  • 美国明尼苏达州科学博物馆:世界有个大后院。我们的星球到处都有不为人知的地方。它们是地球演化的生动例证。目睹世界上七种完全不同的自景观。来吧,在最壮观的地方畅游吧。
    The world has a big backyard. Our planet is filled with hidden places.Dramatic examples of earth’s evolution. Witness seven of the world’s most diverse landscapes. Come out and play in the Greatest Places.
  • 那名歹徒拔出匕首,悍与警察对抗。
    The outlaw pulled out a dagger and bade defiance to the policemen.
  • 参观者必须在招待会上签名,后发给参观者徽章。
    Visitor have to sign in at reception, and will be given visitor' badge.
  • 参观者必须在招待会上签名,后发给参观者徽章。
    Visitor have to sign in at reception, and will is give visitor ' badge.
  • 杰夫:国际男子羽毛球团体锦标赛是由国际羽毛球联合会主办的国际男子羽毛球赛,所以比赛的水平高是必的,不过,像今天这么精彩的场面并不多见。
    Jeff: The International Men's Badminton Team Tournament is sponsored by the International Badminton Federation. Therefore, the level is higher. However,such wonderful scene is rarely seen as it is shown today.
  • 杰夫:国际男子羽毛球团体锦标赛是由国际羽毛球联合会主办的国际男子羽毛球赛,所以比赛的水平高是必的,不过,像今天这么精彩的场面并不多见。
    Jeff: The International Men's Badminton Team Tournament is sponsored by the International Badminton Federation. Therefore, the level is higher. However, Such wonderful scene is rarely seen as it is shown today.
  • 一件碎布片似的、显是由别人在很久之前买的外衣——脏兮兮、油乎乎的、又破又旧……松垮垮的裤子——麻竿似的身子——脚趾头露在了那还算鞋子的外面——衬衣上的污疵斑斑点点,奇特无比的脸……像艾瑞克一样光光的牙龈。
    A tattered rag of a coat obviously bought by someone else eons ago -- dirty, greasy, and worn... baggy pants, spindly, body--toes that poked out of would-be shoes... a shirt that had ring-around-the-color all over, and a face like none other... gums as bare as Erik's.
  • 我们能把这头野兽困住,但它仍会抵抗。
    Though we could bail the wild beast up, it would fight.
  • 我一提钱他便怦心动, 上了我的钩.
    As soon as I mentioned money he rose to the bait, and became really interested.
  • 我们从柏拉图那儿偶发现了这一思想。
    We find this idea in Plato; I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here; She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day.
  • 双方要求截不同,我们力图在其间寻找适当的处置方法。
    We try to strike a proper balance between the entirely demands of the two parties. (喻)
  • 鲜花可以以那种好似刚采摘回来的为首选,意在提供一种体现自界平衡的方案,如向日葵、雏菊、绣球花、飞燕草、郁金香之类的鲜花,可以插放在透明的玻璃花瓶、罐子或陶器里。
    Flowers provide nature's balancing formula with that "just picked" look. The flowers (such as sunflowers, daisies, hydrangea, delphinium or tulips) could be placed in a clear glass vase, pitcher or piece of pottery.
  • 如果负荷平衡软件支持广域网,那末可以在世界任何地点给网络增加服务器,而服务器的性能仍如同它们是局域网的一部分那样高。
    If the load-balancing software supports WANs, then servers can be added to the network at any point in the world, and the servers' performance would still be as high as it would be if they were part of a LAN.
  • 瑞士内部虽存在着语言协调与平衡的问题,但是他们还依能够维持各种族的和谐关系,主要原因是不歧视少数语文,而能容忍与尊重彼此的语言与文化。
    Although Switzerland faces the problems of managing and balancing the different languages, the Swiss can still maintain harmony among the races. This is mainly due to the fact that they do not discriminate against any minority languages, and they have mutual tolerance and respect for one another's language and culture.
  • 玻尔玻发现太平洋是出于偶
    Balboa's discovery of the Pacific Ocean took place by accident.
  • 而正是她在阳台上的姿势给了这幅描绘非常成熟妇女的肖像具有一种广阔和谐的情趣。
    But it is her position on a balcony that gives this picture of a superbly mature woman a sense of cosmic drama.
  • 他们可以在盆里种花后放在临街的阳台上,或在窗台上放一些小盒子来种药草。
    They may also grow flowers in containers on a balcony high above the street or grow herbs in little boxes in a window.
  • 光滑的鞋底在结冰的路面上打滑;突对旅游产生了浓厚的兴趣
    Bald treads that couldn't bite the icy road; bitten by a sudden desire to travel.
  • 而,尽管很少有人责怪巴厘岛,但这并不能把害怕再次遭袭的游客重新拉回巴厘岛。
    But while few people blame Bali for the tragedy, that view has yet to bring back tourists haunted by fear of more attacks.
  • 而,连串爆炸事件过后在马尼拉、三宝颜和峇厘岛发生,它们很可能是回教祈祷团所干。
    Singapore captured those men, but since then bombs have gone off in Manila, Zamboanga and Bali most likely perpetrated by the same group.
  • 世界自保护基金会(wwf)科学家卡拉斯·特尔在巴厘岛成立了的一个海龟保护组织,“在过去的50-60年里,海龟的数量骤减少”,他说:“很难列出具体数字,但80%尚趋保守”。
    “There have been massively significant drops in the past 50 to 60 years,” says Klaas Teule, a scientist with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), which runs a turtle conservation prject in Bali. “it's hard to put an exact figure on it, but 80% would be on the conservative side.”
  • 他默默念着咒语,后举起手。
    he whispered a spell as he moved his hands; inscribed around its base is a charm in Balinese.
  • 而以相同形状和材料制造的一架f-117战斗机却于1999年在巴尔干半岛上空被击落。
    However, in 1999,an F-117,which also has a stealthy shape and materials, was blasted out of the sky over the Balkans.
  • 一个自优雅的芭蕾舞演员
    A lithe ballet dancer.
  • 后全体会员通过秘密投票从中选出获奖者。
    From among these nominees all academy members select the winners by secret ballot.
  • 中国的选举不受金钱的左右,由选民自由地讨论、协商,推举出他们信任的候选人,后进行无记名投票,实行差额选举。
    Elections in China are not controlled by money, and candidates trusted by the people are elected after free consultation and discussion and by secret ballot. Multicandidate elections are practised in China.
  • 比如说,我过去也谈过,将来香港当是香港人来管理事务,这些人用普遍投票的方式来选举行吗?
    For example, as I have said before, Hong Kong's affairs will naturally be administered by Hong Kong people, but will it do for the administrators to be elected by a general ballot?
  • 黛安娜对于拜尔马洛的众王族感到有些害怕,可她十分明智没有前往城堡。
    Although she was intimidated by the crowd at Balmoral, Diana was wise enough not to stay in the castle itself.
  • 含油树脂一种天的油和从各种植物如松树和胶杉中提炼出来的树脂的混合物
    A naturally occurring mixture of an oil and a resin extracted from various plants, such as pine or balsam fir.
  • 而,贝尼特斯和他的同行、巴尔的摩太空探测科学研究所的赫苏斯·迈斯-阿佩利亚尼斯认为,200万年前至少有两颗超新星在地球附近爆炸。
    However, Bení tez and his colleague,Dr Jesús Maíz-Apellániz, of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, now believe that at least two supernovae occurred near Earth two million years ago.
  • 他指出,禁令仍有效。
    He pointed out that the ban still stands.
  • 尽管我们对工作计划存在着分歧,但我们应该联合起来与自灾害作斗争。
    We must band ourselves against natural calamities despite the disputes on the working plan.