  • 命名一艘船
    Christen a ship.
  • 新船下水前命名了。
    The new ship was christened before it was launched.
  • 他们给这个婴儿洗礼时命为约翰。
    They christened the baby John.
  • 这条雄伟的大船被命为伊丽莎白女王号。
    The majestic ship was christened the Queen Elizabeth.(喻)
  • 给某人起教;受洗礼时起
    To give a first or Christian name to; christen.
  • 基督徒在出生时或洗礼时被给予的
    the first name given to Christians at birth or christening.
  • 他是一虔诚的基督教徒。
    He is a pious Christian.
  • 他的字叫做克里斯建(christian——义译为“基督徒”)。
    His name was Christian.
  • 布瑞克里·凯特曾是最著的封面女郎之一。
    Christie Brinkley is one of the most famous cover girls ever.
  • 布瑞克里·凯特曾是最著的封面女郎之一。
    Christie Brinkley was one of the most famous cover girls ever.
  • 这枚昂贵的彩蛋叫做thewinteregg,出自俄国皇家珠宝匠卡尔·费伯奇之手。1913年的复活节,俄国沙皇尼古拉二世曾将这枚珠宝作为复活节礼物送给他的母亲。而这件稀世珍宝将于4月19日在著的christie纽约拍卖行进行拍卖。
    The Winter Egg, produced by Carl Faberge and given by Russian Czar Nicholas II to his mother on Easter 1913, will be sold on April 19 at Christie's New York auction house.
  • 当克里斯蒂娜听说迪斯尼正在寻找一歌手为动画片《花木兰》录制一首歌曲时,她用自己居室里的录音设备一气录制了一段样带,用快递寄给了迪斯尼,48小时后她就到了洛杉矶的录音棚录制《花木兰》中的插曲《回顾》。
    When she heard that Disney was looking for a singer to record a song for the animated film Mulan,Christina cut a one-take demo using the boombox in her living room.The demo was FedExed to Disney and 48 hours later she was in a Los Angeles studio recording Reflection for Mulan.
  • 凯:我是凯勒夫人,全是克里斯廷.凯勒。
    This is Mrs. Keller, Christine Keller.
  • 1881年末,他移居海牙并与一叫克里斯廷·胡尔尼克的女人同居了一段时间。
    Late in 1881 he moved to the Hague and established a relationship with a woman,Christine Hoornik,with whom he lived for a time.
  • 1881年末,他移居海牙并与一叫克里斯廷·胡尔尼克的女人同居了一段时间。
    Late in 1881 he moved to the Hague and established a relationship with a woman, Christine Hoornik, with whom he lived for a time.
  • 因经常迟到而将我们的字公布在公告栏上
    Put us on notice for chronic lateness.
  • 为了适应藏医事业发展的需要,建立了藏医学院和藏医研究所,鼓励和支持著老藏医著书立说,及时整理了一批年事已高的藏医药专家的宝贵经验。
    In order to meet the needs for the development of Tibetan medicine, the autonomous region founded the Tibetan Medical College and the Tibetan Medicine Research Institute, and encouraged and supported famous veteran Tibetan medicine doctors to write scholarly books. A chronology of valuable medical expertisea of a group of aged specialists was compiled .
  • 为了适应藏医事业发展的需要,建立了藏医学院和藏医研究所,鼓励和支持著老藏医著书立说,及时整理了一批年事已高的藏医药专家的宝贵经验。
    In order to meet the needs for the development of Tibetan medicine, the autonomous region founded the Tibetan Medical College and the Tibetan Medicine Research Institute, and encouraged and supported famous veteran Tibetan medicine doctors to write scholarly books. A chronology of valuable medical expertise was compiled by a group of aged specialists.
  • 她已成为一不会在导演的a角单上出现的年轻的圆脸女演员,她得奋力去争取新的角色。
    She was a chubby young actress who had fallen off the casting director's A-list, and she had to fight hard for new roles.
  • 我自己究竟做了什么获取第一的呢?我所做到的只是没从马上掉下来给自己或查比带来耻辱。
    What had I really done to earn that first place? All I could come up with was that I'd managed not to fall off and humiliate myself or Chubby.
  • 他总喜欢冲口说出一些重要人物的字。
    He does enjoy chucking out the names of important people.
  • 这项为"主人和宠物一起锻炼"的计划将在芝加哥地区进行。该计划结合了营养调配和身体锻炼,适用对象是那些肥胖的宠物主以及他们的宠物--身材臃肿的狗或者矮矮胖胖的猫。
    The nutrition and exercise program aimed at satisfying pet owners, their heavy hounds, and their chunky cats will be run in the Chicago area, and is called People and Pets Exercising Together (PPET).
  • 他大学毕业后开始任神职,两年后成为一牧师。
    When he graduated from the university he joined the church and two years later became a priest.
  • 伦敦的一个很有的大教堂。
    a famous church in London.
  • 50年前在教堂附近种的这棵树,最近由于被一家报纸提及而出了
    The tree planted near the church fifty years ago has had a reputation for being mentioned in a newspaper recently.
  • 几年前这个工厂还被认作印刷业的灰姑娘,但现在它已非常有气。
    A few years ago this factory was still regarded as the Cinderella of the printing trade, but now it is very famous.
  • 二零零一年一月,建造业检讨委员会向行政长官提交了为《建业图新》的报告书。报告书提出109项建议,当中涉及多个范畴,包括重质文化、建造服务采购安排、人力发展、技术创新、生产力、工地安全、环保以至改革机制等。
    In January, the Construction Industry Review Committee (CIRC) submitted a report to the Chief Executive entitled 'Construct for Excellence' with 109 recommendations, covering a wide range of subjects such as quality culture, construction procurement, manpower development, innovativeness, productivity, site safety, environmental performance and institutional framework for change.
  • (大约540-604)因他而为罗马教皇圣歌命的人。
    (circa 540-604) the pope for whom Gregorian chants were named.
  • 起因不的一种紫癜与血小板减少有关。
    purpura of unknown origin associated with a reduction in circulating blood platelets.
  • 现在对24妇女进行的一项小型研究可能给出了答案:大豆似乎可以降低体内循环的雌激素的水平,其转而又可以抑制乳腺癌细胞的扩散。
    Now a small study of two dozen women may point to an answer: soy seems to keep circulating levels of estrogen low, which in turn inhibits breast cells from proliferating.
  • 对一些带有宗教色彩的民族风俗习惯,如婚丧仪式、割礼、起经等都不加限制。
    There are no restrictions whatever on folkways and customs of a religious nature, such as wedding or funeral ceremonies, circumcision and giving religious names.
  • 福塞在进入热气球舱时,向周围近百的小镇居民挥手致意,踏上了向东环游世界的征程。这次旅行预计将花费15天的时间。
    Fossett waved to around 100 townsfolk as he entered the capsule for an eastward circumnavigation that he expects will take 15 days.