那土地的所有权有争议。 The ownership of the land is disputed.
出处有争议的诗篇 A poem of disputed authorship.
我跟太太争论有关家庭费用的问题。 I disputed with my wife on household expenses.
他们对应该做什麽这一问题进行了长时间的争论. They disputed at great length what they should do.
我方战士寸土必争. Our soldiers disputed every inch of ground.
扣押有争议的选票 Impounding disputed electoral ballots.
对抗他的竞争对手 Disputed the actions of his competitors.
没有争辩或者怀疑的余地。 incapable of being contested or disputed.
证明有争议的职责的责任。 the duty of proving a disputed charge.
士兵们力争夺取每一寸土地。 The soldiers disputed every inch of ground.
既然是假定,就有争论的余地。 A hypothesis admits by its nature of being disputed.
在这两点上,他争得非常激烈。 He disputed like a devil on these two points.
在这3点上,约翰争得非常激烈。 John disputed like a deyil on these three points.
进行审理来判定有争议的问题的人。 someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue.
我们队伍与客队争夺锦标 Our team disputed the visitors' claim to the championship.
难以找到答案或者解决办法;很有争议。 causing difficulty in finding an answer or solution; much disputed.
我们队争取胜利直至比赛的最后一分钟。 Our team disputed the victory until the last minute of the game.
我们的球队争取胜利直到比赛结束。 Our team disputed the victory until the very end of the game.
联合国大会决定将该争议领土置于联合国的监督管理之下。 The General Assembly decided to place the disputed territory under UN surveillance.
亚洲西南部一地区,是印度与巴基斯坦争议地区。 an area in southwestern Asia whose sovereignty is disputed between Pakistan and India.
卖方没有错,此事不必争论,建议贵公司早日平息此事。 Our seller is faultless and it cannot be disputed I will recommend you regard matter closed
法院的裁决对未来移民程序争议案有影响 The decision of the court has a bearing on future cases where immigration procedures are disputed
这两个国家为了边界上一块土地已经争执多年 The two countries have disputed for years over a small strip of land on their border
报章上为了争夺家产而闹上法庭的报道已不是什么大新闻了。 Stories in the press about lawsuits between family members over disputed properties are not news anymore.
法院的裁决对未来移民程序争议案有影响。 The decision of the court bears on or has a bearing on future cases where immigration procedures are disputed.
日本一教育委员会已决定让几家国立学校使用有争议的教科书,这些教科书企图粉饰日本战争时期的侵略行径。 A Japanese education board decided to have several state run schools use disputed textbook which try to whitewash Japan's wartime aggression.
1979年,马拉多纳经过争夺,赢得了世界青年足球杯的冠军。这次比赛中,他被评为最佳球员。 In 1979 Maradona disputed and won the Juvenile World Cup, and in that demonstration he was recognized as the best player of the tournament.
我很久之后还不能理解那个费解的评论的意思;预言书是如此的难以理解,以至于对它们的意思已经争论了几个世纪。 I didn't grasp the meaning of that enigmatic comment until much later; prophetic texts so enigmatic that their meaning has been disputed for centuries.
我还设想,有些国际上的领土争端,可以先不谈主权,先进行共同开发。 I have also considered the possibility of resolving certain territorial disputes by having the countries concerned jointly develop the disputed areas before discussing the question of sovereignty.
战争的谢意使人们心感不安。 Rumors of war disquieted the people.
如果说百花齐放、百家争鸣可以不顾安定团结,那就是对于这个方针的误解和滥用。 If anyone thinks it can be implemented in disregard of stability and unity, he is misinterpreting and abusing it.
把打架、旷课、对师长不敬等行为列入讨论范围内,那是不会有多少人反对的,然而把男性化的女生贴上“问题学生”的标签,却有很大的争议。 While few would object to the inclusion of fighting, cutting classes and disrespect for teachers into the discussion, it is arguable that boys-like girls should be labeled as "problem students".