  • 在内燃机内点燃燃料的机械置。
    the mechanism that ignites the fuel in an internal-combustion engine.
  • 消音器用来吸收噪音的置,尤指用于内燃发动机
    A device that absorbs noise, especially one used with an internal-combustion engine.
  • 牙膏(一般)是在管子里的。
    Tooth paste comes in tubes.
  • 这服精心设计,力求达到最大限度的舒适。
    The dress is carefully styled for maximum comfort.
  • 一种舒服的软垫的扶手椅。
    a comfortable upholstered armchair.
  • 掌握国家大权的资产阶级的第一个信条,就是解除工人的武
    The disarming of the workers was the first commandment for the bourgeois, who were at the helm of the state.
  • 国王统率武装部队。
    The King commands the armed forces.
  • 部门的委任军官(不是参谋或后勤军官。
    a commissioned officer with combat units (not a staff officer or a supply officer).
  • 为确保计算机安后能成功的运行而采取的一项措施。试车指验收前的调试工作,有时也把验收试验包括在内。
    To install a computer and ensure that it is capable of successful operation. Commissioning is sometimes taken to include an acceptance test and sometimes taken to precede it.
  • 包商品,如食物,以同样加工和组好的
    A commodity, such as food, uniformly processed and containerized.
  • 与此同时,中国进一步加强了和西亚、非洲、拉美、大洋洲等地区国家及东欧、独联体国家的军事关系,继续向有关发展中国家提供人员培训、备器材、后勤物资、医疗卫生等方面的援助,并积极拓展新的交往领域。
    At the same time, China has further strengthened its military relations with countries in West Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania, as well as those in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Chinese armed forces have continued to provide assistance to their counterparts in developing countries in personnel training, equipment, logistical materials, and medical care, and will seek to widen the scope of contacts in the future.
  • 作交流实际上没有交流的语言。
    any language that pretends to communicate but actually does not.
  • 基础设施社会或社区正常运作所需要的基本设施,服务和安设备等,如交通与通信系统,水与电力供给线,以及学校、邮局和监狱等公共机构
    The basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons.
  • 在市中心收集的废物会运往废物转运站,先经挤压,然后入密封货柜,转运往3个策略性堆填区弃置。
    Waste collected in urban centres is delivered to these stations for compacting into sealed containers for subsequent delivery to and disposal at the three strategic landfills.
  • 所给的散红茶可作对照的数据为每杯饮料中含31mg,38mg和40mg。
    Comparable values given for loose black tea were 31 mg, 38 mg, and 40 mg per cup of beverage.
  • 美国是个庞然大物,力量对比起来,中国很弱,特别是备差得多。
    The United States was a big power, and China was comparatively weak, especially in equipment.
  • 比较磁场磁力强度的置。
    an instrument to compare strengths of magnetic fields.
  • 分离舱宇宙飞船上一个可分离的小舱,用来载人员或仪器
    A detachable compartment on a spacecraft for carrying personnel or instrumentation.
  • 适应物,转接器,接合器适应物,如用于在一件或多件仪器的不同部件之间实现有效兼容性的
    One that adapts, such as a device used to effect operative compatibility between different parts of one or more pieces of apparatus.
  • 你一点也不用怕,ieee802.5委员会已经找到大幅度提升性能同时保持与现有已安的令牌环网群体相兼容的方法。
    Never fear, the IEEE 802.5 committee already found a way to deliver a substantial performance increase while maintaining compatibility with the installed base.
  • 当您对该软件完成安及配置后,它会自动查询某个公共uddi站点来识别与该软件相兼容的商业伙伴。
    As you installed and configured your new software, this software automatically consulted one of the public UDDI sites and identified compatible business partners.
  • 但还有一些政府公开表示将在安理会上行使否决权来否定任何促使伊拉克解除武的决议。
    Yet some permanent members of the Security Council have publicly announced that they will veto any resolution that compels the disarmament of Iraq.
  • 只要买下机器就行,我们会用服给你们补偿的。
    You just buy the machines and we'll compensate you with garments.
  • 你可以向我们提供机器,我们用服给你补偿。
    You can supply us with machines and we'll compensate you with garments.
  • 故障自动保险的当机械置或电源出现故障时,能自动和安全提供保障的
    Capable of compensating automatically and safely for a failure, as of a mechanism or power source.
  • 他不能胜任配机器的工作。
    He is not competent to the task of assembling the machine.
  • 他不能胜任配机器的工作。
    She is not competent to the task of assembling the machine.
  • 不过,我很高兴知道,透过香港旅游协会的协助,香港旅游业人士与日本的旅行团代理商一直紧密合作,为香港旅游重新设计包,并确保香港旅游业收取低廉的费用,保持我们的竞争力,以刺激市场,吸引越来越多的日本旅客在一九九八年来港观光。
    I am pleased to note that through the Hong Kong Tourist Association, our industry is working very closely with your tour operators to re-package Hong Kong and make sure that we are competitively priced in order to stimulate the market and attract increasing numbers of Japanese visitors back to Hong Kong in 1998.
  • 一个完全编译或汇编可以入计算机使用的程序。
    a fully compiled or assembled program ready to be loaded into the computer.
  • 年刊由中学或大学的毕业班编辑并订成册的刊物,纪录当年的事件,一般还包括学生们和全体教师的照片
    A usually bound publication compiled by the graduating class of a school or college, recording the year's events and typically containing photographs of students and faculty.
  • 伴随物,补充物为了饰、完整或对称而附加的东西;补充物
    Something added for embellishment, completeness, or symmetry; complement.
  • 上个月没有完成这台置的设计,我很抱歉。
    Not having completed the design of this device in last month, I am very sorry.