  • 交流电是指电流先流向一个向,然后反向流动。
    By AC it is meant that the current is flowing first in one direction and then back again.
  • 参与或解决问题的特殊
    A particular method of attending to or settling matters.
  • 已拟定一个解决边界纠纷的案。
    A formula for settling the border dispute has been worked out.
  • 坚持以和平式处理和解决国家间的争端;
    insists on handling and settling disputes among countries through peaceful means;
  • 由双挑选出的外界人士解决争端。
    Settling of a dispute by an outside person or persons, choose by both side.
  • 我们应当用和平法解决国际争端,而不应诉诸武力。
    We should find peaceful ways of settling international disputes rather than appeal to arms.
  • 淘洗,淘选,淘析用清洗、倾析和沉淀的法来提纯、分离或清除(例如,矿石)
    To purify, separate, or remove(ore, for example) by washing, decanting, and settling.
  • 经过了十七年锻炼的中国共产党,已经学到了如何团结自己的许多法,已经老练得多了。
    Seventeen years of tempering have taught the Chinese Communist Party many ways of attaining internal unity, and ours is now a much more seasoned Party.
  • yee,ericlander是该案的专家证人,他原来是数学家,后来成为一名遗传学家,它负责补充其他由控和辩召集的17个专家证人的证言。
    Yee, where the magistrate called Eric Lander, a mathematician-turned-geneticist, as an expert witness to supplement the seventeen expert witnesses called by the prosecution and defense.
  • 哈里特是附近寄宿学校学生,住在校长家里。她年十七,相貌出众,虽然资质低下,但举止行为却讨人喜欢,毫不做作,又习惯于把爱玛奉为楷模,所以挺称人心意。
    Harriet was an extremely pretty girl of seventeen, not in the least brilliant, but with pleasing, unassuming manners, and a gratifying habit of looking up to Emma as a paragon.
  • 一九五四年,年仅十七岁的我前往英伦求学,先父对我说:「吸收西文化及价值观之馀,千万别忘记自己中国人的身分。」
    As I set sail for the UK at the age of seventeen, my father said that you probably will be acquiring western culture and values, but you should never forget you are Chinese.
  • 一九九九年二月五日,基金在遣散费面的保障提高至5万元,超出5万元者另可获发余额的50%。
    On February 5, 1999, the fund's coverage for severance payment was raised to $50,000 plus 50 per cent of any entitlement in excess of $50,000.
  • 例如将上海和中国其他地割断,对于中国的损害,绝没有将纽约和美国其他地割断对于美国的损害那样严重。
    For example, to sever Shanghai from the rest of China would definitely not be as disastrous to China as would be the severance of New York from the rest of the United States.
  • 迪斯科呢?它在西国家非常流行。
    What abut disco? It 's popular in western countries.
  • 一旦婚姻生活中发生暴力或虐待,女便难脱困境,因为这种移民制度将妇女完全置于施虐者的控制中。
    And if those marriages turn violent or abusive,the women find themselves trapped,imprisoned by an immigration system that gives their abusers total control over their lives.
  • 他的惩罚式的严酷是令人发指的。
    the severity of his punishment was inhuman.
  • 在全国性大会之前,他想设法获得尽可能多的选票。
    He tried to sew up as many votes as possible before the convention.
  • 细菌分解固体或污物的地
    where solid matter or sewage is disintegrated by bacteria.
  • 公共卫生面的严重问题与该城低效率的污水处理系统有关
    The grave problem of public hygiene is connected with the inefficient sewage system of the city
  • 他最后的反驳驱使他采用过去很少采用的法一人身诋毁。
    He turned to personal abuse.
  • 那家伙在很多不正经的工作面都有人际关系。
    That guy has connection in lots of shady jobs.
  • 那家伙在很多不正经的工作面都有人际关系。
    That guy have connection in lots of shady job.
  • 在树荫下找到了宜人的野餐的好地
    Found a likely spot under a shady tree for the picnic.
  • 过了一会儿,我们在一些白杨树下面找到了一个遮阴的地
    After a while, we find a shady place under some poplar trees.
  • 他们找到一处阴凉地坐下来歇会儿。
    They sought out shady spot where they might sit down and rest.
  • 中午,我们停下来,在几棵松树下找了一块阴凉的地
    At noon we stopped and found a shady place under some pine trees.
  • 我们寻找一处阴凉地,好坐下来歇会儿。
    We sought out a shady spot where they might sit down and rest.
  • 27日来电知悉。此人名声不好,建议不必邀他。
    Your 27th understand but suggest better not engaging him as shady rumor have.
  • 与此同时,另外两位演员把两个盛着食物的大篮子拿到树下荫凉的地
    Meanwhile, two other actors had carried two large food baskets to a shady spot under some trees.
  • 我们可不能让小孩晒在太阳里,要给他们找个荫凉的地才行。
    We must not have the sun beating down on the children, and have got to look for a shady place for them.
  • 作了些间接的但合法的调查;间接侮辱;无疑的,他们的脑子里有些间接的目的;尽管他的法是曲折的,但并不是不诚实的;公认的可疑、不诚实的家伙。
    making indirect but legitimate inquiries; an indirect insult; doubtless they had some indirect purpose in mind; though his methods are indirect they are not dishonest; known as a shady indirect fellow.
  • 唐松草属的任何一种草本植物;有根状茎或块茎,四季生,生长在潮湿而荫凉的地、草地或河边;有带花边的叶和大量的紫色或黄色的花。
    any of various herbs of the genus Thalictrum; sometimes rhizomatous or tuberous perennials found in damp shady places and meadows or stream banks; have lacy foliage and clouds of small purple or yellow flowers.