  • 汽車突然嚮右轉。
    The car swerved to the right.
  • 汽車然轉嚮,以避開那條狗。
    The car swerved to avoid the dog.
  • 拐彎球路上述球然轉彎的傾嚮
    The tendency of such a ball to swerve.
  • 然轉嚮以避開那衹狗。
    He swerved to miss the dog.
  • 那球突然轉嚮左方.
    The ball swerved to the left.
  • 汽車然轉嚮撞到了樹上。
    The car swerved and hit a tree.
  • 在樹林邊上,弗蘭基然轉過身來。
    At the edge of the woods, Frankie swerved.
  • 球突然從右轉嚮左。
    The ball swerved from right to the left.
  • 汽車行駛在40號州際公路上時,基姆在汽車後座上剛睡着,剋瑞基特為避開一輛慢行的卡車然轉嚮。結果,車被後面車撞上,翻了幾周,基姆受了傷。不過,基姆的傷遠不如剋瑞基特的傷嚴重,車蓋塌陷致使她顱骨骨折。
    Kim had just dozed off in the backseat when Krickitt swerved on Interstate 40 to avoid a slow moving truck and was hit from behind. The car flipped several times, and Kim was injured, but nothing like Krickitt, whose skull was fractured when the roof caved in.
  • 這個國傢然加入了與鄰國的公開衝
    The country had plunged swiftly into open conflict with its neighbours.
  • 東半球身體瘦小、脊背出野豬,是大多數傢豬的原種;引殖入美國。
    Old World wild swine having a narrow body and prominent tusks from which most domestic swine come; introduced in United States.
  • 然從我手中把它搶走。
    He switched it out of my hand.
  • 當與替代10base-t集綫器的臺式交換機連用時,基幹交換機實現了端至端的交換,因此避免了共享帶寬網絡的很多問題,如高的衝率、引人註目的包誤差傳播以及安全性降低等。
    When used in conjunction with desktop switches instead of 10Base-T hubs, a backbone switch enables end-to-end switching -- thereby avoiding many of the problems of shared bandwidth networks, such as high collision rates, dramatic packet error propagation and reduced security.
  • 然想到要把所有的燈都關掉。
    The idea of switching off all the lights popped up in my mind.
  • 轟炸機襲空軍基地。
    The bombers swooped on the air base.
  • 然轉嚮他妻子,對她大聲吼叫。
    He swung round on his wife and shouted at her.
  • 他今晨突然暈厥。
    He had a syncopal attack this morning.
  • 一個句子裏句法結構的然變化。
    an abrupt change within a sentence from one syntactic structure to another.
  • 美國炮兵火力減弱,這一策略性錯誤無疑使大批逃竄的敵軍得以圍。
    The American artillery slacked off in its firing and this tactical error undoubtedly allowed a lot of fleeing troops to fight their way out.
  • 老師在給我們講述詩人生平故事的時候,然把話題一轉,講開他自己的戰爭經歷來了。
    The teacher was telling us about the poet's life, when he went off at a tangent and started talking about his war experiences.
  • 要跟上她的思路並非易事,因為她老是然扯到題外去。
    It's not easy to follow her think because she's always go off at a tangent.
  • 老師在給我們講述詩人生平故事的時候,然把話題一轉,講開他自己的戰爭經歷來了。
    The teacher was telling us about the poet's life,when he went off at a tangent and started talking about his war experiences.
  • 同我母親進行有成效的討論很睏難,因為她總是然離開話題,扯到其它一些事情上去。
    It is difficult to have a sensible discussion with my mother because she's always flying off at a tangent and talking about something else.
  • 由計劃經濟體製嚮社會主義市場經濟體製的轉變,實現了改革開放新的歷史性破,打開了我國經濟、政治和文化發展的嶄新局面。
    As is universally recognized, the 13 years have been a period in which China's overall national strength has risen by a big margin, the people have received more tangible benefits than ever before, and China has enjoyed long-term social stability and solidarity and had a good government and a united people.
  • 我方坦剋破了敵人的防綫。
    Our tanks have breached the enemy defences.
  • 陀蠃一種尖頂的玩具,在然拖動或用繩抽擊的情況下能不斷轉動
    A toy having one end tapered to a point, allowing it to be spun, as by suddenly pulling a string wound around it.
  • 然,我感到有人輕輕地拍我的肩膀。
    Suddenly I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder.
  • 從伏爾加到烏拉爾山脈的韃靼人所說的厥語。
    the Turkic language spoken by the Tatar people living from the Volga to the Ural Mountains.
  • 我殺了他……他辱駡我……他用下流的話駡你……為了你,也為了我自己,我纔這麽做……我然想起來我這樣做就能重新得到你。
    I have killed him… he taunted me… he called you by a foul name… I owed it to you and I owed it to myself.…It came to me as a shining light that I should get you back in that way.
  • 出的釘子會颳壞你的衣服。
    Nails that project may tear your clothes.
  • 吉姆然伸出一條腿將特德絆倒。
    Jim thrust out a leg and made Ted fall.
  • “我們的軍隊到哪裏去了?”勒蒂然問道。“在法國一個什麽地方失蹤了,”特迪回答說:“就像一根針掉到草堆裏一樣。”
    “Where’s our army?” said Letty suddenly. “Lost somewhere in France, ” said Teddy. “like a needle in a bottle of hay.” (H. Wells, Mr Britling Sees It Through)