  • 垂直数据析(vda)动态识别一个包中不同的协议段。
    VDA dynamically identifies different protocol segments in a packet.
  • 不以由关节连在一起的部组成。
    not consisting of segments that are held together by joints.
  • (动物学)有不能再割的身体。
    (zoology) having a body that is not divided into segments.
  • 脊椎状构造,结构严密象脊骨结构的环节割;脊椎的构造
    Division into segments like those of the spinal column; vertebral formation.
  • (语言学)开、组合成言语片段或是孤立语音。
    (linguistics) divided or organized into speech segments or isolable speech sounds.
  • 由两部组成的由两个部组成的,如某些昆虫的跗节
    Consisting of two parts or segments, as the tarsus in certain insects.
  • 属于或关于环节动物身体一部
    of or relating to one of the body segments of jointed animals.
  • 一种深齿叶片的蹄盖蕨;布与落基山脉。
    a lady fern with deeply cut leaf segments; found in the Rocky Mountains.
  • 地星属的模式属;真菌的包被当干裂时裂成像星星一样的部
    type genus of Geastraceae; fungi whose outer peridium when dry splits into starlike segments.
  • 一般而言,vlan是用来把大的第2层局域网解成小一些的网段。
    In general, a VLAN is used to break up large Layer 2 LANs into smaller segments.
  • (动物学)身体成若干连续的体节或部,如蚯蚓或龙虾。
    (zoology) having the body divided into successive metameres or segments, as in earthworms or lobsters.
  • 体节环节动物身体的一节或一部,如节肢动物
    One of the segments or divisions in the body of a jointed animal, such as an arthropod.
  • 驱动程序的这两个部是通过一个报文传送系统进行通信的,它是一种基于netframe公司开发的技术。
    The two segments of the driver communicate via a message-passing system based on technology developed by NetFRAME.
  • 围绕使得商业实体能在不同的组成部之间描述关联关系的设计目标是为了满足大型商业实体为在uddi中描述数据的需要,使得他们在uddi注册中心中能以多个组成部的形式来实施注册。
    The design goals around allowing businesses to describe relationship between different parts involved accommodating the needs of larger businesses to express their UDDI data in more than one part.
  • 在相等部线或转移尺寸像罗盘的起草工具。
    a drafting instrument resembling a compass that is used for dividing lines into equal segments or for transferring measurements.
  • vda以“半动态”的方式把段开,用基本规则和对某些协议的理解对vda编程。
    Separating segments in a "semidynamic" manner, VDA is programmed with basic rules and with understanding of some protocols.
  • 描写人口(或按照年龄、性别、收入类的人口段)的统计量。
    a statistic characterizing human populations (or segments of human populations broken down by age or sex or income etc.).
  • 鉴于银行致力推广个人贷款方面的部环节,年内信用卡贷款大幅增加。
    Credit card advances increased significantly during the year as a result of banks' promotion efforts on some personal segments.
  • 开或者使退隐的行动。
    the act of segregating or sequestering.
  • 根据指定的标准将物品为不同的组。
    an operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion.
  • 这所学校里的男女学生是隔开的。
    Boys and girls are segregated in this school.
  • 不是开的;指定适合于所有的种族或者团体。
    not segregated; designated as available to all races or groups.
  • 必须把体育场中这两部球迷隔开。
    The two groups of fans must be segregated in the stadium.
  • 建立了对银行业、证券业、保险业的业经营、业监管的管理体制。
    The mechanism of segregated operation and augmented supervision to banking, securities and insurance business and has been put in place.
  • 因此,我们的社会不是一个日益化的社会。相反的,我们的社会是一个越来越团结的社会。
    So it is not a society which is becoming more and more segregated, it is a society which is actually becoming more and more unified.
  • 其实开始的时候,我们的学校在相当大的程度上是互相化和隔离的,因为很多华人报读华校,马来族学童在马来学校受教育,英校则是为人口中的少数而开设的。
    In fact, our starting point was schools, which were very substantially differentiated and segregated, because many of the Chinese were in Chinese schools, many of the Malay children were in Malay schools, and the English schools catered to a minority of the population.
  • 钟后,我收到一个令我感到安慰的电邮:“没问题,你可以按照原定计划进行。
    Half a minute later, however, a more accommodating e-mail message reads: "It's OK, you can proceed.
  • 大学城在塞纳河左岸,从小塔一直延伸到纳勒塔,这两个点别相当于今日巴黎的酒市场和铸币坊。
    The University covered the left bank of the Seine, from the Tournelle to the Tour de Nesle, points which correspond in the Paris of to-day,the one to the wine market, the other to the mint.
  • 河岸其他部,或者如过了贝尔纳丹修道院都是光秃秃的河滩,或者如两座桥梁中间都是些屋基浸在河里的重重叠叠的民舍。
    The rest of the bank of the Seine was now a naked strand, the same as beyond the Bernardins; again, a throng of houses, standing with their feet in the water, as between the two bridges.
  • 不过,第一眼便可看出,这三大部还是形成一个整体的,只见两条平行的长街,不断延展,毫无阻碍,几乎一溜笔直,从南向北,正好与塞纳河垂直,一起贯穿三城,加以连接,加以混合,把这一座城市的人流不停地注入、倾入和移入另一城内,由此三城合而为一。
    Nevertheless,at first sight, one recognized the fact that these three fragments formed but one body. One immediately perceived three long parallel streets, unbroken, undisturbed, traversing, almost in a straight line, all three cities, from one end to the other;from North to South, perpendicularly, to the Seine, which bound them together, mingled them, infused them in each other, poured and transfused the people incessantly, from one to the other, and made one out of the three.
  • 抓住宝贵的每一钟。
    Seize each golden minute.
  • 法律上逮捕,搜索,或查封的充证据。
    (in law) evidence sufficient to warrant an arrest or search and seizure.