  • 他使她脱贫苦生活,并成为贵妇.
    He picked her out of the gutter and made her a great lady.
  • 他使她脱贫苦生活,并成为贵妇。
    He picked her out of the gutter and make her a great lady.
  • 他们体育馆还有6英里。
    They are still six miles away from the gymnasium.
  • 据阿根廷《民族报》报道,鸽子成为了阿根廷经济危机的最新受害者。一些反政府的示威者每天都在鸽子的传统聚集地--首都中央广场示威,使得数百只鸽子受到惊吓而被迫开那里。
    Pigeons have become the latest victim of Argentina's economic crisis, with daily anti-government protests scaring off hundreds of the birds from their traditional habitat around the capital's central squares, according to the daily La Nacion newspaper.
  • 侧翼队员比赛中处于争球线后方阵线较远的位置,主要任务是传球
    An offensive halfback stationed just behind the line of scrimmage and slightly wide of the formation, used chiefly as a pass receiver.
  • 下半场,牛津队的前卫犯规了,被判场,因此,牛津队只好以10名队员与伦敦队对抗。
    During the second half, the Oxford team's halfback, who was at fault, was ordered off the field, and thus, the Oxford team had to play against the London team with its 10 players.
  • 火车缓慢地停下来时损坏了的公共汽车只有几英寸的距
    The train ground to a halt only inches from the damaged bus.
  • 我建议您选择汉堡作为卸货港,因为它你方用户较近。
    I suggest you choose hamburg as the unloading port, as it is close to your end user.
  • 汉密敦车站这里最近,走路过去不用十分钟就到了。
    It's Hamilton Station, and it shouldn't take you more than ten minutes on foot.
  • 这个小村庄城市很远。
    This hamlet is distant from the town.
  • 科普利,约翰·辛格尔顿1738-1815美国画家,亲英而反对美国独立,在美国独立革命逼近时开美国前往英国,在此之前曾为约翰·汉考克及保罗·里维尔画过肖像
    American Loyalist painter who did portraits of John Hancock and Paul Revere before departing for England when the American Revolution seemed imminent.
  • 他们携手离去。
    They walked away hand in hand.
  • 前场区如在网球或手球中,网或墙最近的一片地
    The part of a court nearest the net or wall, as in tennis or handball.
  • 松开合器、手闸(如卡车上的)
    Release the clutch, handbrake, eg of a lorry
  • 这个男孩儿是个可怜的病儿, 父母婚, 本人又严重残废.
    This boy is a sad case. His parents are divorced and he himself is severely handicapped.
  • 后来,周恩来对我说:“你的握手跨越了世界上最遥远的距——跨越了没有交流的25年。”
    Later, Chou said to me, "Your handshake came over the vastest distance in the world -- twenty-five years of no communications."
  • 那天他们开机场的时候,周恩来总理对尼克松总统说了这样一番话,他说,你与我的握手越过了世界上最为辽阔的海洋,这个海洋就是互不交往的25年。
    As they left the airport that day, Premier Zhou En-Lai said this to President Nixon:"Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world -- 25 years of no communication.
  • 那天他们开机场的时候,周恩来总理对尼克松总统说了这样一番话,他说你与我的握手越过了世界上最为辽阔的海洋,这个海洋就是互不交往的25年。
    As they left the airport that day, Premier Zhou Enlai said to President Nixon, `Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world twenty-five years of no communication.`
  • 这房子离市场很近。
    This house is handy for the market.
  • 学校我们家很近,所以孩子们上学很方便。
    The school is close to our house, so it is quite handy for the children.
  • "他沿着大路飞奔,希望在他妻子开之前到达汽车站。"
    "He hared off down the road, hoping to get to the bus station before his wife left."
  • 这些孩子们被人小心地隔,以免接触有害的经历。
    These children were carefully insulated from harmful experiences.
  • 北美洲鼻子朝上的无毒蛇;受到骚扰时头和颈可以分或装死。
    harmless North American snake with upturned nose; may spread its head and neck or play dead when disturbed.
  • 安刚刚离开。
    An has left just.
  • 他匆匆地离开了家。
    He leaves home in haste.
  • 他匆匆地离开了家。
    He left home in haste.
  • 他过急地离去。
    He left with undue haste.
  • 他匆忙离开。
    He made haste to be gone.
  • 他匆匆忙忙地开了房间。
    He left the room hastily.
  • 匆匆离去;突然离开
    To leave hastily; run off.
  • 她悄悄地找到自己的马车,匆匆去。
    She hastily and stealthily found her carriage and hurriedly drove away.
  • 她匆忙开了那个房间,朝她的卧室走去。
    She hastily left the room, and made her way to her bedroom.