  • 15.受当代灌溉(技术设施)之赐,农作物在原来只有仙人掌和荞属科植物才能生存的地旺盛的生长。
    15. Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sagebrush could live.
  • 连接两个转轴可以在任何向自由移动的耦合。
    coupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom of movement in all directions.
  • 末收到贵9月25日305号订单订购100块钢板的7。8万美元信用证,因装船在即,烦请速以电报开立。
    Unrcvd l.c. for usd 78,000-cove body/305 sep/25100 steel plate shag date soon pls. on by cal imdtly.
  • ”碰巧的是,卡特总统用美国南口音,重复“重要的”一词时,听起来很像是“软弱无力的”一词。这样,国王也以为双的观点是一致的。
    Now in his southern accent, the word "important" souded very much like the word "impotent", and the Shah too felt most pleased that the President should agree with him.
  • 但巴列维国王讲英文时有的音发不准。这曾导致双就一个重大问题产生了误会。有趣的是,卡特总统的英语也带有南口音,所以导致了双重误会。
    However, the Shah spoke English with an accent which led to a misunderstanding on a major question, But interestingly enough, Carter, being a southerner, also had his accent and so the misundeerstanding turned into a double one.
  • 而总统心目中的这一组织正好是“重要的”,于是,他认为双对此问题的看法一致。总统很高兴,便重复了一句说,“是的,这个组织的确是重要的。
    As it happened Carter himself thought the organization was a very important one and he felt most pleased that their opinions should "coincide", "Yes, I agree that the organization is indeed very important," he repeated to the Shah.
  • 阿格拉印度中北部城市,位于新德里东南向的朱木拿河沿岸。它曾是16世纪和17世纪蒙兀儿王朝的首都,且是国王沙·加汗在1629年其爱妻死后所建的泰姬·玛哈尔陵墓所在地。人口694,191
    A city of north-central India on the Jumna River southeast of New Delhi. It was a Mogul capital in the16th and17th centuries and is the site of the Taj Mahal, built by the emperor Shah Jahan after the death of his favorite wife in1629. Population,694, 191.
  • 在场的,只有当时美国驻伊朗的大使沙利文了解其间的奥妙,因为他清楚两位领导人对该非洲组织的真正观点,同时也知道他们语言面的缺欠和特点。
    Now of all the people present on the occasion, only the then US ambassador to Iran, Mr. Sullivan, realised that it was a "double misunderstanding" as he knew the President's and the Shah's different opinions on that African organization and he was also familiar with both men's peculiar accents.
  • 以盛产的、繁茂的式。
    in an abundant and luxuriant manner.
  • 鸟聚集在食物丰盛的地.
    Birds concentrate (in places) where food is abundant.
  • 我们就发现自己在这地,从基利翁的脊背上被放下来的。
    This is the place in which we found ourselves, once shaken from the back of Geryon.
  • 李,(内勒)哈珀生于1926美国作家。他的小说谋杀知更鸟(1960年),揭露南种族不平等,获普利策奖
    British religious leader and founder(1776) of the Shakers in America.
  • 以一种以颤抖或者摇晃为特点的式。
    in a manner characterized by trembling or shaking.
  • 新职员各面都很顺利.
    The new office staff are shaking down well.
  • 以一种不安全的摇晃的式。
    in an insecurely shaky manner.
  • 这一新法用于从页岩油里提炼出石油。
    The new process extracts oil from shale.
  • 我们双方各让多少?
    How shall we compromise?
  • 间接证明的,反证的是、属于或与间接证明法有关的,即通过表明论点对立面的不可能性或荒谬性,来证明论点的正确性
    Involving, relating to, or being the proof of a statement by the demonstration of the impossibility or absurdity of the statement's negation.
  • 有些不便之处几乎是没有办法避免的,而且如果希望一点不便也没有给对造成,则通常会被认为是在佯装。
    Some inconvenience is almost inevitable,and the hope that no inconvenience whatever has been caused is usually recognized for the sham that it is.
  • 以恶劣的、不体面的式。
    in a wicked and shameful manner.
  • 用于修饰或说明一种法或过程,从抽象的最低层开始,向着最高层一步一步去实现。
    Pertaining to a method or procedure that starts at the lowest level of abstraction and proceeds towards the highest level.
  • 至于利润分成,我们打算给贵40%的份额,这对贵是够公平的了。
    As for the profit sharing, we shall give you a share of 40%, which is fair enough to you.
  • 分层次的链路共享允许多个代理、协议组或流量类型以一种受控的式在一个链路上共享带宽。
    Hierarchial link-sharing allows multiple agencies, protocol families or traffic types to share bandwidth on a link in a controlled fashion.
  • 如果你认为某家公司的股价会上涨,一个谋利的法就是吸购有关股票;
    If you think that the share price of a company is going to rise, one way to profit from this is to buy its shares.
  • 另一个式是购买沽出期权,其转换价相等于目前的股价。
    One way is to sell short its shares. The other is to buy a put with an exercise price equal to the current share price.
  • 在这些领域里,我们可以相互学习的地很多。我们殷切希望从你们的探索精神中获益。两国之间相互学习是最近才有的事,很多这类活动只有五年的历史。
    We have much to share in these fields, and we are eager to benefit from your curiosity. Much of this sharing is recent, only 5 years old.
  • 无线网络比传统的有线网络便省钱,然而随着越来越多的机构采用无线网络让员工共享电脑资料,无意中也加大了与外来者分享资料的危险。
    As more organisations turn to wireless networks -- more convenient and sometimes cheaper than conventional wired networks -- to share computer data among employees, they are putting themselves at greater risk of inadvertently sharing it with outsiders too.
  • 如果你要在公司股价下跌中赚取利润,一个式是卖空股票。
    What about the situation where you want to profit from a possible fall in the share price of a company? One way is to sell short its shares.
  • 一种编制成形或带状的毯子;有时被用作围巾。
    a blanket knitted or crocheted in strips or squares; sometimes used as a shawl.
  • 她服饰典雅,穿着一条镶满花边的细纱长裙,肩上披一块印度巾,四角全是金镶边和丝绣的花朵,戴着一顶意大利草帽,还戴着一只手镯,那是当时刚刚时行的一种粗金链子。
    She was elegantly dressed; she wore a muslin dress with full panels, a square Indian shawl embroidered at the corners with gold thread and silk flowers, a Leghorn straw hat and a single bracelet, one of those thick gold chains which were then just beginning to be fashionable.
  • 最大张力的向是逐渐趋进于切线的向。
    the direction of maximum tension moves asymptotically toward the direction of the shear.
  • 结婚好比一把大剪力,连在一块儿分不开来;虽然时时朝相反的向动,但对走进其间的人,则常常会加以惩罚。
    Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes between them.