  • 曾于2000年在北京和上海举办了为时9天的系篮球培训的达拉斯小牛队教练唐·尼尔森这样讲道,"王治郅是一位年轻的、颇有天赋的篮球运动员。
    “ Wang Zhizhi is a young basketball player with great talent,” says Mavericks' head coach Don Nelson,who spent nine days in Beijing and Shanghai in 2000 carrying out a series of basketball clinics.
  • 载着恐怖分子和人质的火车,停在一个空旷地带对面200码外的地方。双方准备进行长时间的心理战。
    The railways carriages containing terrorists and hostages were two hundred yards away across an open field. Both sides prepared for a long drawn-out battle of nerves.
  • 请问下一趟到伦敦的车几点发车?
    When is the nest train to London, please?
  • 荷属安的斯群岛中的一个岛屿,是一个死火山的山顶。
    a island in the Netherlands Antilles that is the top of an extinct volcano.
  • 歌舞表演夜总会提供的一系娱乐活动
    A series of entertainments presented in a nightclub.
  • 一系的夜总会、展示厅和度假地,演员在各地方轮回表演
    A group of nightclubs, show halls, or resorts at which entertainers appear in turn.
  • 以色以西的一个古代帝国;位于尼罗河中部,由法老统治;基督教的《旧约全书》记述了它的很多事件。
    an ancient empire west of Israel; centered on the Nile River and ruled by a Pharaoh; figured in many events described in the Old Testament.
  • 第九个在一个集合或序中的第九个
    The ninth in a set or sequence.
  • 二零零零年,按商品贸易价值计算,香港在全球贸易强中排行第九位。
    In 2000, Hong Kong was the world's ninth-largest trading entity in terms of value of merchandise trade.
  • 一九九八年内,按商品贸易价值计算,香港在全球贸易强中排行第九位。
    In 1998, Hong Kong was the world's ninth largest trading entity in terms of value of merchandise trade.
  • 我的手指给车的门挟到了。
    I nipped my fingers in a train door.
  • 请取消我方18日的订单,并以下代替。
    Rest unclogs our 18th n substitute af.
  • 轮生体一个节上三个或多个叶子、花瓣或其它器官的排
    An arrangement of three or more leaves, petals, or other organs radiating from a single node.
  • 机器零件的急促的一系的声响。
    the rapid series of noises made by the parts of a machine.
  • 一系急剧而重复的敲击声或叩击声(如打鼓声或敲门声)。
    a series of short sharp noises (as made by strokes on a drum or knocks on a door).
  • 这是一列直达快车。
    It's a non-stop train.
  • 隐没在维多利亚市市区以外毫无特征的工业公园里的、隶属不颠哥伦比亚省的赛尔福有限公司在此有两幢几乎没有窗户的水泥建成的大楼,两幢楼的大门紧紧关闭着,是装运站台上才见得着的那种货仓大门。
    Tucked within a nondescript industrial park outside Victoria, British Columbia , CeilFor Inc. occupies two almost windowless Cement-block buildings with shuttered loading-dock doors.
  • 你对工作的要求可以按你所喜欢的工作性质出:是公司还是非营利性机构,是内部机构还是驻外办事处;也可以你喜欢的工作气氛为依据:是小机构还是大公司,是偏重于新闻媒介关系、企业认知广告还是交流性事务。
    Your prospect list can be made up by types of employers you prefer, corporate versus nonprofit, in-house versus outside agency, or on the basic of the kind of work atmosphere you prefer, small organization or large, heavy on news media relations, identity advertising, or community affairs.
  • 车员:早饭是面条或牛奶、面包。
    Noodles or milk and break for breakfast.
  • 例如,如果我们看一下人均摊款,就会发现名榜首的会费缴纳国中有三个较小的国家和四个北欧国家。
    If we look at per capita contributions, for example, we see three smaller countries and four Nordic States among the top contributors.
  • 据英国学者萨姆·牛顿1993年的研究结果认为,《贝奥武甫》是11世纪时英国人根据5世纪和6世纪一系口头传诵而流传下来的北欧民谣,用书面语的形式编写而成。
    According to the result of British scholar Sam Newton's research (1993), Beowulf was written by anonymous Anglo-Saxon authors in the 11th century on the basis of Nordic ballads passed down orally from the 5th and 6th centuries.
  • 北向的小路;我们乘北行的车;北行的车流。
    the northbound lane; we took the north train; the northward flow of traffic.
  • 汽车小心缓慢地驶进车辆的行
    The car nosed out into the traffic.
  • 省略号在记谱中表示一系被重复音符的记号
    Any of various symbols used in notation to indicate that a series of notes is to be repeated.
  • 大力提高竞技体育水平,造就一批国家级优秀教练员和科研人员,培养一批具有国际水准的优势运动项目群体和竞技运动拔尖人才,力争北京竞技体育总体水平位居全国前,力争北京运动员获得奥运金牌总数有新的较大的突破,综合实力明显增强,使北京竞技体育在展示城市形象,和市民精神风貌方面发挥重要作用。
    Make great efforts to raise the level of the competition sports, bring up a number of national outstanding coaches and scientific research personnel, train outstanding groups and top-notch athletes in a number of sports and events with good winning chances at world class tournaments, strive to rank Beijing’ overall competition sports level among the top places in the country, strive to ensure that Beijing’s athletes will win more Olympic gold medals than ever before and its overall sports strength will increase notably so that Beijing’s competition sports will play an important role in displaying the city’s image and the citizen’s mental outlook.
  • 在这些优点中,有许多是共同的,最显著的有下三点:
    Among them,many of them are common,there are three features which are most noteworthy:
  • 在这些优点中,有许多是共同的,最显著的有下三点:
    They have cited various outstanding qualities of the nominated teachers, among them, there are several common features which are most noteworthy:
  • 评论家把他为第一流的小说家。
    The critics acclaimed him as a novelist of the first water.
  • 在赛跑中拾起一系排好的土豆或其他小物件的赛跑,每次只准拾一个。
    a novelty race in which competitors move potatoes from one place to another one at a time.
  • 现寄上部分新奇杂货,并在随附的报价单中出了最低价格。
    We send you herewith some novelty in fancy goods, which we offer you at the lowest price named in our price- list enclosed.
  •  第二十四条申请专利的发明创造在申请日以前六个月内,有下情形之一的,不丧失新颖性:
    Article 24. An invention-creation for which a patent is applied for does not lose its novelty where, within six months before the date of filing, one of the following events occurred:
  • 例如,atc的初学者在pvd只上看见12个数据块,但是很难搞清楚空中交通的具体情况,而有经验的管制员则看到的是以不同目的地排的三组航空器,每组是4架。
    The idea is that, for example, where novices to ATC may see 12 data blocks on the PVD and find it difficult to make sense of the traffic, the experienced controller sees three groups of four aircraft sequenced in trail to various destinations.