Chinese English Sentence:
  • 协的领导成分,一般适用贫雇占三分之二、中占三分之一的原则,并须防止流氓、坏人篡夺领导,使正派忠诚的劳动民当权。
    In general, peasant association leadership should be composed of two-thirds poor peasants and farm labourers and one-third middle peasants. We should prevent hooligans and scoundrels from usurping leadership and see that honest, faithful working peasants hold power.
  • 现在国民党新军阀的统治,依然是城市买办阶级和乡村豪绅阶级的统治,对外投降帝国主义,对内以新军阀代替旧军阀,对工阶级的经济的剥削和政治的压迫比从前更加厉害。从广东出发的资产阶级民主革命,到半路被买办豪绅阶级篡夺了领导权,立即转向反革命路上,全国工平民以至资产阶级⑴,依然在反革命统治底下,没有得到丝毫政治上经济上的解放。
    The present regime of the new warlords of the Kuomintang remains a regime of the comprador class in the cities and the landlord class in the countryside; it is a regime which has capitulated to imperialism in its foreign relations and which at home has replaced the old warlords with new ones, subjecting the working class and the peasantry to an even more ruthless economic exploitation and political oppression The bourgeois-democratic revolution which started in Kwangtung Province had gone only halfway when the comprador and landlord classes usurped the leadership and immediately shifted it on to the road of counter-revolution; throughout the country the workers, the peasants, the other sections of the common people, and even the bourgeoisie,[1] have remained under counter-revolutionary rule and obtained not the slightest particle of political or economic emancipation.
  •  奴成年累月地辛勤劳动,却连温饱也得不到保障,经常要靠借高利贷勉强糊口。
    The serfs engaged in hard labor year in and year out and yet had no guaranteed food or clothing. Often they had to rely on money borrowed at usury to keep body and soul together.
  • 我党对党内对人民所施行的教育,也是包括这两方面性质的教育,就是教导无产阶级、民阶级和其他小资产阶级如何和资产阶级地主阶级的各个不同的阶层在各种不同的形式上联合抗日,又和他们的各种不同程度的妥协性、动摇性、反共性作各种不同程度的斗争。
    The education which our Party conducts among its own members and the people in general likewise embraces both these aspects, that is, it teaches the proletariat and the peasantry and other sections of the petty bourgeoisie how to unite, in different ways, with the different strata of the bourgeoisie and the landlord class for resistance to Japan, and at the same time how to conduct struggles against them in varying degrees according to the varying degrees in which they compromise, vacillate and are anti-Communist.
  • 民族资产阶级、乡村富和小地主们的动摇以至参加抗日斗争的可能性,前面已经说过了。
    We have already dealt with the vacillation of the national bourgeoisie, the rich peasants and small landlords and the possibility that they may actually participate in the anti-Japanese struggle.
  • 有一种“强告化”又叫“流民”者,平素非常之凶,现在亦只得屈服于会之下。
    The "beggar-bullies" or "vagabonds" who used to be extremely aggressive now have no alternative but to submit to the peasant associations.
  • 好些中小地主、富乃至中,从前反对会的,此刻求入会不可得。
    Many middle and small landlords and rich peasants and even some middle peasants, who were all formerly opposed to the peasant associations, are now vainly seeking admission.
  • 总括而言,最常见的作物是叶菜和高价鲜花,生产总值约为4.43亿元。
    Overall, the most common food and non-food crops cultivated are leafy vegetables and high-value cut flowers. Production was valued at about $443 million.
  • 民来说,野兔是一种害兽,因为它吃幼嫩的作物。
    To a farmer a rabbit is vermin because it eats young plants.
  • 她在这里的场上当兽医当了很多年。
    She vetted for the farms in the area for many years.
  • 一种主要为兽医用的化合物,用于除去场牲畜体内的寄生虫。
    a compound used primarily in veterinary medicine to rid farm animals of internal parasites.
  • 此外,当局亦就场如何适当使用业和兽医用化学物的问题,为民提供额外训练。
    Additional training was provided to farmers on the proper use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals on farms.
  • 为确保食物安全,当局实施新规例,管制以业和兽医用化学物(包括盐酸克仑特罗)喂饲食用动物的做法;自愿应用于猪、牛、羊的辨认制度,亦已凭藉该新规例确立法律效力。
    To ensure food safety, a new regulation to control the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals (including clenbuterol) in food animals and to formalise the voluntary identification system for pigs, cattle and goats destined for market was introduced.
  • 第四十六条 国家采取税收、信贷等手段鼓励和扶持用生产资料工业的发展,适应业生产对化肥、药、兽药、用薄膜和业机械等业生产资料的需求。
    Article 46 The State shall, by such means as taxation, credit and loan, encourage and support the development of industries of means of agricultural production, and make efforts to meet the needs of agricultural production for means of agricultural production such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, veterinary drugs, agricultural plastic films and agricultural machinery.
  • 我们在错划阶级、分浮财、杀人等问题上,都曾打到中,而尤以在军粮供应上损害中利益最大,甚至还损害到贫的利益。
    The middle peasants were victimized by all the mistakes we made in differentiating classes, distributing movable property, executing people, etc.; we encroached upon their interests very seriously in imposing grain levies on them, and we even harmed the interests of poor peasants.
  • 这肯定是在开玩笑,在维也纳音乐大厅举行的2001年新年音乐会将由尼古劳斯·哈考特指挥。
    It's surely a joke.Nikolaus Harnoncourt is to conduct the New Year's day concert at the Vienna Musikverein.
  • 不过,在哈考特方面,他却拒绝接受这种看法,即去教他的维也纳同行如何塑造华尔兹。
    For his part,Harnoncourt rejects the notion that he will be teaching his fellow Viennese how to shape a waltz.
  • 农民们被赶出村庄。
    Peasants were expelled from their village.
  • 村民们就这样骗过了国王,保护了自己的田。
    So,the villagers saved their farmland by tricking the King.
  • 的身份佃的法律地位或状态
    The legal status or condition of a villein.
  • 封建奴的合法地位。
    the legal status or condition of a villein or feudal serf.
  • 那个场主在他的场里有一个葡萄园。
    The farmer has a vineyard on his farm.
  • 民们认为这场暴风雨是上帝对人们的惩罚。
    The peasants thought that the storm was a visitation.
  • 第七条 国家依靠科学技术进步和发展教育振兴业。
    Article 7 The State shall vitalize agriculture by relying on the progress of science and technology and on the development of education.
  • 这次会议生动地说明民有丰富的知识。
    This meeting has demonstrated vividly that the peasants have a wealth of knowledge.
  • 居住在俄罗斯欧洲部分伏尔加各省从事业的一部分人。
    a member of the agricultural people living in the central Volga provinces of European Russia.
  • 我们乘坐场的货车进城。
    We rode in the farm waggon to the town.
  • 自从提议修建新机场以来,民们一直在反对此事。
    The farmers have been warring against the building of the new airport ever since it was suggested.
  • 中国现有宜荒地3500万公顷,其中可开垦为耕地的约有1470万公顷。中国政府将在加强对现有耕地保护的同时,加快宜荒地的开发和工矿废弃地的复垦,未来几十年计划每年开发复垦30万公顷以上,以弥补同期耕地占用,保持耕地面积长期稳定。
    China now has 35 million ha of wasteland which is suitable for farming. Of this, about 14.7 million ha can be reclaimed. The Chinese government will make efforts to speed up the reclamation of wasteland suitable for farming as well as land discarded by factories and mines, while measures will be adopted to protect the existing cultivated land. In the next few decades China plans to reclaim more than 300,000 ha each year to make up for the loss of cultivated land appropriated for non-farming uses and to keep the area of cultivated land constant for a long period of time.
  • 为了支持业发展,近10年来,军队疏通河道500多条,修筑水渠、堤坝20多万公里,兴修水库上千座,开荒造田和平整土地200多万公顷,为业丰产打下了基矗
    In the past decade, to support agricultural development China's armed forces have dredged more than 500 rivers, built 200,000-odd kilometers of irrigation channels and dams and dikes, dug more than 1,000 reservoirs, and reclaimed wasteland and leveled land of over two million hectares, thus laying a foundation for bumper harvests.
  • 在国家的支持下,宁夏1989年以来在河套灌区先后完成了第一、二期业综合开发,开垦荒地4万公顷,改造中低产田10万多公顷,新增粮食生产能力近4亿公斤⑩。
    Thanks to the support of the state, since 1989 the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has completed the first and second phases of the comprehensive agricultural development in the Hetao Irrigated Area, reclaimed 40,000 ha of wasteland, and ameliorated more than 100,000 ha of medium- and low-yield fields, enabling an additional production capacity of nearly 400 million kg of grain10.
  • 中国政府将在加强对现有耕地保护的同时,加快宜荒地的开发和工矿废弃地的复垦,未来几十年计划每年开发复垦30万公顷以上,以弥补同期耕地占用,保持耕地面积长期稳定。
    The Chinese government will make efforts to speed up the reclamation of wasteland suitable for farming as well as land discarded by factories and mines, while measures will be adopted to protect the existing cultivated land. In the next few decades China plans to reclaim more than 300,000 ha each year to make up for the loss of cultivated land appropriated for non-farming uses and to keep the area of cultivated land constant for a long period of time.