  • 他显十分紧张,局促不安地站在话筒前有好几分钟。
    He was obviously were very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone.
  • 我试图掩饰初次会面时的不自
    I tried to smooth over the awkwardness of this first meeting
  • 可是天天却躲在装有空调的房间里美美地睡午觉去了,睡醒之后自也会有一顿冰镇地美味佳肴等着他。
    Tian Tian took a nap in his air conditioned grotto and was to have his frozen treat after he awoke, Spelman said.
  • 波西卡对他的外貌大吃了一惊,不慎一个踉跄,几滴油从灯上滴落到了丘比特的胸部。他突之间被烫醒了。
    So startled was Psyche at his appearance that she stumbled a bit and several drops of oil from the lamp spattered out on Cupid's chest and burned him and he awoke suddenly.
  • 她昨晚突跟汤姆断交了。
    She gave Tom the ax last night.
  • 认为公理假定…为前提或公理;视…为当
    To assume as a premise or axiom; take for granted.
  • 但战争不是神物,仍是世间的一种必运动,因此,孙子的规律,“知彼知己,百战不殆”,仍是科学的真理。
    Yet war is in no way supernatural, but a mundane process governed by necessity. That is why Sun Wu Tzu's axiom, "Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat", remains a scientific truth.
  • "他真卑鄙,阿亚图拉真卑鄙,居下了死刑令,"葛德华在市政府说。"如果他[拉什迪]没有这一通广告,他的书一定会滞销。我听说那本书非常枯燥。现在他会赚进数百万,不过我希望他能活着用这笔钱。"
    "He is so vile, the Ayatollah, vile to impose the death sentence, " said Koch at City Hall. "If he(Rushdie) hadn't gotten this advertising it would be on remainder, because I'm told it's such a dull book. Now he'll make multi-millions of dollars, but I hope he'll live to spend it."
  • “他真卑鄙,阿亚图拉真卑鄙,居下了死刑令,”葛德华在市政府说。“如果他[拉什迪]没有这一通广告,他的书一定会滞销。我听说那本书非常枯燥。现在他会赚进数百万,不过我希望他能活着用这笔钱。”
    "He is so vile, the Ayatollah, vile to impose the death sentence," said Koch at City Hall. "If he (Rushdie) hadn't gotten this advertising it would be on remainder, because I'm told it's such a dull book. Now he'll make multi-millions of dollars, but I hope he'll live to spend it."
  • 杜鹃花的味道唤醒了我对许多年前那个下午他突出现的记忆。
    The scent of the azaleas awakened my memory of his unexpected appearance that afternoon years ago.
  • 是啊,虽工作条件很重要,但我想要在有很多俏妞的地方工作。
    Yeah, work condition matter, but I want a job where there are lots of babe.
  • 是啊,虽工作条件很重要,但我想要在有很多俏妞的地方工作。
    Yeah, work condition matter, but I want a job where there is lots of babe.
  • 施特劳斯的乐曲同巴赫的乐曲是截不同的。
    The music of Strauss is as different from Bach's as chalk from cheese.
  • 这两种技术在主干网方面是你死我活的竞争对手,但它们也可以是互补的。
    While the two technologies will be tough competitors in backbone network, they can be complementary.
  • ,这座建筑有着得天独厚的地理位置:它高踞一个呷角,三面环水,背景是著名的悉尼港大桥。
    Of course, its location is an enormous help, sitting as it does on a promontory with water on three sides and the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge as a picture-postcard backdrop.
  • 除自风光外,雷克雅未克还有众多为人熟知的城市文化:美术馆、戏剧院、歌剧院、交响乐团和音乐会馆,可满足不同年龄和品位的需要。
    But against this backdrop of nature, Reykiavík has a packed program of familiar city joys too: art museums, several theaters, an opera house, a symphony orchestra and concerts spanning the whole spectrum of age and taste.
  • 在另一方面,一个人如果和自界伟大的东西发生联系,他的心会真正变得伟大起来。我们可以把一片风景看做一幅活动的图画,而对于不象活动的图画那么伟大的东西不能感到满足;我们可以把地平线上的热带的云看做一个舞台的背景,而对于不象舞台的背景那么伟大的东西不能感到满足;我们可以把山林看做私人花园,而对于不成为私人花园的东西不能感到满足;我们可以把怒吼的波涛当做音乐会,而对于不成为音乐会的东西不能感到满足;我们可以把山上的微风看做冷气设备,而对于不成为冷气设备的东西不能感到满足。
    On the other hand, by association with nature's enormities, a man's heart may truly grow big also- There is a way of looking upon a landscape as a moving picture and being satisfied with nothing less big as a moving picture, a way of looking upon tropic clouds over the horizon as the backdrop of a stage and being satisfied with nothing less big as a backdrop, a way of looking upon the mountain forests as a private garden and being satisfied with nothing less as a private garden, a way of listening to the roaring waves as a concert and being satisfied with nothing less as a concert, and a way of looking upon the mountain breeze as an air-cooling system and being satisfied with nothing less as an air-cooling system.
  • —有时是一队队的穿白色制服的兵士,穿灰色制服的兵士,和佩着金黄色的肩章的军官,踏步前进,发生战斗,最后又退却了,那些穿白色制服的兵士突换上了橙黄色的制服,那些穿灰色制服的兵士似乎换上了紫色制服,而背景却满布着火焰般的金黄的虹色。
    now showing armies of white-clad and gray-uniformed armies and officers with golden epaulets, marching and counter-marching and united in combat and retreating again. As the battle and the chase were going on, the stage-lights changed, and the soldiers in white uniform burst out in orange and the soldiers in gray uniforms seemed to don purple, while the backdrop was a flaming iridescent gold.
  • 就像当年“新街区男孩”使他们的前辈的巨星光辉黯失色一样,“后街男孩”乐队轻而易举地超越了如“colormebadd”和“shai”的演唱组。
    Just as the New Kids eclipsed the superstardom of their predecessors, the members of New Edition-the Backstreet Boys have had little trouble surpassing vocal outfits like Color Me Badd and Shai.
  • 我知道自己把事情的前后顺序都搞乱了,所以最后我回过头来强调为什么事情会发生得那么突,只是几个星期的事情,尽管我们之间的友谊已经存在有几个月了。或许更长些。
    I am jumping and mixing up the time sequence I know, so I backtrack to emphasise how it has happened suddenly, over weeks really, although the friendship was there for months, longer.
  • 我们当不会由科学的社会主义退回到空想的社会主义,也不会让马克思主义停留在几十年或一百多年前的个别论断的水平上。
    We will not, of course, backtrack from scientific socialism to utopian socialism, nor will we allow Marxism to remain arrested at the level of the particular theses arrived at as long as a century ago.
  • 政府虽没有直接参与救济事务,但却为深入民间的志愿团体提供了宝贵的“后勤”辅助资源。看来这是个明确的发展方向。
    Voluntary community organisations take the lead, while the Government provides the resources and valuable backup support—this is a development in the right direction!
  • 后冲,反撞突或强烈的向后抽动
    A sudden or violent backward whipping motion.
  • 技术是落后的,但制度是有效的
    The technology was backward, but the system worked.
  • 这八年多只是开始起步,虽已经取得比较明显的成就,但是还没有摆脱贫穷落后的状态。
    In the last eight years we have only taken the first step. We have scored notable achievements in developing the economy, but we still have not shaken off poverty and backwardness.
  • 旧中国的农业发展水平极为低下,有80%的人口长期处于饥饿半饥饿状态,遇有自灾害,更是饿殍遍地。
    For long periods of time in the old days 80 percent of the population suffered from starvation or semi-starvation because of the extreme backwardness of agricultural production. Natural disasters nearly always resulted in wide"ispread deaths from starvation".
  • 他点燃了煤气炉,后开始来回地在地上踱着步。
    He lit the gas and began to pace backwards and forwards.
  • 他只是一个小青年,可他对汽车引擎却很精通。
    Though he is just a young boy, he understands automobile engines backwards and forwards.
  • 衣着随便的加拿大人走了,但她还在想着那个住在边远地区的人-这个衣着考究的人。
    gone was the casually dressed Canadian she had thought a backwoodsman--this man was immaculately tailored.
  • 而,事实是十之八九机会刚好就在你家的后院。
    Yet,the truth is that nine out of ten times opportunity is right in your own backyard.
  • ,在后院烧烤整个夏天都很流行,不过在这三天,烧烤是必须做的。
    Holding backyard barbe- cues is popular all summer long, of course, but on those three days it's mandatory.
  • 那晚,蜷缩在我自己的独有的卧室里,凝望窗外,黑暗中,突觉得后院变得陌生而神秘起来。我体验着一种很奇怪的感觉,我觉得孤独。
    That night, tucked up in my very own bedroom and staring out the window at the s uddenly mysterious and alien backyard in the darkness, I experienced a strange e motion. I was lonely.