  • 有些不端行为或者违反体育风尚的行为,不管自运动员也好,教练也好,都可以造成一次技术犯规,到时对方的场上队长就会得到一次罚球。
    Some types of misbehavior or unsportsmanlike actions either by the players or their coaches may bring down a technical foul, whereupon the team captain is awarded a free throw.
  • 她不很聪明,但她是我所认识的完美无瑕的好人。或许只有智商相当低下才能做到污泥而不染。
    She is not very bright, but the only completely good person I know. Maybe you have to have a fairly low I.Q. to remain unspotted from the world.
  • 不稳定而且容易现起伏。
    the quality of being unsteady and subject to fluctuations.
  • 莱昂内尔车实在开得太快了,总有一天他真会事的。
    Lionel drives far too fast and one of these days he's going to really come unstuck.
  • 中央政府和西藏地方各级政府为此作了巨大努力,取得了显著成就。
    Outstanding achievements have been made in this regard through the unstinted efforts of the Central Government and the governments at all levels in the Region.
  • 中性元音;现在非重读音节。
    a neutral middle vowel; occurs in unstressed syllables.
  • 刺杀局,夹杀做一次传杀或助杀的机会,不成功则算误杀
    An opportunity to make a putout or an assist that counts as an error if unsuccessful.
  • 玛丽在演中最不该笑的时候突然笑了起来。
    Mary was taken with a fit of laughing at a most unsuitable moment in the performance.
  • 第一类为重大次品,比如辅料遗漏、衣服上有污痕,这些次品将使衣服无法售。
    The first type are major defects, such as missing trimmings and stains on the blouses, which may render the garments unsuitable for sale.
  • 市区的发展工程繁多,挖大量海底淤泥,在一九九七年达1150万立方米。
    The many urban development projects have generated a vast quantity of dredged marine mud, 11.5 million cubic metres in 1997, that is unsuitable for reclamation and other uses.
  • 但她似乎并不适合这个角色,她的气质使她成为饰演郝思佳的理想人选,但对于这样一个内向的角色却并不合适。费雯丽接受的第二个角色是米高梅公司《魂断蓝桥》的女主角,这也是她和好莱坞重新签约的一部分。虽然她更愿演《傲慢与偏见》。
    She didn’t seem right for the part -qualities which made her ideal for Scarlett now made her unsuited for such a restrained role,Vivien next was given the lead role in MGM's Waterloo Bridge as part of her new Hollywood counter,although she would have Preferred working on Pride and Prejudice.
  • “晚上好,”我回答说。她的现使我平添了几分不安,又猜不透她是什么用意。
    “Good evening,” I replied, a little discomforted by her presence and unsure of her intentions.
  • 中国将继续加强与世界各国的友好合作关系,为维护、促进亚太地区和世界的和平、稳定、繁荣、发展作不懈努力。
    China will continue to develop friendly relations and cooperation with all other countries. It will make unswerving efforts to safeguard and promote the peace, stability, prosperity and development of the Asia-Pacific region in particular and the world in general.
  • 他们对他的行为做恶意的解释。
    they put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct.
  • 服务器的实际吞吐能力仍未被开发来。
    The server's actual capacity for throughout remains untapped.
  • 但这今还有一个几乎未经开发的巨大个人资源——一体和我,我们大家齐心协力定会对解决这些迫在眉睫的问题做切实的贡献。
    But there is as yet one largely untapped source of individuals who together could add a definite contribution to the issues at hand-you and I.
  • 这些理由是根本不能成立的,也绝对不能得台湾可以“中华民国”的名义自立为一个国家和海峡两岸已经分裂为两个国家的结论。
    These arguments are absolutely untenable, and can never lead to the conclusion that Taiwan may declare itself a state under the name of the "Republic of China," or that the two sides of the Straits have been divided into two states.
  • 他竟干这样的坏事,真令人难以置信。
    It seem unthinkable that he shall have do such a wicked thing.
  • 他竟干这样的坏事,真令人难以置信
    It seems unthinkable that he shall have done such a wicked thing
  • 然而,单凭一本周刊就几乎可以颠覆一个城市的阅读习惯,这样的情形绝对不可能在新加坡现。
    However, it is certainly unthinkable that a weekly magazine alone can change the reading habits of Singaporeans.
  • 传统上,家长都希望孩子能在“有息”的专业上寻求发展,要他们愿意让孩子成为职业运动员,或在体育行业中寻找路,真的不是一朝一夕的事。
    By and large, parents hope their children would have a career in an established profession. For them to agree to their children persuing a career in sports may be unthinkable. The traditional mindset will certainly not change overnight.
  • 学习与不会思考的头脑无缘,学习者必须向自己和老师提问题。
    Learning doesn't consist in an unthinking head. The learner has to question himself and question the teacher.
  • 他呈现与恐怖组织有联系的迹象。
    He came into contact with a terrorist group; The shoes came untied; I came to see his point of view; her face went red with anger; The knot came loose; Your wish will come true.
  • 不到4点不要出去。
    Do not go out until four.
  • 她拿一张纸写道:“至死不屈!”
    Taking a piece of paper, she wrote, "I will not give up, even unto death!"
  • 为什么我们过去能在非常困难的情况下奋斗来,战胜千难万险使革命胜利呢?
    How was it that we were able to survive untold hardships, overcome the most difficult and dangerous conditions and bring the revolution to victory?
  • 对于孩子,对于想象力丰富的人,或者对于从未过远门的人来说,第一次接近一个大城市真是奇妙的经历。
    To the child, the genius with imagination, or the wholly untravelled, the approach to a great city for the first time is a wonderful thing.
  • 历史上第一次现了几乎没有气泡的。
    For the first time in history, glass was made quite free from bubbles and flat as a pool of untroubled water;
  • 这个假借着誓言做的声明是在说谎;虚伪的人。
    the statement given under oath was untruthful; an untruthful person.
  • 他表现了非凡的力量和技能。
    He demonstrated unusual strength and skills.
  • 庞然大物奇体大的人、动物或物体
    An unusually large person, animal, or thing.
  • 单调的用不变的音调饿说或讲话
    Sounded or spoken in an unvarying tone.