的过剩人口、才能等从美国东部备州流向西部各州一样——假定大陆各国具有与国同样的人身与财产安全,同样的宪法与一般法律,并且假定国政府能够服从这个世界联盟的统一意志的话。
    If a confederation of all nations existed in reality, as is the case with the separate states constituting the Union of North America, the excess of population, talents, skilled abilities, and material capital would flow over from England to the Continental states, in a similar manner to that in which it travels from the eastern states of the American Union to the western, provided that in the Continental states the same security for persons and property, the same constitution and general laws prevailed, and that the English Government was made subject to the united will of the universal confederation.
  • 这个神父可以听取用语和法语做的忏悔。
    The confessor will hear confessions in English and French.
  • 向新郎和新娘撒米和五彩碎纸是国的习惯。
    Throwing rice and confetti at the married couple is a custom in England.
  • 比弗布鲁克加拿大裔籍出版商、金融家和政治家。他在每日快讯(1916年)和晚间旗报(1923年)上创立了他的报业帝国,在20世纪40年代他掌握了许多内阁席位,是温斯顿·丘吉尔的一个知己
    Canadian-born British publisher, financier, and politician. He founded his press empire on the Daily Express(1916) and the Evening Standard(1923), held many cabinet positions during the1940's, and was a confidant of Winston Churchill.
  • 而且莎士比亚的深受欢迎不只限于国。
    And the popularity of Shakespeare is not confined to England.
  • 国政府对这些报道不予证实。
    Whitehall is/are refusing to confirm the reports.
  • 国法律有没有和任何国际法相抵触?
    Do British laws conflict with any international laws?
  • 哈佛大学儒家学者杜维明教授在对话会上谈到了他在阅读中文的《联合早报》及文的《海峡时报》的一种观察。他说,他看到的是两个不同的世界。这是由于新加坡华族中有华语源流与语源流两种社群。
    Prof. Du Wei Ming, Harvard Confucianist scholar, highlighted that contents of the Chinese and English dailies point to the fact that Chinese-speaking and English-speaking groups, which made up the Singapore ethnic Chinese race, are of two different worlds.
  • 哈佛大学儒家学者杜维明教授在对话会上谈到了他在阅读中文的《联合早报》及文的《海峡时报》的一种观察。他说,他看到的是个不同的世界。这是由于新加坡华族中有华语源流与语源流两种社群。
    Prof Tu Wei Ming, Harvard Confucianist scholar, highlighted that contents of the Chinese and English dailies point to the fact that Chinese-speaking and English speaking groups, which made up the Singapore ethnic Chinese, are of two different worlds.
  • 他们不批林,假批孔,把矛头指向周恩来同志、叶剑同志。
    They refused to criticize him but instead, on the pretence of criticizing Confucius, directed their real attack at Comrades Zhou Enlai and Ye Jianying.
  • 中国学生通常把(语的)副词认为是前置词。
    Chinese students often confuse adverbs with prepositions.
  • 近日早报讨论华文程度低落的文章引起文报的一些反应,其中一些人认为华文报读者杞人忧天,对语文生态过度反应,也认为华文知识分子刻意模糊事实,意图哄抬华文的分量。
    Recent articles in Zaobao on the declining standard of the Chinese language have attracted responses from the English press. Some of them are of the view that readers of Chinese-language newspapers are over-reacting to groundless worry. They also believe Chinese intellectuals are deliberately confusing the situation, attempting to play up the importance of the Chinese language.
  • 她和勇新在pdheart栏页中联络,这是为患有先天性心脏病的孩子的父母亲们设立的一个特支助网组。
    She and Yongxin contacted the PDHeart List, an Internet support group for parents of children with congenital heart disease.
  • 格兰人民的聚集。
    the conglomerate peoples of New England.
  • 刚果的面积有多少平方里?
    What's the area of the Congo in square miles?
  • 加州两种巨大针叶杉的一种,高达尺。
    either of two huge coniferous California trees that reach a height of 300 feet; sometimes placed in the Taxodiaceae.
  • 表示词或概念之间的关系的一种语言单位,如语中的and、with、not等连词。
    A linguistic unit that indicates relationships between words or ideas; a conjunction such as and, with, not.
  • "如果隧道建成,它将有史以来第一次把国和欧洲大陆连接起来。"
    "If it is built, it will connect Britain to Europe for the first time in history."
  • 西蒙斯康涅狄格州东南一潮汐海湾,向南约24公里(15里)流入桑德长岛
    A tidal estuary of southeastern Connecticut flowing about24 km(15 mi) southward to Long Island Sound.
  • 诺沃克美国康涅狄格州西南的城市,位于史丹福东北长岛海峡上。建于17世纪中期,在美国独立战争时被国人烧毁。人口78,331
    A city of southwest Connecticut on Long Island Sound northeast of Stamford. Founded in the mid-1600's, it was burned by the British in the American Revolution. Population,78, 331.
  • "她是格兰人,但有苏格兰的亲戚。"
    She's English but has Scotish connections.
  • 她是国人,但也有一些德国亲戚。
    She is British but also has German connections.
  • 在1973年进行了第一次与挪威和国的国际连接。
    The first international connections, to Norway and England, were added in1973.
  • 她是格兰人,但有爱尔兰的亲戚。
    She's English but has lrish connections.
  • 在1973年进行了第一次与挪威和国的国际连接。
    The first international connections, to Norway and England, were added in 1973.
  • 由于特尔公司一种称为"巴尼亚斯"的笔记本电脑芯片的问世,无线保真技术明年还会有一个巨大的飞跃。该芯片包含了无线网络连接功能。而现在的笔记本电脑只能通过独立的外接插件才能上网。
    The technology could also get a big boost next year from a new Intel chip for laptops known as Banias,which includes wireless connectivity that now has to be plugged in separately.
  • 康尼向戴维索取500镑伤害赔偿费。
    Connie claimed &5OO from Davy for injuries suffered.
  • 当德意联合侵略西班牙,而美法采取名义上“不干涉”实际上放任德意侵略的政策的时候,苏联就积极地援助西班牙政府军反抗德意,而反对美法的“不干涉”政策。
    After Germany and Italy jointly invaded Spain and when Britain, the United States and France adopted a policy of nominal "non-intervention" but of actual connivance at their aggression, the Soviet Union opposed the "non-intervention" policy and gave the Spanish republican forces active help in their resistance to Germany and Italy.
  • 据历史书记载诺曼底人于一零六六年占领了格兰。
    "According to the textbook of history, the Normans conquered England in 1066."
  • 攻克英语需要时间。
    It takes time to conquer English.
  • 我们出版的图书帮助读者去克服语学习中的困难。
    Our publications help readers to conquer handicaps in learning English.