  • 开后,他们对这位新会员进行恶毒的攻击。
    After I left they did a hatchet job on the club's new member.
  • 孵化后巢的在孵化里很快开巢穴。用于鸟类
    Leaving the nest a short time after hatching. Used of a bird.
  • 我真的不想开这儿。
    I hate to leave here.
  • 爱是一只行驶在汪洋中的小船,在星辰的指引下航行;当风暴暗淡了为它导航的星光,小船将远远地偏航向。
    Lyke as a ship that through the Ocean wyde,By conduct of some star doth make her way,Whenas a storme hath dimd her trusty guyde,Out of her course doth wander far astray.
  • 她疯疯癲癲地开房间。
    She walked out of the room, as mad as a hatter.
  • 船要偏航线了,我们得转向迎风行驶。
    The boat's going off course, we'll have to haul up.
  • 船要偏航线了,我们得转向迎风行驶。
    The ship's going off course, we'll have to haul up.
  • “抢风驶船!”船要偏航线时船长喊道。
    "Haul onto the wind!"shouted the captain, as the ship tried to leave her course.
  • “抢风驶船!”船要偏航线时船长喊道。
    "Haul onto the wind!" shouted the captain, as the ship tried to leave her course.
  • 他曾由于严重破坏联邦调查局有争议的高科技电脑监视系统而入狱服刑。此后,警方禁止他进入他最近的电子商店方圆50码之内的区域。
    One of the two best hackers on the planet,Stanley has been forbidden to get within 50 yards of the nearest electronics store after doing time for wreaking havoc on the FBI's controversial high tech cyber surveillance operations.
  • 羽毛未丰或未巢的鹰。
    an unfledged or nestling hawk.
  • 在一次白宫的正式宴会上,英国公使夫人低声对海斯夫人说,她有急事想早点席,是否能从边门悄悄溜出去。
    Once in the course of a formal reception at the White House,the British Minister's wife whispered to Mrs.Hayes that she had to leave early and asked whether it was possible for her to slip away unnoticed by a side door.
  • 险境脱困难或危险的情况;处于安全或保险的位置
    Free of a difficult or hazardous situation; in a position of safety or security.
  • 由于mpls依靠标签转发信息,它通常不使用包的ip报头,除非它要进入或者开mpls。
    By relying on labels to forward information, MPLS usually doesn't use a packet's IP header unless it is entering or leaving MPLS.
  • 市区建成1.25万公顷的绿化隔带;建设第二条城市绿色生态屏障。
    12,500 hectare’s green shelter will be formed for the urban area and the second green shelter shall be built.
  • 一根海洛英香烟的诱惑,害人沦落深渊,妻子散,在在显示星星之火足以燎原。
    A cigarette spiked with heroin can prove too tempting for many, eventually breaking up a family and ruining a person’s future. Heed the saying “a single spark can start a fire”.
  • 高度离地10英尺
    at a height of ten feet above the ground
  • 远离债权人
    Held the creditors off.
  • 设址于莫斯科的赫尔辛基观察委员会(一个人权组织)创始人之一夏兰斯基对于苏联新闻发言人格拉西莫夫的评论提出异议。格氏声称想开苏联的犹太人大部分在70年代已经开了。
    Natan Sharansky, one of the founders of the Helsinki Watch Committee in Moscow, a human rights group, took issue with the comments by Gennadi I. Gerasimov, the Soviet press spokesman, that most of the Jews who wanted to leave the Soviet Union left in the 1970's.
  • 下摆裙子、外衣、或大衣的底边地的高度或水平线;底边沿
    The height or level of the bottom edge of a skirt, dress, or coat; a hemline.
  • 首先,红细胞膜防止了血红蛋白被降解,并且保护组织免受游血红蛋白毒性的作用。
    First, the red cell membrane protects hemoglobin from degradation and protects tissues from the toxic effects of free hemoglobin.
  • 这儿有500英里, 差也差不多.
    It's 500 miles from here, or as near as makes no difference.
  • 杂环化合物,由一个金属子通过配位键与至少两个非金属子相连。
    a heterocyclic compound having a metal ion attached by coordinate bonds to at least two nonmetal ions.
  • 螯合物杂环化学复合物,由一个金属子与两个或两个以上非金属子构成配位键
    A chemical compound in the form of a heterocyclic ring, containing a metal ion attached by coordinate bonds to at least two nonmetal ions.
  • 遥远的国度;遥远的星星;远文明的村落;远城镇的隐匿之处。
    distant lands; remote stars; a remote outpost of civilization; a hideaway far removed from towns and cities.
  • 饥饿的罪犯开了他的藏身之所。
    The hungry criminal came out of his hiding place.
  • 此外,那也是个好的运动机会,因为我们要作较长距的徒步旅行。
    Besides, it's great exercise too, since we do a lot of hiking.
  • 那纳克印度宗教领袖,他脱正统的印度教建立起锡克教
    Indian religious leader who broke from orthodox Hinduism to found Sikhism.
  • 卡规一种由两个弯曲的铰接在一起的脚组成的仪器,用于测量厚度和距
    An instrument consisting essentially of two curved hinged legs, used to measure thickness and distances.
  • 我领会了暗示立即开了。
    I took the hint and left at once.
  • 我领会了暗示立即开了。
    I took the hint and left at once.
  • 给了我们是时间开了的、明显的暗示。
    gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave.