  • 一种松而碎的土质沉积物,主要含有方解石和云石,用作肥料。
    a loose and crumbling earthy deposit consisting mainly of calcite or dolomite; used as a fertilizer.
  • 牧师穿的一种宽松的色宽袖法衣。
    a loose-fitting white ecclesiastical gown with wide sleeves.
  • 用八匹马拉着的华丽马车进入的盛况。
    entered with much eclat in a coach drawn by eight white horses.
  • 一种有重要经济意义的非洲草(开优质花),是谷类植物也是草料和干草。
    an African grass economically important as a cereal grass (yielding white flower of good quality) as well as for forage and hay.
  • 我真不明为什么一个学经济的人对钱的事却那么糊涂。
    I can not see how an economist can be so silly about money.
  • 先兆子痫怀孕期间出现的高血压状态,通常伴有水肿和蛋尿病
    A condition of hypertension occurring in pregnancy, typically accompanied by edema and proteinuria.
  • 人类的堕落由于亚当偷吃伊甸园的禁果而丧失清和体面
    The loss of innocence and grace resulting from Adam's eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
  • 彩色电视机正逐步淘汰黑电视机。
    Color TVs are gradually edging out black-and-white ones.
  • 编辑在页边的空处写了许多意见。
    The editor had written numerous suggestions into the margins.
  • 那条@@我指缝中一扭就滑走了。
    The eel wriggled out of my fingers.
  • 第九,这里有虹霓鱼、剑鱼、鳗、鲸鱼、鲦鱼、蛤、鲍鱼、龙虾、小虾、蠖龟以及各色各样的奇特的鱼类,其种类之多是我们想象不到的:宇宙间真没有一样东西比此更好。
    In the ninth place, there are rainbow fish, sword fish, electric eels, whales, minnows, clams, abalones, lobsters, shrimps, turtles and more variety and ingenuity than we ever thought of, and there is nothing better than that.
  • 霞飞特效增粉蜜采用“虫草”液,鲜奶再配以高级脂肪醇及特效增剂精制而成。
    It contains the liquid of" Cordyceps", milk, high class fatty alcohol and special efficacious whitening agent.
  • 氩激光器发出的蓝绿色的光线对血红蛋能够更有效地起作用,因此它可用以刺穿牙龈并有助于止血。
    The blue-green light of an argon laser reacts more efficiently with hemoglobin, so it cuts gums effectively and helps halt bleeding.
  • 我的一切努力都费了。
    All my effort went for nothing.
  • 在一个崇尚平等主义的社会,一个手起家之人的社会,贵族有什么用?
    In an egalitarian society of self-made men, what use is a noble family?
  • 卵黄磷蛋存在卵黄的一种蛋
    A protein found in egg yolk.
  • 状粘液象蛋的粘滑物质
    A viscous substance resembling egg white.
  • 把三个蛋的蛋打稠。
    Beat three egg whites until stiff.
  • 黑母鸡照样下白蛋。
    A black hen lays a white egg.
  • 在妻子的怂恿下,马克计划谋杀他的国王
    Egged on by his wife, macbeth plan to murder his king
  • 由茄子、碎羊肉、洋葱、番茄和蛋沙司、搅打鸡蛋做成的砂锅菜。
    casserole of eggplant and ground lamb with onion and tomatoes bound with white sauce and beaten eggs.
  • 在开凿出来的粗糙岩石上,先涂一层或两层用碎麦秸、细麻刀合好的泥,再抹上一层薄如蛋壳的石灰加以打磨。然后便能在光洁的墙壁上纵情挥毫了。
    First one or two layers of plaster mixed with crushed wheat straw and fine hemp-fiber were coated over the carved rough rock. Then it was daubed with a layer of lime as thin as eggshell and polished and then the artist was free to wield his brush on the finished wall to his heart's content.
  • 普通美洲鹭;东半球的变种。
    the common American egret; a variety of the Old World Casmerodius albus.
  • 温暖地区广泛分布的小鹭,常聚集在放牧的动物周围。
    small white egret widely distributed in warm regions often found around grazing animals.
  • 埃及的色睡莲;生长在从埃及到东南非洲地区的睡莲;被埃及人视为神圣的花。
    white Egyptian lotus: water lily of Egypt to southeastern Africa; held sacred by the Egyptians.
  • 奥姆杜尔曼苏丹中东北部的一个城市,位于尼罗河边,与喀土穆隔岸相望。1898年9月2日英裔埃及军队在此附近打败马赫迪的部队。人口526,289
    A city of northeast-central Sudan on the White Nile opposite Khartoum. Anglo-Egyptian troops defeated Mahdi forces near here on September2,1898. Population,526, 287.
  • 《佳电》是中共中央以第十八集团军总司令朱德、副总司令彭德怀和新四军军长叶挺、副军长项英的名义,于一九四○年十一月九日答复何应钦、崇禧《皓电》的电报。
    The telegram of November 9, 1940 was sent by Chu Teh and Peng Teh-huai, Commander-in-Chief and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Eighteenth Group Army (Eighth Route Army), and Yeh Ting and Hsiang Ying, Commander and Deputy Commander of the New Fourth Army, in reply to the telegram of the Kuomintang generals Ho Ying-chin and Pai Chung-hsi, dated October 19, 1940.
  • 她已经习惯于吃薯了。
    She has become used to eating sweet potato.
  • 她已经习惯于吃薯了。
    She have become used to eating sweet potato.
  • 不是你就是我是清的。
    Either you or I am innocent.
  • 木,蜡木这种树的坚硬有弹性的木材,用于(制作)家具、工具柄、运动器材如板球拍等
    The strong, elastic wood of this tree, used for furniture, tool handles, and sporting goods such as baseball bats.
  • 一个老头儿租用了这栋色的大房子。
    An elderly man rented the big white house.