  • 千足虫一种多足类食草性爬行节肢动物,布于世界各地,有圆柱形、节肢状身体,除胸部的前四节外所有节都有一对足
    Any of various crawling, herbivorous myriapods of the class Diplopoda, found worldwide and having a cylindrical, segmented body with two pairs of legs attached to all segments except for the first four in the thoracic region.
  • 柱形身体的蠕虫,身体外部和内部都节。
    worms with cylindrical bodies segmented both internally and externally.
  • 一种身体节的海生蠕虫,为明亮的红色;经常用作鱼饵。
    a segmented marine worm with bright red body; often used for bait.
  • 主要为水生的节肢动物,通常身体节并有壳质的外骨骼。
    any mainly aquatic arthropod usually having a segmented body and chitinous exoskeleton.
  • 陆栖的等足动物,身体节并呈卵形(形如猪)。
    terrestrial isopod having an oval segmented body (a shape like a sow).
  • 非脊椎动物,特征是有连接的副肢和由甲壳质外骨骼节的身体。
    invertebrate having jointed limbs and a segmented body with an exoskeleton made of chitin.
  • 生活在温暖干燥地区的蜘蛛类节肢动物,尾巴长而节,尾巴尖有毒刺。
    arachnid of warm dry regions having a long segmented tail ending in a venomous sting.
  • 小型陆栖等足动物,身体凸起、节并可以卷成一个球。
    small terrestrial isopod with a convex segmented body that can roll up into a ball.
  • 各种小型陆栖类等足动物,身体节、扁而呈椭圆形;聚集在潮湿的环境。
    any of various small terrestrial isopods having a flat elliptical segmented body; found in damp habitats.
  • 有骨胳及软骨组织的动物,它们有段的脊柱和内含大脑的头盖骨。
    animals having a bony or cartilaginous skeleton with a segmented spinal column and a large brain enclosed in a skull or cranium.
  • 一个附生或石生无刺仙人掌大属,常为节茎和下垂枝;小花,球状果实。
    large genus of epiphytic or lithophytic unarmed cacti with usually segmented stems and pendulous branches; flowers are small followed by berrylike fruits.
  • 环节动物环节动物门的一种虫或似虫的动物,其特征为身体较长,呈圆柱形节状,包括蚯蚓和水蛭
    Any of various worms or wormlike animals of the phylum Annelida, characterized by an elongated, cylindrical, segmented body and including the earthworm and leech.
  • 多足纲的节肢动物几种节肢动物的任一种,如蜈蚣或千足虫,长有节的身体、一对触角和至少九对足
    Any of several arthropods, such as the centipede or millipede, having segmented bodies, one pair of antennae, and at least nine pairs of legs.
  • 鳃足动物一种鳃足亚纲水生甲壳类动物,如神仙虾和水蚤,特征是身体节,具有平直叶状的胸腹附属结构
    Any of various aquatic crustaceans of the subclass Branchiopoda, such as the fairy shrimp and water flea, characterized by a segmented body and flattened, leaflike thoracic appendages.
  • 为减少拥挤,以太网成几个独立的网段,网络之间用网桥或路由器连接起来,以确保需要跨网络的信息流才发送。
    In order to alleviate congestion, Ethernet networks are segmented into discrete networks with bridges or routers between them to ensure that only traffic that needs to cross networks is sent.
  • 三叶虫多种构成三叶虫纲任一种的已灭绝的海洋节肢动物,身体节,有带沟将身体一为三个垂直的叶,在世界各地都发现过其化石
    Any of numerous extinct marine arthropods of the class Trilobita, of the Paleozoic Era, having a segmented body divided by grooves into three vertical lobes and found as fossils throughout the world.
  • 节肢动物一种节肢动物类的节肢动物门无脊椎动物,包括昆虫,甲壳纲动物,蛛形纲动物和多足纲节肢动物,其特征为有一甲壳质成对连接副肢的外骨骼和节的身体
    Any of numerous invertebrate animals of the phylum Arthropoda, including the insects, crustaceans, arachnids, and myriapods, that are characterized by a chitinous exoskeleton and a segmented body to which jointed appendages are articulated in pairs.
  • 蜘蛛纲动物一种蜘蛛纲节肢动物们,如蜘蛛、蝎子、小虫及扁虱,特征是有四对节的腿和为两部即头胸部及腹部的身体
    Any of various arthropods of the class Arachnida, such as spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks, characterized by four pairs of segmented legs and a body that is divided into two regions, the cephalothorax and the abdomen.
  • 脊椎动物脊索动物门的一个原始支,属于脊椎动物门的一种动物,包括鱼类、两栖动物、爬行动物、鸟类和哺乳动物,其共同特征是都有节段的脊柱和很明显的、化的头部
    A member of the subphylum Vertebrata, a primary division of the phylum Chordata that includes the fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, all of which are characterized by a segmented spinal column and a distinct, well-differentiated head.
  • 昆虫数量众多,通常为昆虫纲的小型节肢动物,成年期中有三对足,身体成头、胸和腹三部,通常有两对翅膀。昆虫包括苍蝇,蟋蟀,蚊子,甲虫,蝴蝶和蜜峰
    Any of numerous usually small arthropod animals of the class Insecta, having an adult stage characterized by three pairs of legs and a body segmented into head, thorax, and abdomen and usually having two pairs of wings. Insects include the flies, crickets, mosquitoes, beetles, butterflies, and bees.
  • 二回羽状裂的羽状半裂片。
    bipinnatifid with segments pinnatifid.
  • 不同的部被涂成不同的颜色。
    Different segments are painted differently.
  • 不同的部被涂成不同的颜色。
    Different segments were painted differently.
  • 有三部的有三个类似的部或节的
    Having three similar segments or parts.
  • 有羽状裂的细裂片组成的羽状裂结构。
    pinnatifid with the segments also pinnatifid.
  • (动物学)有关节或者有连接在一起的部
    (zoology) having joints or jointed segments;.
  • (动物学)没有关节或者没有连接在一起的部
    (zoology) without joints or jointed segments.
  • 由以关节连在一起的部组合而成。
    consisting of segments held together by joints.
  • 小叶复叶的一小部分
    One of the segments of a compound leaf.
  • 多数美国人在日程表上写满了约会,把时间成一段一段的。
    Most Americans live in time segments by engagement calendars.
  • n层实体所执行的功能,将多个n层的协议数据单元映象为一个n层的服务数据单元。它的功能与段相反。
    A function performed by an(N)- entity to map multiple(N)-protocol-data-units into one(N)- service-data-unit. It is the reverse function of segmenting.
  • 一系列波或波状部之一
    One of a series of waves or wavelike segments.