  • 西区海底隧道于一九九七年启用,全长两公里,是香港第一条六线海底行车隧道。该隧道接港岛西营盘与九龙油麻地附近的西九龙填海区,一九九八年平均每日行车量达33000架次,每程收费由15元至95元不等。
    The two-kilometre Western Harbour Crossing is the first six-lane cross-harbour road tunnel in Hong Kong. Opened in 1997, it links Sai Ying Pun on Hong Kong Island and the West Kowloon Reclamation near Yau Ma Tei in Kowloon. It was used by an average of 33000 vehicles daily in 1998. Tolls ranged from $15 to $95.
  • 连皮十公斤。
    It weighs 10 kilos, including packing.
  • 阿金点头,接受了这份工作。
    Ah Kin nodded his head many times and accepted the offer.
  • 她甚至他的吻都不肯接受。
    She refused him even a kiss.
  • 他们就在那儿,像两个小孩似的,整个钟点地又接吻又胡扯——那种愚蠢的甜言蜜语我们都应该感到羞耻。
    and there they were, like two babies, kissing and talking nonsense by the hour--foolish palaver that we should be ashamed of.
  • "我们知道会是一本畅销书,可是就原作最初的销路也没有这么好。据我们的估计,我们已经卖了50万本左右。太妙了。"
    "We knew it would be a bestseller, but even the original didn't sell this well at the start. By our estimates, we've already sold somewhere in the neighborhood of500, 000 copies. It's just phenomenal."
  • 续数小时为她特别喜爱的慈善团体卖力地编织衫裤童装。
    She beavers away for hours knitting jumpers for her favourite charity.
  • 我们共同的利益把我们紧密在一起。
    Our common interests knitted us together.
  • 把两个缆绳在一块的结。
    a knot uniting the ends of two lines.
  • 网用线或绳按有规律的空隙编织或结而成的透孔织物结构
    An openwork fabric made of threads or cords that are woven or knotted together at regular intervals.
  • 我们把几床床单打结起来当绳子用才得以逃离烈焰腾腾的旅馆。
    We escaped from the burning hotel by knotting several sheets together and using them as a rope.
  • 我现在简直疑心你一个也不认识呢。”
    I rather wonder now at your knowing any."
  • 柯达故步自封,而与市场脱节并做了一串毁灭性的产品决策。
    By not interacting with outsiders, it (Kodak) lost touch with its markets and made a series of destructive product decisions.
  • 济州韩国小岛,接黄海和朝鲜海峡的通道。济州海峡将其与韩国陆地的西南海滨相隔
    An island of South Korea separated from the southwest coast of the mainland by Cheju Strait, a channel linking the Yellow Sea and Korea Strait.
  • 我们讲落实政策,不仅要解决戴上帽子的那些人的问题,而且要解决他们周围受到牵的人的问题。
    When I say that we must implement the policy concerning these people, I am not talking only about the individuals who were labelled this or that, but also about the people around them who have been implicated.
  • 阳光照在结冰的树上,真宛如美妙的丝带蜘蛛网从一树到另一树。
    The sunlight on the icy branches made, as it were, delicate lacy cobwebs from tree to tree.
  • 连老太太也出来了。
    Even the old ladies came out.
  • 它从贮钢包的底部续流出。
    It's tap continuously from the base of the receiving ladle.
  • 美国总统在第2任期的最后一年,不能再竞选任了。
    In the last year of their second terms, American presidents are lame ducks.
  • 例如,你把文档下载到便携机,它不与网络接,你仍能有效地用此文档。
    For example, if you down-load the document to a laptop, you can use it effectively while not connected to the network.
  • 杓状软骨位于喉背部的两块小的瓶状软骨的任何一块,声带与其相
    Either of two small pitcher-shaped cartilages at the back of the larynx to which the vocal cords are attached.
  • 去年我们遇上了一五十天的干旱。
    Last year we had a dry spell lasting 50 days.
  • 我近来他的影子也没有看见。
    I have not seen anything of him lately.
  • 直接相的通道会增加时间滞后,即等候时间,以及降低性能。
    Directly connected channels increase time lags, or latency, and reduce performance.
  • 她笑得话都说不出来。
    She couldn't speak for laughing.
  • 这帮匪徒通过他们的锁饭店洗赃款。
    The gang launder the steal money through their chain of restaurant.
  • 这帮匪徒通过他们的锁饭店洗赃款。
    The gang launder the steal money through their chain of restaurants.
  • 看着熔岩在距自己住所不到3英里的地方汩汩地流动,镇上一位名叫杰奥瓦尼-瑟拉费那的居民说:"太可怕了,就我爷爷也未曾见到过这么可怕的场面。"当地不少居民还把圣母玛利亚的塑像树立在家门口以求庇护。
    "It is a terrible moment. Even our grandfathers can't even remember it being like this," said Giovanni Serafina as lava bubbled less than three miles from the town's houses, many of which were adorned with statues of the Madonna for protection.
  • 合法政权的被推翻导致一串的暴乱。
    The overthrow of that lawful regime has resulted in a series of riot.
  • 斯非常能干,最近被提升到主管的职位。
    Lawrence has a good head on his shoulders and has been promoted to an executive position recently.
  • 这具体表现在对人民群众的文化宣传工作的薄弱,以及队救亡室工作和文化娱乐活动的死气沉沉。
    All this is manifested in the lack of cultural and propaganda work among the masses and the lax work, as well as dull cultural and recreational activities, of the national salvation associations at the level of company.
  • 敷着,附着细胞壁续层的生长
    The growth of successive layers of a cell wall.