  • 自打那时起,他皈依宗教,表现对绘画交易的不满以及对工作玩忽职守的态度。古比尔把他从伦敦调到巴黎,可看到他的工作还是不尽人意时,就在1876年将他解雇了。
    After that, he turned to religion, expressed disapproval with art-dealing and neglected his work, Groupil transferred him from London to Paris but, when his work was still unsatisfactory, dismissed him in 1876.
  • 有些事情还是不说来为好.
    Some things are better left unsaid.
  • 他这么无耻要逼着一个寡妇拿最后一个子儿。
    He's so unscrupulous that he'd screw the last penny out of a widow.
  • 一方面要把我区多余的粮食,有计划地(不是无限制地)运输口,不受奸商的中间剥削,从白区购买必需品进来。
    On the other hand, we should send our grain surplus out of the Red areas in a planned way (i.e., not in unlimited quantities) and bring in necessities from the White areas, thus avoiding exploitation by unscrupulous merchants.
  • 船员们拒绝驾驶这条经不起风浪的船海。
    The crew refused to go to sea in such an unseaworthy vessel.
  • 我在当地报纸上见到一则广告,说有一台二手洗衣机售,要价只有10英镑,因此我看也没看就把它买下了。
    There was a second-hand washing machine advertised in my local paper for only ten pounds, so I bought it sight unseen.
  • 在公众福利事业中表现没有私利的。
    showing unselfish interest in the public welfare.
  • 表现对财富或者其他事物的无私。
    showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others.
  • 我们对本港的联系汇率制度感到自豪,尽管区内的金融市场现动荡,这个制度却稳如磐石,丝毫不受影响。
    We are proud of our linked exchange rate regime, which remains unshakable despite turbulences in the region.
  • 首先,只有社会主义才能救中国,这是中国人民从五四运动到现在六十年来的切身体验中得的不可动摇的历史结论。
    In the first place, socialism and socialism alone can save China -- this is the unshakable historical conclusion that the Chinese people have drawn from their own experience in the 60 years since the May 4th Movement [1919].
  • 但是只有靠大量增加劳动,才能生产更多的粮食,因此不仅农业人口比起游牧人口来说空闲时间要少得多,而且由于长期使用不完善的工具和不熟练的技艺(在世界上很大一部分地区直到现在仍是这样),除了在气候和土壤特别有利的情况下,农民们生产不超过自身消费量很多的余粮,因而供养不了大群从事其他产业的劳动者。
    But this additional food is only obtained by a great additional amount of labour; so that not only an agricultural has much less leisure than a pastoral population,but, with the imperfect tools and unskillful processes which are for a long time employed (and which over the greater part of the earth have not even yet been abandoned), agriculturists do not,unless in unusually advantageous circumstances of climate and soil, produce so great a surplus of food, beyond their necessary consumption, as to support any large class of labourers engaged in other departments of industry.
  • 还剩一半库存未售
    Half the stock remain unsold.
  • 此报盘以我方尚未售为准
    An offer subject( to be) unsold
  • 只有几件商品未售
    There are only a few unsold pieces.
  • 该报盘的该批货未售时为准。
    The offer is subject to the goods being unsold.
  • 本报盘以货物未售为条件。
    This offer is subject to prior sale ( goods is unsold ).
  • 没有售的任何数量的货物都将甩卖掉。
    Any quantity of the goods left unsold shall be disposed of.
  • 此报盘以我货未售前、收到你方回函接受为准。
    This offer is subject to the goods unsold on receipt of your reply.
  • 房子在市场上已有一年了还未售。
    the house has been on the market almost a year and is still unsold.
  • 此报盘以我货未售前、收到你方回函接受为准。
    This offer is subjected to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply.
  • 同意买下同意在规定的时间和价格购买(尚未公开销售的股票)的未售部分
    To agree to buy the unsold part of(stock not yet sold publicly) at a fixed time and price.
  • 一份被主动提供的手稿;主动提来的意见
    An unsolicited manuscript; unsolicited opinions.
  • 2.未经请求,不要发照片。
    2.Don't send unsolicited pictures.
  • 我知道那句话的来历,我确实知道,那时我为满足自己的自重感,并且要显我的优越、突,而毫无顾忌的纠正了他的错误。那人坚持自己的见解。什么?
    I knew that, I knew it positively.There couldn’t be the slightest doubt about it.And so, to get a feeling of importance and display my superiority, I appointed myself as an unsolicited and unwelcome committee of one to correct him. He stuck to his guns. What?
  • 买方说货物质量不高,准备提索赔,并在等待我们提邮的相对检验结果。
    Buyer state cargo unsound condition and prepare claim is await result of our counter survey.
  • 他付了代价,现在才发现那是一项很不保险的投资。
    It was a very unsound investment, as he's now found out to his cost.
  • 她在考虑这一切问题时,心中有说不的烦恼。
    She suffered unspeakable trouble while she considered all these questions.
  • 她根本不是一个美人,但是她有一种无法说的魅力。
    She is not at all a beauty, but she has an unspeakable charm.
  • 不用语言表达的;不能说来的:
    Not expressed in words; unspoken.
  • 他的见解之所以重要,是因为他的见解代表着普通美国大众没有说来的意见。
    The importance of his ideas is that they represent the unspoken opinion of the silent majority.
  • 遗憾的是,情况往往不是这样。有时候你要跟大家在一起,就感到有种说不的压力。
    Unfortunately it's not always the case and sometimes you sense the unspoken pressure to join the crowd.
  • 卑鄙的竞争者;使用卑鄙的方法获得权利;下流、卑鄙的发球;为不符合体育道德的行为作罚款。
    a dirty fighter; used foul means to gain power; a nasty unsporting serve; fined for unsportsmanlike behavior.