  • 有些县,民组织起来了一大部分,尚有一小部分没有组织,如益阳、华容等县,这是第二等。
    In some counties, like Yiyang and Huajung, the bulk of the peasants are organized, with only a small section remaining unorganized;these places are in the second grade.
  • 湘西一带,在袁祖铭势力之下,会宣传未到,许多县的民还全未组织起来,这是第四等。
    Western Hunan, which is under the control of Yuan Tsu-ming, has not yet been reached by the associations' propaganda, and in many of its counties the peasants are completely unorganized;these form a fourth grade.
  • 所有这些使这个地区的业得到空前发展。
    All this has led to unprecedented progress in agriculture in the region.
  • 这种额外需要的资本,虽然其所有者原打算用在生产方面,但实际上却被用在了非生产方面,每年不是由其自身生产的产品来偿还,而是由场主其余的资本养活的劳动者所生产的产品来偿还。
    This extra capital, though intended by its owners for production, is in reality employed unproductively, and annually replaced, not from any produce of its own, but from the produce of the labour supported by the remainder of the farmer's capital.
  • 第十四条 业集体经济组织或者村民委员会应当向承包土地、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂、水面的个人或者集体提供生产服务。
    Article 14 Agricultural economic collectives or villagers committees shall provide production services to individuals or collectives that have contracted for the lands, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed lands, beaches or water surfaces.
  • 第十二条 集体所有的或者国家所有由业集体经济组织使用的土地、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂、水面可以由个人或者集体承包从事业生产。
    Article 12 Lands, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed lands, beaches and water surfaces owned by collectives or the State and exploited by agricultural economic collectives, may be contracted to individuals or collectives for agricultural production.
  • 中国的革命的文学家艺术家,有出息的文学家艺术家,必须到群众中去,必须长期地无条件地全心全意地到工兵群众中去,到火热的斗争中去,到唯一的最广大最丰富的源泉中去,观察、体验、研究、分析一切人,一切阶级,一切群众,一切生动的生活形式和斗争形式,一切文学和艺术的原始材料,然后才有可能进入创作过程。
    China's revolutionary writers and artists, writers and artists of promise, must go among the masses; they must for a long period of time unreservedly and whole-heartedly go among the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers, go into the heat of the struggle, go to the only source, the broadest and richest source, in order to observe, experience, study and analyse all the different kinds of people, all the classes, all the masses, all the vivid patterns of life and struggle, all the raw materials of literature and art.
  • 的确的,民在乡里颇有一点子“乱来”。
    True, the peasants are in a sense "unruly" in the countryside.
  • 向为富不仁的地主捐款救济贫民,办合作社,办民贷款所,或作他用。
    The unscrupulous rich landlords are made to contribute for poor relief, for the organization of co-operatives or peasant credit societies, or for other purposes.
  • 但是只有靠大量增加劳动,才能生产出更多的粮食,因此不仅业人口比起游牧人口来说空闲时间要少得多,而且由于长期使用不完善的工具和不熟练的技艺(在世界上很大一部分地区直到现在仍是这样),除了在气候和土壤特别有利的情况下,民们生产不出超过自身消费量很多的余粮,因而供养不了大群从事其他产业的劳动者。
    But this additional food is only obtained by a great additional amount of labour; so that not only an agricultural has much less leisure than a pastoral population,but, with the imperfect tools and unskillful processes which are for a long time employed (and which over the greater part of the earth have not even yet been abandoned), agriculturists do not,unless in unusually advantageous circumstances of climate and soil, produce so great a surplus of food, beyond their necessary consumption, as to support any large class of labourers engaged in other departments of industry.
  • 乡村小学校的教材,完全说些城里的东西,不合村的需要。
    The texts used in the rural primary schools were entirely about urban things and unsuited to rural needs.
  • 这表明中国政府推进村村委会民主选举的决心是坚定不移的。
    This testifies to the unswerving resolution of the Chinese government in pressing ahead with the democratic election of villagers committees across the rural areas.
  • 那个老民解放前受尽苦难。
    The old peasant went through untold hardships before liberation.
  • 未利用地是指用地和建设用地以外的土地。
    The term "land unused" refers to land other than that for agricultural and construction uses.
  • 他们既教民操作,又教他们维修。
    They taught the farmers both operation, upkeep and repairs.
  • 村妇女增加了劳动收入,促进了家庭、社会地位的提高
    5. Rural Women have increased their income, hence uplifting their family and social status.
  • 妇女收入的增加不仅改善了村家庭生活质量,也提高了妇女的家庭和社会地位。
    The increase of women's income has not only improved the quality of family life in the countryside, but also uplifted their social and family status.
  • 七月中旬,这支军同平江的民武装会合。九月又与国民革命军第四集团军第二方面军总指挥部警卫团、安源工人武装等合编为工革命军第一军第一师,在毛泽东领导下,于修水、铜鼓、平江、浏阳一带举行秋收起义。
    After the Nanchang Uprising on August 1, these armed peasants joined forces with the former Guards Regiment of the Wuchang National Government at Hsiushui and Tungku in Kiangsi Province and at Pingkiang and Liuyang in Hunan Province, and staged the Autumn Harvest Uprising in co-ordination with the armed coal miners of Pinghsiang, Kiangsi.
  • 她别井离乡从场搬到伦敦.
    She uprooted herself from the farm and moved to London.
  • 因为目前民运动的兴起是一个极大的问题。
    For the present upsurge of the peasant movement is a colossal event.
  • 比如业合作化,一两年一个高潮,一种组织形式还没有来得及巩固,很快又变了。
    For example, in the co-operative transformation of agriculture, there was an upsurge every year or two, with one kind of organizational form being quickly replaced by another before the first one had time to be consolidated.
  • 然若全国在革命高涨中,贫阶级有所恃而增加勇气,中间阶级亦有所惧而不敢乱为。
    But when there is a revolutionary upsurge in the country as a whole, the poor peasant dass has something to rely on and becomes bolder, while the intermediate class has something to fear and dare not get out of hand.
  • 据统计,生态业试点县粮食总产量较以前增长15%,亩产增长10%以上,人均收入高于当地平均水平12%。
    According to statistics, the total output of grain of the experimental counties has increased by 15 percent, output per mu by upwards of 10 percent, and the income per capita is 12 percent higher than the average level of the surrounding areas.
  • 积极稳妥地推进城镇化,促进村劳动力向非产业转移。
    Urbanization should proceed in a positive and sound manner and rural workforce should be encouraged to shift to non-agricultural industries.
  • 村,业就业虽仍以家庭为主,但随着城镇化战略的实施和非产业的发展,非就业和村劳动力转移迅速发展。
    In the countryside, the household is still the dominant unit of agricultural employment. However, with the implementation of the urbanization strategy and the development of non-agricultural industries, non-agricultural employment and the transfer of rural labor have increased rapidly.
  • 中国将在工业化和城市化进程中继续保护和改善业自然环境:重点控制工业发展带来的环境污染,推广有利于防治工业污染的适用技术;
    In the course of industrialization and urbanization China will continue to protect and improve the natural environment for agriculture. In this respect, it will focus on controlling environmental pollution brought about by industrial development, and popularize suitable technologies to help prevent and control industrial pollution.
  • 煽动者怂恿民革命。
    Agitators urged the peasants revolution.
  • 煽动者怂恿民叛变。
    Agitators urged the peasants to revolt.
  • 目前自然还不能提出国家业和集体业的问题,但是为着促进业的发展,在各地组织小范围的事试验场,并设立业研究学校和产品展览所,却是迫切地需要的。
    Of course, we cannot as yet bring up the question of state or collective farming, but it is urgently necessary to set up small experimental farms, agricultural research schools and exhibitions of farm produce in various places to stimulate the development of agriculture.
  • (苏联)公产主义政府拥有的集体场。
    (USSR) a collective farm owned by the communist state.
  • 一、封建时代的自给自足的自然经济基础是被破坏了;但是,封建剥削制度的根基——地主阶级对民的剥削,不但依旧保持着,而且同买办资本和高利贷资本的剥削结合在一起,在中国的社会经济生活中,占着显然的优势。
    The foundations of the self-sufficient natural economy of feudal times have been destroyed, but the exploitation of the peasantry by the landlord class, which is the basis of the system of feudal exploitation, not only remains intact but, linked as it is with exploitation by comprador and usurer capital, clearly dominates China's social and economic life.
  • 他们买进货物要受商人的剥削,卖出产要受商人的勒抑,钱米借贷要受重利盘剥者的剥削,他们很迫切地要解决这三个问题。
    When they buy goods, the merchants exploit them;when they sell their farm produce, the merchants cheat them;when they borrow money or rice, they are fleeced by the usurers;and they are eager to find a solution to these three problems.