  • 她时常打电话我对她反遇到的麻烦发牢骚。
    She called me every now and then to sing the blues about her troubles.
  • 连胜三局之后,红队败了蓝队。
    After wining three games in a row, the Reds-had their ears pinned back by the Blues.
  • 与它的前身蓝调音乐一样,爵士乐是美国第一批真正本土发展的音乐形式之一。但是,爵士乐能进行大胆而不可预测的即兴演绎,这就了乐手们蓝调音乐所不能提供的宝贵发挥空间。
    Along with the blues, its forefather, it is one of the first truly indigenous musics to develop in America, yet its unpredictable, risky ventures into improvisation gave it critical cache with scholars that the blues lacked.
  • 我把她介绍我的丈夫是犯了一个极大的错误.
    I made a terrible blunder in introducing her to my husband.
  • 我把她介绍我的丈夫是犯了一个极大的错误。
    I make a terrible blunder in introducing her to my husband.
  • 当我打电话他时遭到他的断然拒绝。
    I suffered a blunt refusal when I called him.
  • 这把刀钝了,我要它加刃。
    The knife is blunt . I will edge it.
  • 使具人形予身体的形状,尤指人体
    To give bodily, especially human, form to.
  • 呼吸给身体以活力。
    Breath informs the body.
  • 既然你喜欢健美,我会买一件健美器械作为生日礼物送你。
    Since you like it, I'll buy you a piece of bodybuilding facility as a birthday present for you.
  • 课外作业把我难住了。
    I got bogged down by the difficult homework.
  • 我们终于得以在沼泽把他吞没前把绳子扔他。
    We were able to pass him a rope before the bog sucked him under.
  • “那么,要是您以后听说我人发现已经死在泥沼或雪坑里,您的良心就不会低声说您也有部分的过错吗?”
    `Then, if you hear of me being discovered dead in a bog or a pit full of snow, your conscience won't whisper that it is partly your fault?'
  • 敌人的部队停滞不前了;他们的补跟不上。
    The enemy troops had been bogged down; supply had not kept up with them.
  • 请送给我一壶热水。
    Please bring me a pot of boil water.
  • 这些蔬菜中的营养部分全都煮掉了。
    All the goodness has been boiled off the vegetables.
  • 请给我一壶开水。
    Please get me a flask of boiled water.
  • 热水器中的水泵将热水输送集中供热设备.
    A pump in the boiler sends hot water round the central heating system.
  • 他必须锅炉加燃料。
    He had to fire the boiler.
  • 锅炉爆炸了[船炸掉了]。
    The boiler [ship] blew up.
  • 热水器中的水泵将热水输送集中供热设备。
    A pump in the boiler send hot water round the central heating system.
  • 那里的工作人员立即拿出碎布,在锅炉后面小鹿铺了张床。
    Maintenance men there quickly produced rags to make a bed behind the boiler for the fawn.
  • 以胆量加强某人的胆量或勇气;鼓励
    To foster boldness or courage in; encourage.
  • 景色的险峻与陡峭我们留下了深刻印象。
    We are striking by the boldness and abruptness of the scenery.
  • 景色的险峻与陡峭我们留下了深刻印象。
    We is strike by the boldness and abruptness of the scenery.
  • 李:正如你所说,入世我国带来了收益但同时也带来挑战。如何最大限度地扩大收益和减少风险对于决策者、商界人士和消费者来说仍然是一个很有争议的问题。
    Li: As you have said China's WTO accession will engender challenges as well as benefits and how best to bolster the benefits and mitigate the risks remains a subject of considerable debate among policy planners, business people, and consumers.
  • 你这辆老爷车你带来许多麻烦。
    Your bucket of bolts brings you a lot of trouble.
  • 为了这个国家建立新的电话系统,发言人解释了他的计划要点。
    The speaker explained the nuts and bolts of his plan to establish a new telephone system for the country.
  • 孟买257489。谢谢你,先生,当我们接通后再你回电话。
    Bombay 257489.thank you, sir, we'll call you back when we get the line.
  • 他们仅5分钟就他们的飞机装好了炸弹。
    They bombed their planes up in five minutes.
  • unabomber已很多机构和个人扔了书信炸弹。
    The Unabomber has letter-bombed a number of institutions and individuals.
  •  (2)商标缺乏显著特征,或者完全是由商业中用以表示商品的种类、质量、数量、用途、价值、原产地或生产时间的符号或标记所组成,或者在被请求予保护的国家的现代语言中或在善意和公认的商务实践中已经成为惯用的;
    2. when they are devoid of any distinctive character, or consist exclusively of signs or indications which may serve, in trade, to designate the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, place of origin, of the goods, or the time of production, or have become customary in the current language or in the bona fide and established practices of the trade of the country where protection is claimed;