  • 在纽约,有一家叫做雅克托里斯的巧克力公司。公司老板以前是lecirque2000饭店的甜品师。他的店里有一款叫威克德的热巧克力最出
    At Jacques Torres Chocolates, the New York company owned by the former pastry chef at the restaurant Le Cirque 2000, the big seller is Wicked Hot Chocolate.
  • 拿bodyshop(宝蒂店)来说吧,有一记者近日指责该公司在美容产品的测试上缺乏整体性,该公司公开利用其公司品牌求助于公众,在公众的心目中它已同关系到动物权利的道德标准息息相关。
    Consider the Body Shop.When a journalist recently accused the company of lacking integrity in its testing of beauty products,the company overtly appealed to the public by citing its corporate brand,which was firmly associated in People's minds with strong ethical standards concerning animal rights.
  • 光荣的中国公民应当珍惜自己的公民权利。
    An honorable Chinese citizen should bejealous of his own rights.
  • 外国人被准许获得公民身份的过程。
    the proceeding whereby a foreigner is granted citizenship.
  • 这个城市的公园以其华丽的喷泉而著
    The parks of this city are famous for their ornate fountains.
  • 消防处各级人员的编制人数共有8592,其中7847为纪律人员,745为文职人员。
    The department's establishment of 8592 staff comprised 7847 uniformed and 745 civilian members.
  • 文职人员方面,有63一般职系人员和42部门职系人员获晋升。
    Within the civilian grades, 63 general grade and 42 departmental grade officers were promoted.
  • 除此之外还注意到一些穿戴比较新潮、比较另类的青年人常常不守公德,吐痰、扔纸、抢先等现象都有看到,稍损闻全球的岛国文明形象。
    Besides, I also noticed youths who are dressed more fashionably, or who sport alternative styles, pay scant regard to public civility by spitting, littering and cutting queues. They tarnish the world-renowned image of Singapore as a civilized place.
  • 我现在是士兵;在此之前,我在一家工厂工作。
    I'm a soldier now but when I was in civvy street I worked in a factory.
  • 誉不切实际的欲望
    A fragile claim to fame.
  • 仲裁处对涉及不多于十申索人,以及每申索人的申索款额不超过8,000元的雇佣申索,进行聆讯和作出判决。
    The board hears and determines employment claims involving not more than 10 claimants for a sum of money not exceeding $8,000 per claimant.
  • 这些阴谋家,在西班牙问题上,在中国问题上,在奥地利和捷克的问题上,不但并无丝毫制止侵略的意思,而且相反,纵容侵略,挑拨战争,使人为鹬蚌,己为渔人,美其曰“不干涉”,实则是“坐山观虎斗”。
    These crafty politicians were not the least bit interested in checking aggression against Spain, against China, or against Austria and Czechoslovakia; on the contrary, they connived at aggression and instigated war, playing the proverbial role of the fisherman who set the snipe and clam at each other and then took advantage of both. They euphemistically described their actions as "non-intervention", but what they actually did was to "sit on top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight".
  • 如果你是一宗乡会馆领袖的话,你或许必须使用华语及英语来引进新血。
    If you are a leader of a clan association, you might have to use Mandarin and also Englishto draw new blood.
  • 如果你是一宗乡会馆领袖的话,你或许必须使用华语及英语来引进新血。
    If you are a leader of a clan association, you might have to use Mandarin and also English to draw new blood.
  • 以其崎岖不平的美景闻的苏格兰北部的丘陵地区。
    the Highlands are a mountainous region of northern Scotland famous for its rugged beauty; known for the style of dress (the kilt and tartan) and the clan system (now in disuse).
  • 该中心组建于1986年,用来协调美国挫败海外恐怖分子的工作。其人手自"9·11"事件以来已经增加了一倍,现有1100多分析人员和密探。
    Organized in1986to coordinate America's effort to foil terrorists overseas,the center has doubled its manpower since the Sept.11attacks to more than1,100analysts and clandestine agents.
  • 每天下午5点钟,中情局局长乔治·特尼特把40来自反恐中心、中情局情报司和行动司的高级官员召集到他7层办公室外面的会议室,仔细询问当天的恐怖活动情报。
    Every afternoon at5,CIA Director George Tenet summons40senior officers from the CTC,the agency's Intelligence Directorate and its clandestine Operations Directorate to the conference room just off his seventh-floor office for a grilling on the day's terrorism intelligence.
  • 顺利考取功的读书人,还能光宗耀祖。
    Those who excelled would bring prestige and honour to their families and clansmen.
  • 有些人批评克林顿的做法是“对所有黑人的污辱。”另一些人说布什总统在支持托马斯争取最高法院提时,表现了更大的魄力。
    Some criticized Clinton's move as"a slap in the face of the black community."Others said President Bush showed more guts when he stuck with Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court nomination fight.
  • 有些人批评克林顿的做法是“对所有黑人的污辱。”另一些人说布什总统在支持托马斯争取最高法院提时,表现了更大的魄力。
    Some criticized Clinton's move as "a slap in the face of the black community."Others said President Bush showed more guts when he stuck with Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court nomination fight.
  • 在那里,她的演艺事业也有了一些亮点,比如因在处女作《海岸风波》中的卓越表现而获得克拉伦斯·德文特最佳新人表演奖和托尼奖提,但贝宁是在纽约奋斗了五年之后,才终于在电影界崭露头角。
    Her career in New York had its auspicious[5] moments, such as winning a Tony Award nomination and a Clarence Derwent Award for Outstanding Debut Performance for her performance in Coastal Disturbances, but Bening endured a five-year struggle before breaking into film.
  • 他们以无记方式,评估我在授课时的思路清晰程度、课堂组织能力以及知识层次的高低。
    They got to grade me anonymously,assessing the clarity of my thinking,my organizational skills and the depth of my knowledge.
  • 那两个佣人在克拉克先生的遗嘱上签作证。
    The two servants witnessed Mr. Clark's will.
  • 我们仍然可以从其了不起的正确角度来看待他那著的与宗教法庭的冲突。
    We can see even his famous clash with the Inquisition in something like its proper perspective.
  • c++的类(即java类的基础)嵌套使用类里的函数,使其不至于同其他类里的嵌套函数冲突。
    C++ classes (on which Java classes are based) nest functions within classes so they cannot clash with function names nested within other classes.
  • 韩相淳是一个未婚妈妈庇护所(叫阿然宛)的负责人,她说:"我们现在正在目睹韩国社会价值观的冲突,堕胎就是它的后果。
    "We are seeing a clash of values in Korean society," says Han Sang-soon,, director of Aeranwon, a shelter for unwed mothers. "Abortion is the result."
  • 她在她们班排名第一
    She topped her class.
  • 狄更斯的《双城记》是文学著。
    Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities is a literary classic.
  • 她女儿特别喜欢读英国古典文学著。
    Her daughter is particulary likes reading the classics of English literature.
  • 一些古代著未装订的手稿。
    an unbound manuscript of some ancient classic.
  • 我认为这本著在翻译过程中变得不很吸引人了。
    I think the classic loses in translation.
  • 这本书是英国古典文学著。
    This book is one of the classics of English literature.