  • 对已安装的1亿个以太网产品节点来,低培训成本及投资保护的承诺应该能抓住最挑剔的网络管理人员的注意力。
    The promise of low training costs and investment protection for the 100 million nodes of installed Ethernet products should capture the attention of even the most skeptical network manager.
  • 布里吉特上周宣布她已经成功地克隆出了人类。这一结果遭到了同一领域专家的质疑。她没有提供更多证据,只是透露将于12月31日进行基因测试。
    Her claim to have cloned a human being last week drew skeptical reaction from experts in the field and she offered no proof, but said that genetic testing was scheduled for Tuesday.
  • 譬如,像这个图案的颜色,是吗?
    For instance, the color in this sketch?
  • 宁可将可作小的材料缩成速写,决不将速写的材料拉成小
    We would rather abridgethe materials for a long novel into a literaly sketch than expand the materials for a sketch into a novel.
  • 这位小家对他作品中的人物只作简略的勾画。
    The novelist only gave a thumbnail sketch of his characters.
  • 过的那件事是很重要的。
    What was said was of prime importance.
  • 请告诉我发生了什么事情-不必详,只要简略一点就行了。
    Please tell what happened – not in detail, a thumb-nail sketch will do.
  • 他似乎在考虑,就自已想的话打着草稿。
    He seemed to be thinking, sketching out in his mind what he was going to say.
  • 我们从几方面粗略的法中设法弄清了真相
    We managed to piece together the truth from several sketchy accounts
  • ”他接着,他整天上网或许已经扭曲了他的现实感,而且使他感到孤独和沮丧。
    " He went on to say that all of the time that he spent on-line might have skewed his sense of reality, and that it made him feel lonely and depressed.
  • 那是一封电报,确切点,是一封商业电报。
    It is a cable or, to be more exact, a commercial cable.
  • 杰克不想顶撞他的父亲,所以什么也不
    Our car skidded into a head-on what his father said, so he said nothing.
  • 自己是滑雪行家,但我认为她大话
    She says she is an expert skier but I think she is just shooting a line
  • 自己是滑雪行家,但我认为她大话。
    She said she was an expert skier but I think she was just shooting a line.
  • 但任何一种天气对谁来更“糟糕”呢?对沐日光浴的人?对滑雪者?对西红柿?对鸭子?显然,不管哪种天气对某些人和某些目的是有利的,所以为什么要标明某种天气是好是坏呢?对人人有害的天气是没有的。
    But for whom is any weather "worse"? Sunbathers? Skiers? Tomatoes? Ducks? Obviously any weather is good for some people and purposes, so why label it? It's an ill wind.
  • 亨利·奥雷勒在第二次世界大战时是法国地下党成员。他十分自负。神气活现地向其他高山滑雪队员警告他有十分的把握获胜,别人用不着再与他竞争了。
    A member of the French underground during World War II, Henri Oreiller was a cocky, clowning fellow who warned the other downhill skiers he was so confident of victory that they needn't bother racing against him.
  • "然而,重要的是不要忘记这与技术本身是无关的,问题在于如何使用因特网。"这项研究的发起人之一、心理学家、英特尔公司的克里斯廷・赖利
    "But it's important to remember this is not about the technology, per se; It's about how it is used, " says psychologist Christine Riley of Intel, one of the study's sponsors.
  • 小孩子不应该说谎。
    Children shouldn't tell tales.
  • 她总是亲切地和孩子们话。
    She always spoke kindly to the children.
  • 这篇论文明你最近的工作取得了相当大的改进。
    This essay represents a considerable improvement on your recent work.
  • 这部小被认为是出色的佳作。
    The novel is considered a brilliant performance.
  • 这部新小是一部引人入胜的家世小
    This new novel is an absorbing family saga.
  • 这部小已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目。
    This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.
  • 明我们军队的传统是好的,是英勇善战的。
    This shows that our army has a fine tradition and that it is heroic and skilful in battle.
  • 这部小是对城市贫困的震撼心灵的控诉。
    The novel is a searing indictment of urban poverty.
  • 我看过他小的手稿。
    I read his novel in manuscript.
  • 我喜欢闲暇时读小
    I like reading novels in my spare time.
  • 学习和使用不容易,是学得彻底,用得纯熟不容易。
    By saying that it is not easy to learn and to apply, we mean that it is hard to learn thoroughly and to apply skilfully.
  • 自选动作比赛的每个技能动作都不应该相同,也就是,在同一场比赛中不能重复。
    Each skill in an optional routine should be different; that is, skills should not be repeated in the same routine.
  • 有一天朱诺看到天空突然乌云密布,就料想这一定是她丈夫兴起一团云来遮盖自己的放荡勾当。
    It is said that Juno one day, perceiving the skies suddenly overcast, surmised that her husband had raised a cloud to hide some escapade.
  • 用于修饰或明与故障或错误的检测和隔离有关的特性。
    Pertaining to the detection and isolation of a malfunction or mistake.
  • 这项新工作对我来处处称心如意.
    This new job suits me to a T.