  • 旧约第四卷;记录了跟随摩西离开埃及的以色人的数量。
    the fourth book of the Old Testament; contains a record of the number of Israelites who followed Moses out of Egypt.
  • 以快速的或一系的动作向上或向前移动;或以跳跃为特征的。
    moving upward and forward in a quick motion or series of motions; or characterized by leaps.
  • 山脉,连绵山脉范围广大的一群山脉或山区,尤指一块大陆的主要山脉系统
    An extensive chain of mountains or mountain ranges, especially the principal mountain system of a continent.
  • 动作一个动作或一系动作
    A movement or a series of movements.
  • 刈草机,扫雪机,小型器具,自行车,甚至焊接东西,均在服务之
    Lawn mowers, snow blowers, small appliances, bicycles, even light welding.
  • 纵队行进的(货车、骡子或骆驼组成的)队伍。
    a procession (of wagons or mules or camels) traveling together in single file.
  • 我反复考虑今天下午的一系事情。
    I mulled over the events of the afternoon.
  • 使用此命令并排排多个已打开的窗口
    Use this command to arrange multiple open windows side by side
  • 纳皮尔发明的以前用来进行乘除运算的一系棒。
    a set of graduated rods formerly used to do multiplication and division by a method invented by John Napier.
  • 传染致病微生物侵入人体的某部分或组织,并且不断繁殖,接着造成组织损坏,最后通过一系细胞或中毒机制发展为显性症状
    Invasion by and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in a bodily part or tissue, which may produce subsequent tissue injury and progress to overt disease through a variety of cellular or toxic mechanisms.
  • 八、为了造成中国军阀混战和镇压中国人民,帝国主义强供给中国反动政府以大量的军火和大批的军事顾问。
    The imperialist powers supply the reactionary government with large quantities of munitions and a host of military advisers, in order to keep the warlords hghting among themselves and to suppress the Chinese people.
  • 其实,这样的户外活动非常具有教育意义。他们可以看到天上的猎户星座,还有其他形状和排形式不一样的星星。我会教导他们,这些星星不止是神话故事的材料,还有实际的功用。
    In fact, it is educational because Orion is up there in the night sky with all the other bright stars whose shapes and patterns tell something more than a myth.
  • 丁托托意大利画家,以宗教、神话和历史为主题,也画肖像画。他的作品包括圣乔治和龙(大约1550年)
    Italian painter of religious, mythological, and historical subjects as well as portraits. His works include Saint George and the Dragon(c.1550).
  • 繁殖在不颠的兔子,曾经由于粘液瘤病而死去一大半。
    The greater part of the rabbit population of Britain went under to the disease of myxomatosis.
  • 敦煌守护者们的又一项繁难使命,便是加固和整修这些摇摇欲坠的"危房"。用各类ps系的浆料对大小裂隙进行灌注,用数十米的锚索将崩裂的岩石重新钉在崖体上。
    Another challenging mission for the guardians of Dunhuang it is to strengthen and repair these tottering "risky houses", by pouring sizes of different PS series into big and small cracks and nailing cracked rocks back into rock masses again using dozens of meters of cables.
  • 中国参与审议和制定了《到2000年提高妇女地位内罗毕前瞻性战略》,并结合本国的具体情况,制定了一系法律、法规,采取了切实可行的措施,来实现《内罗毕战略》所规定的目标。
    China took part in formulating and examining the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women to the Year 2000, and has laid down statutes and adopted concrete policies in accordance with China's reality so that the Nairobi Strategies may be realized.
  • 中国参与审议和制定了《到2000年提高妇女地位内罗毕前瞻性战略》,并结合本国的具体情况,制定了一系法律、法规,采取了切实可行的措施,来实现《内罗毕战略》所规定的目标。
    China took part in formulating and examining the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women to the Year 2000, and has laid down laws and statutes and adopted concrete policies in accordance with China's reality so that the Nairobi Strategies may be realized.
  • 中国参与审议和制定了《到2000年提高妇女地位内罗毕前瞻性战略》,并结合本国的具体情况,制定了一系法律、法规,采取了切实可行的措施,来实现《内罗毕战略》所规定的目标。
    China took part in formulating and examining the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women to the Year 2000, and has laid down statutes and adopted concrete policies in accordance with China's reality so that the Nairobi Strategies may be realized. China has consistently carried out the principle that men and women enjoy equal pay for equal work.
  • 一篇叙述一系相关事件的小说。
    a piece of fiction that narrates a chain of related events.
  • 指向告警表的直接导航维护状态概述
    direct navigation to the Alarms listMaintenance States Overview
  • 不过,机器人在下环境中还是很有用的,例如在火灾或毒气中,在这种情况下生命将无法幸存。而老鼠在两亿年的进化过程中,形成了相当复杂的导航能力。
    While robots would be useful in environments where a living thing could not suwive, such as where there are fires or poisonous gases, the rat has rather sophisticated navigational skills developed over 200 million years of evolution.
  • 很多书被纳粹党入黑名单。
    many books were blacklisted by the Nazis.
  • flexnetnt/nb系节点(gpsonly)
    FlexNet NT/NB Series Node (GPS Only)
  • 用于flexnetnt/nb系节点rf模块的连接
    Connection for the FlexNet NT/NB Series Node RF Module
  • 对flexnetnt/nb节点进行编程时,必须确保要对下模块中发现的aip芯片编程:
    When programming the FlexNet NT/NB Node, you must be sure to program the AIP chip found in the following modules:
  • 车员:不会,越往南走,天人越暖和。
    No,The nearer we go to the south, the warmer it will be.
  • 时间上往前或者接近某个序的末端。
    more advanced in time or nearer to the end in a sequence.
  • 她把橱窗里的商品排得整整齐齐。
    She ranged the goods neatly in the shop window.
  • 这两匹马并到达比赛的终点。
    At the end of the race the two horses were neck and neck.
  • 在那里的那根项链要多少钱?
    How much is the necklace you have on display over there?
  • 近年来,中国分别与一些周边国家进行了多层次的磋商,并采取了一系的实际行动。
    In recent years, China has held multi-level consultations with a number of neighbouring countries and has taken a series of practical actions.
  • 用战争打败了中国之后,帝国主义强不但占领了中国周围的许多原由中国保护的国家,而且抢去了或“租借”去了中国的一部分领土。
    After defeating China in war, they not only occupied many neighbouring countries formerly under her protection, but seized or "leased" parts of her territory.