  • 对立的体互相面对的行为。
    the act of opposing groups confronting each other.
  • 同一个肌肉中起反作用的部分。
    the opposing sector of the same muscle group.
  • 在那些地方,这个问题很难彻底解决,因为那些地方的统治者压迫革命文艺家,不让他们有到工农兵众中去的自由。
    In such places the problem can hardly be solved thoroughly, because the rulers oppress the revolutionary writers and artists and deny them the freedom to go out among the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers.
  • 演说者力图使听众情激昂。
    The orator tried to set the audience on fire.
  • 那个演说家要讲话,但是众却用笑加以阻止。
    The orator tried to speak, but the crowd simply laughed him down.
  • 蜜蜂成地利果园飞来飞去。
    Bees swarmed about in the orchard.
  • 棕榈状裸子植物;包含现在还幸存的苏铁目和其它几个已灭绝的目;可能不是一个自然体;在某些分类中,被视为一个纲,在另外一些分类中则为一个亚部。
    palmlike gymnosperms: includes the surviving order Cycadales and several extinct orders; possibly not a natural group; in some systems considered a class (Cycadopsida) and in others a subdivision (Cycadophytina or Cycadophyta).
  • 没有本村的武装,常使配合不及时,而且这也正是发展广泛众游击战争所需要的。
    without the latter, no timely co-ordination will be forthcoming, which is essential to extensive guerrilla warfare with mass participation.
  • 派尤特族居住在俄勒冈东部,内华达西部以及加利福尼亚东北的相邻地区的一
    A group occupying eastern Oregon, western Nevada, and adjacent areas of northeast California.
  • 这是国外民间机构继观摩中国基层众性自治组织村民委员会选举后,首次观摩中国基层国家权力机关的选举。
    The delegation's visit was the first chance offered by China to an overseas non-governmental organization to observe the election of grass-roots organs of state power following the opening of the election of village committees--the grass-roots organization of self-administration--to such organizations.
  • 只有这样,才能培养起众自身的组织观念,培养众团体的威信,也只有这样,才能培养出众的领袖。
    Only in this way can we help foster the masses' sense of organization, enhance the prestige of mass organizations and train more leaders from among the masses.
  • 它使革命队伍失掉严密的组织和纪律,政策不能贯彻到底,党的组织和党所领导的众发生隔离。
    It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads.
  • 对于各种众团体,不可能加以平均的注意,今天应特别加强党对农会工作的领导,首先健全农会的组织和生活。
    Since it is impossible to give equal attention to all mass organizations, for the present, the Party should particularly strengthen its leadership over the work of peasant associations, first of all improving their organization and activities.
  • 第一是发动众,在发动众中组织众、武装众;
    First, organize and arm the masses while arousing them.
  • 有组织的一工作人员。
    an organized group of workmen.
  • 战时组织指挥人民众进行防空袭斗争。
    and in wartime, organizing and directing people to protect themselves against air-raids.
  • 众组织上,忽视军队士兵会⑴的组织和对地方工农众的组织。
    On the question of mass organization, they neglect the organizing of soldiers' committees[1] in the army and the organizing of the local workers and peasants.
  • 这种体的价值取向也表现于调解的过程。
    This group orientation is evident in the mediation process.
  • 一个体或国家表现的思想倾向。
    an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation.
  • 岛是鸟类学家的天堂,度假者的乐园。
    The islands are an ornithologist's paradise and a vacationer's delight.
  • 神幡在人上方飘扬,向前移动,犹如在波浪上起伏。
    the banners oscillate and move over the crowd as over the waves.
  • 只见水獭滑到水中,潜到鸭的下方,冷不丁探头抓住一只,立刻又潜到水下去了。
    The otter slips beneath the water, comes up beneath the ducks, grabs one and returns underwater.
  • dec公司的集软件设计成用以识别何时出现停机,并依据一组复杂的参数恢复计算功能和数据。
    Digital's clustering software was designed to recognize when outages occurred and recover computing facilities and data based on a set of complex parameters.
  • 他们后来成为一打家劫舍的强盗头领,直到最后他们的真正身份被人发现。
    The twins grew up to lead a band of outlaws who raided the countryside, until eventually their true identity was discovered.
  • 由“门孜康”和“药王山医学利众院”合并发展而成的西藏自治区藏医院,现有建筑面积十几万平方米,工作人员438人,其中卫生技术人员290人,病床250张,对广大藏族众实行免费医疗政策,年门诊量达23万人次。
    The "Mantsikhang" and "Chakpori Zhopanling" have been amalgamated to become the Tibet Autonomous Regional Hospital of Tibetan Medicine, with a floor space of over 100,000 square meters and a staff of 438, of whom 290 are health technicians. The hospital has 250 beds and provides free medical care for the broad masses of the Tibetan people, receiving 230,000 outpatients annually.
  • 对于实践是检验真理的唯一标准的论点,开始的时候反对的人不少,但全国绝大多数干部众还是逐步接受了的。
    At the outset, quite a few people opposed the view that practice is the only criterion for testing truth, but now it is gradually being accepted by most of the cadres and masses throughout the country.
  • 很明显,在这种情况下进行涉及面很广的调整工作,如果没有强有力的集中领导和严格的组织性纪律性,如果不大力加强稳定社会政治秩序的工作和教育,如果不坚决搞好党风,进一步恢复党的实事求是、众路线和艰苦奋斗的优良传统,就可能出现一些本来可以避免的大大小小的乱子,使我们的现代化建设在刚刚迈出第一步的时候就遇到严重的障碍。
    It is quite obvious that under these circumstances extensive readjustment may be accompanied by small or big disturbances.We can avoid them only if we have strong, centralized leadership and a strict sense of organization and discipline, only if we strengthen our efforts to maintain public and political order and to educate people in this regard, and only if we firmly improve the style of work in the Party and take further steps to restore its fine traditions of seeking truth from facts, following the mass line and working hard.Otherwise, these disturbances could become serious obstacles to our modernization programme at its very outset.
  • 局外人,外来人被排斥在一人之外的人;组织之外的人
    A person who is not included in a group; an outsider.
  • 雌蕊,雌蕊包括柱头、花柱和子房的花雌蕊,长有胚珠
    The female, ovule-bearing organ of a flower, including the stigma, style, and ovary.
  • 要教育党员和众以大局为重,以党和国家的整体利益为重。
    We must teach Party members and the masses to give top priority to the overall situation and the overall interests of the Party and the state.
  • 她在挤满的众面前唱歌。
    He sang before overflow crowds.
  • 众爆满,挤到走廊上来。
    The crowd overflowed into the hall.