  • 他说马可斯人伊美黛“崇尚豪华阔绰的生活。
    He says that Imelda "had a penchant for luxury and opulence.
  • 四月里森林中野生的银莲花,黎明时分最后一趟满载夜草的车行进在小路上,那时你简直辩认不出马的身影,农们正赶着它驶向农庄。然而最微妙莫测、沁人肺腑,动人心弦的还是秋日黄昏时分袅袅升起的柴烟的气味。远在几万年前,当我们的祖先作为游牧民还游历在欧洲大陆的森林和原野的时候,当他们带着一天收获来的草料回家的时候,他们肯定都看到过那木柴的清烟。
    The wild anemones in the woods in April, the last load at night of hay being drawn down a lane as the twilight com es on, when you can scarcely distinguish the figures of the horses as they take it home to the farm, and above all, most subtle, most penetrating and most movin g, the smell of wood smoke coming up in an autumn evening, that wood smoke that our ancestors, tens of thousands of years ago, must have caught on the air when they were coming home with the results of the day's forage, when they were still namads, and they were still roaming the forests and the plains of the continent of Europe.
  • 威洛格罗美国宾夕法尼亚东南部的一个社区,是费城的工业近郊。人口16,325
    A community of southeast Pennsylvania, an industrial suburb of Philadelphia. Population,16, 325.
  • 那农把干辣椒串起一串,挂在墙上。
    The farmer strung the dry peppers together and hung on the wall.
  • 一天有个年高德劭的佛教祭司拜访了这个波斯农,该祭司算得上东方的一位贤明之士。
    One day there visited that old Persian farmer, one of these ancient Buddhist priests, one of the wise men of the East.
  • 这些对妇有着截然不同的性格,但是他们这段时间以来,同实验刚开始的时候相比在感情上更为融洽了。
    The couples maintained distinct personalities, but they were more closely attuned emotionally than they had been at the start of the study, the researchers found.
  • 如同人一样,道路也有自己的个性--在某些特定时刻也取决于我们如何去看待和感受,我丈冉迪这样跟我说的。
    Roads are like people;they have personalities -- colored by how we see and feel about them at particular times.My husband taught me this about roads.
  • 娜蒂契达趁着到国外旅行空出她自己的住房之际,邀请柴可斯基在她外出期间住到这里来,翻阅她的书籍,参观她的藏画,好让她回来时能在隐隐之中到处感觉到他的存在。
    When Nadyezhda vacated her own home for a trip abroad she asked Tschaikovsky to visit it in her absence, to go over the books and to inspect her paintings, so that when s he re turned she world feel the atmosphere pervaded by his personality.
  • 玛丽在她丈死了10年后仍为他悲伤。
    Mary still mourns over her husband ten years after his death.
  • 自爱子遇难后,伤心欲绝的卡祖萨达妇食不下咽,也拒绝会见任何人。直到今年二月份,卡祖萨达建议妻子明鲤炭山和他一起去观看世界杯比赛,因为这是儿子生前盼望以久的事情。
    In February this year, following long days of grieving when they were unable to eat or meet people, Kazusada suggested to Mari that she attend the World Cup match their son had looked forward to so much, the Yomiuri said.
  • 琼斯是一个顽固的传统主义者,他从不愿使用任何新式的农药。
    Farmer Jones was a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist; he would never use any modern pesticides.
  • 奇怪的是他特别喜欢希刺克厉,相信他所说的一切(关于说话,他其实难得开口,要说就总说实话),而爱他远胜过爱凯蒂,凯蒂可是太调皮、太不规矩,够不上充当宠儿。
    He took to Heathcliff strangely, believing all he said (for that matter, he said precious little, and generally the truth), and petting him up far above Cathy, who was too mischievous and wayward for a favourite.
  • 他说他父亲几年前去世了,他想知道,汤普森人是否愿意参加婚礼并在教堂中坐在新郎母亲的位置上。
    He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering... well, if Mrs.Thompson might agree to sit in the pew usually reserved for the mother of the groom.
  • 她的丈没有取得博士学位
    Her husband didn't get a Ph.D degree.
  • 克纳是费城一家煤厂里的推销员,多年来他一直想把厂里的煤,卖给一家联营百货公司,可是那家公司始终不买他的煤,依旧向市郊一家煤洽购买。更使他捺不下这股气的是————每次运送煤时,又正好经过他办公室的门前。
    C. M. Knaphle, Jr., of Philadelphia had tried for years to sell fuel to a large chain-store organization. But the chain-store company continued to purchase its fuel from an out-of-town dealer and haul it right past the door of Knaphle’s office.
  • 她有过妹妹,嫁给了她爸爸的书记腓力普,妹接下来就承继了她爸爸的行业;她还有兄弟,住在伦敦,生意做得很得法。
    She had a sister married to a Mr. Phillips, who had been a clerk to their father, and succeeded him in the business, and a brother settled in London in a respectable line of trade.
  • 希刺克厉和他的仆人迈着烦躁的懒洋洋的脚步,爬上了地窖的梯阶:我认为他们走得并不比平常快一秒钟,虽然炉边已经给撕咬和狂吠闹得大乱。
    Mr Heathcliff and his man climbed the cellar steps with vexatious phlegm: I don't think they moved one second faster than usual, though the hearth was an absolute tempest of worrying and yelping.
  • 随时可取用的啤酒;随时待命的大
    Beer on tap; a physician on call.
  • (这是邓小平同志会见美籍华裔学者李政道教授妇和意大利学者齐吉基教授妇时的谈话。)
    (A talk with the Chinese-American physicist and Nobel Prize winner Tsung-Dao Lee and the Italian physicist Antonino Zichichi and their wives.)
  • 基尔霍,古斯塔·罗伯特1824-1887德国物理学家,以他对光谱分析,光学,和电学的研究著名
    German physicist noted for his research in spectrum analysis, optics, and electricity.
  • 保利,乌冈1900-1958奥地利裔美国物理学家,因其在核裂变研究上的贡献而获1945年度诺贝尔奖
    Austrian-born American physicist. He won a1945 Nobel Prize for work on atomic fissions.
  • 朗道,莱·达维多维奇1908-1968原苏联物理学家。因为他在低温物理学上的贡献,获得了1962年诺贝尔奖
    Soviet physicist. He won a1962 Nobel Prize for his contributions to low-temperature physics.
  • 皮特先生高尔球打得不好。
    Mr. Pi Te golf beats not good.
  • 皮特先生和人将在那里吗?
    Will Mr. Pi Te and wife be there?
  • :这时,王丽萍的前面还有意大利选手皮罗尼和澳大利亚选手萨维尔。
    Jeff: At this time, ahead of Wang Lipingwere Italian athlete Pi-loni and the Australian athlete Sawil.
  • 在两三个窗户的后边就有一对妻,每天晚上像鸽子那样地回到他们的鸽笼里去睡觉;
    Behind every two or three windows, a couple go to bed every night like pigeons returning to their pigeonholes;
  • 自从那次她与前不愉快的会面之后,他所说的威胁的话就一直萦绕在她的脑际。
    His threatening words have been piling in on her since that unpleasant meeting with her former husband.
  • 4月1日,我丈王伟驾驶的飞机被你们的海军侦察机撞毁坠海,他跳伞后至今下落不明。
    On April 1,the fighter jet my husband was piloting was rammed by a spy plane of your country,and plunged into the sea.My husband has been missing ever since he parachuted into the sea.
  • 昨天我给丈买了一支领带别针。
    I bought a tie pin for my husband yesterday.
  • 杰夫:对对对!
    Wang Ping: Yes! Yes!
  • 王平:让杰夫回答。
    Wang Ping: Let Jeff answer.
  • 杰夫:王平,你好!
    Jeff: Wang Ping, how are you!