  • 然而,我们也看到他们的不懈努力(如乘公交时也听录音带学习语对话),清楚意识到我们要是安于现状,不精益求精,最终将让他们迎头赶上并超越我们。
    We have also been impressed with the diligence of the Chinese, for example, listening to tapes on public transport to learn conversational English. It is clear that should we become complacent and cease to make progress, the Chinese will catch up and overtake us in no time.
  • 这个学校的语系教师已额满。
    The school's English department has its full complement of teachers.
  • 全餐;全部的行头;整套的国餐具;整套的瓷器;完全失败;全部的账目。
    a complete meal; a complete wardrobe; a complete set pf the Britannica; a complete set of china; a complete defeat; a complete accounting.
  • 你能借给我10镑吗? 我一个钱也没有!
    Could you lend me 10? I'm completely broke!
  • 特尔的wfm2.0是硬件厂家声称符合wfm之前必须满足的要求之更新集合。
    Intel's WFM 2.0 is an updated collection of requirements that hardware vendors must meet before they can claim compliance.
  • 五音步诗行语中的五音步抑扬格诗
    English verse composed in iambic pentameter.
  • 坎皮恩,托马斯1567-1620国诗人和歌曲、琵琶作曲家
    English poet and composer of songs for voice and lute.
  • 语是多种语言混合而成的。
    English is a composite of many languages.
  • 他的英文作文极好。
    He is excellent in English composition.
  • 他善於英文写作。
    He is good at English composition.
  • 表面上镇静地接受了这一关系的中断,但不久便去伦敦探望她的姑母加德纳夫人,希望在那里能邂逅彬格莱。
    Jane accepts the break with outward composure, but soon visits her aunt, Mrs. Gardiner, in London, hoping to see Bingley there by chance.
  • 本想多了解国际动态,但我还是要消化一大堆名词,报道也看不大明白,结果发现读文报比较通畅。
    They slow down reading and make news reports harder to comprehend. It is comparatively easier to obtain information from English-language newpapers.
  • 4里是容易开过去的,我对它有个概念--4里的路也就是傍晚我们散步时,从家到海滩的那段往返路程;
    Four miles was doable and comprehensible. It was the distance we walked in the evening from our house to the beach and back.
  • 我相信发展自己对人生的了解,也同时发展了自己应用文的能力。
    I believe that developing one's comprehension of human nature simutaneously develops one's faculty for using English.
  • 就是因为习惯了学语文先学音的概念,在笔者读书的时代,学语一定先学音标。把kk音标当作注音符号一样,背得滚瓜烂熟,新单字若没有标上音标,就不知道怎么发音了,没有透过翻译,更无从了解单字的意思,这种买鞋画鞋样的教学结果,除了spelling能力奇差之外,加上没有讲语的环境,更无法开口说语。
    During my school days, we were so used to phonetics when starting to learn a language that we marked the English words with codes and signs and then memorised them. So when we came across new English words, we were unable to pronounce them, not to mention the comprehension of those words. In the end, we had very poor ability to "spell" the words. All these, coupled with an environment that does not encourage the use of English, make it difficult for us to learn the language.
  • 《外国学生用综合语语法》
    A C-English Grammar for Foreign Students
  • 英雄史观
    conception of history as determined by heroes
  • 在理论上,我国的各族精,都必须接受一个事实,那就是未来的新加坡,将仍旧是一个多元文化的社会。
    At the conceptual level, we should accept that Singapore's elite would remain heterogeneous in the future, reflecting the multi-racial, multi-lingual and multi-religious character of Singapore society.
  • 该网站更增设了一个多媒体信息广播平台,通过影音广播,提供适时的市场消息,并为不通晓语的海外买家提供不同语文的版本。
    The portal has been significantly enhanced with the launch of a multimedia broadcast platform to provide timely market information in concise audio and video clips, as well as portal interfaces for non-English speaking overseas buyers.
  • 1997年4月,中国与美、俄、、法四个核武器国家发表声明,重申五国关于支持在香农报告所载授权的基础上尽早谈判缔结“禁产公约”的立场。
    In April 1997, China and four other nuclear-weapon states -- the United States, Russia, Britain and France -- issued a statement, reiterating their stand for concluding, through negotiation, a FMCT as soon as possible on the basis of the mandate contained in the Shannon Report.
  • 语中动词与主语必须一致。
    In English, there must be concord between a verb and its subject.
  • 最近的预算拨出数亿镑,用来支持耗资巨大的工程,如协和式飞机和吉利海峡隧道。
    The recent Budget has offered hundreds of millions of pounds to finance such white elephants as Concorde and the Channel Tunnel.
  • 因此,这一报告以及国商业电视台第四频道播出的《死亡屋》一片对中国福利院的描述和指责,理所当然地遭到了美国、国等许多国家人士的批评和谴责。
    Therefore, the description of China's welfare institutions and the accusations hurled at them in the Human Rights Watch/Asia report and the ``Dying Rooms'' telefilm shown by the British commercial TV station Channel Four inevitably have met with criticism and condemnation from people in the United States, Britain and many other countries.
  • 前不久刚刚下课的国教头霍顿,率领中国球队卧薪尝胆,浴血奋战,也经过了媒体的一阵阵赞扬和谴责后,难逃老施先赢后输的命运,执教2000年的中国足球世界杯亚洲预选赛落败,只好下课了。
    The British coach Bobby Houghton, who also had to go not long ago, has led the Chinese team in undergoing self-imposed hardships so as to strengthen themselves to succeed in fighting fierce battles. Having undergone the media's showers of praises and condemnation, he was unable to escape the destiny of first winning and then losing of Old Shi. He had to finish his class since the Chinese team he coached failed in the primary qualification of the 2000 World Cup.
  • 这个男孩必须补考语。
    The boy was conditioned in English.
  • 至于华文娱乐节目中是否该使用“新加坡式语”的问题,还好华文古装剧如《神雕侠侣》没有掺杂“新加坡式语”,不然效果会变得非常别扭。
    On the use of Singlish in Chinese entertainment, I feel quite relieved that no Singlish was used in Chinese period dramas such as the Condor Heroes as it would have sounded awkward otherwise.
  • 至于华文娱乐节目中是否该使用“新加坡式语”的问题,还好华文古装剧如《神雕侠侣》没有掺杂“新加坡式语”,不然效果会变得非常别扭。
    On the use of Singlish in Chinese entertainment, I feel quite relieved that no Singlish was used in Chinese period dramas such as the The Condor Heroes as it would have sound awkward otherwise.
  • 加州的道格拉斯冷杉,球果长达四到八寸。
    douglas fir of California having cones 4-8 inches long.
  • 波瓦坦创建波瓦坦部落联盟的阿尔贡金领导人,在他的女儿波卡洪塔斯与约翰·罗尔夫联姻之后(1614年),一直与国殖民者维持着和平关系
    Algonquian leader who founded the Powhatan confederacy and maintained peaceful relations with English colonists after the marriage of his daughter Pocahontas to John Rolfe(1614).
  • 胡德山一座火山山峰,海拔3,426。7米(11,235尺),位于俄勒冈州西北的喀斯喀特山脉,为该州内海拔最高点
    American Confederate soldier who commanded the Atlanta Campaign(1864) and was defeated at Nashville later that year.
  • 她在国工业联合会工作。
    She works in the confederation of British industry.
  • 十一月,财政司司长曾荫权在国工业联合会及皇家国际研究所合办的座谈会上致辞。
    In November, the Financial Secretary, Mr Donald Tsang, addressed a seminar organised by the Confederation of British Industry and the Royal Institute of International Affairs.