  • 階層的敵視和對社會的焦慮充斥於英國的企業文化。
    Class spite and social angst riddle British corporate cultures.
  • 反映者說,雖然這些談話,未完全解開他們心裏的千千結,但是,一時之,他們覺得肩膀上的負擔似乎減輕不少。
    While the minister’s remarks could not rid them of the sense of angst, they said they did feel a lightening of the load on their shoulders.
  • 海德格爾,馬丁1889-1976德國哲學家,認為衹有意識到人存在的暫時性才能領悟存在的真諦。主要著作有存在與時(1927年),他對薩特及其他存在主義哲學家都有很大的影響
    German philosopher who maintained that authentic human existence belongs only to those who react with angst to the inherent emptiness of life. His works, including Being and Time(1927), greatly influenced Sartre and other existentialists.
  • 量日儀一種望遠鏡,用以測量天體之微小的角距離
    A telescope equipped to measure small angular distances between celestial bodies.
  • 距角從地球上看的兩個天體之的角距離
    The angular distance between two celestial bodies as seen from Earth.
  • 被觀察者發現的兩個物體之的角形區域。
    the angular separation between two objects as perceived by an observer.
  • 測量兩個天體之的角距離;類似於八分儀。
    an instrument for measuring the angular distance between celestial objects; resembles an octant.
  • "你認為我應該回去和安格斯重歸於好嗎?""你可以試試。改過不嫌晚嘛,再說,這次一段時的分手也會使他明白許多道理。
    "Do you think I should go back and live with Angus again? ""You can try. It's never too late to mend and the breakup may have made him see sense."
  • “你認為我應該回去和安格斯重歸於好嗎?”“你可以試試。改過不嫌晚嘛,再說,這次一段時的分手也會使他明白許多道理。
    "Do you think I should go back and live with Angus again?" "You can try. It's never too late to mend and the breakup may have made him see sense."
  • 長時的閑談長時的熱烈交談或討論
    A long, animated conversation or discussion.
  • 》該片播映了17年之久,是電視臺播放時最長的動畫係列片。
    which was produced for 17 years and was television's longest? running animated series.
  • 在動畫中,瞬取走圖形信息。
    In animation, the instantaneous removal of a pictorial information.
  • 失水休眠一種休眠狀態,特別指某些水生非脊椎動物能夠經受長時幹旱的狀態
    A state of suspended animation, especially one in which certain aquatic invertebrates are able to survive long periods of drought.
  • 與傳統的單個卡通人物不同的是,國際足球聯盟和韓、日世界杯組委會打破慣例,推出一段簡短的動畫片,動畫主人公將成為在2002年比賽期受到人們普遍歡迎的形象。
    In a departure from the traditional single cartoon character, FIFA and the World Cup Organizing Committees in Japan and Korea have unveiled a brief animation whose main heroes are intended to become the popular face of the tournament in 2002.
  • 這是以靈魂說為背景的:世萬物都有生命,或都有神靈依附着——山川河流,以及一切達到高齡的東西。
    The background was animistic: everything was alive or inhabited by a spirit mountains, rivers, and everything that reached a grand old age.
  • 這兩個階級之有很深的仇恨。
    There is great animosity between the two classes.
  • 他們之間有仇恨。
    There exists animosity between them.
  • 而敵人又利用這個災荒挑撥人民到根據地搶糧,企圖形成抗日根據地與敵占區中國人之的嚴重對立。
    Taking advantage of this famine, the enemy has incited the people to seize grain from the base areas in an attempt to create deep animosity between Chinese in the anti-Japanese base areas and those in areas under his occupation.
  • 安娜的生活是完全按照時表來進行的;她像一個修女一樣,沒有手錶就會茫然若失,不知所措了。
    Anna's life worked to schedule; like a nun, she would have been lost without her watch.
  • 塔西佗,普布留斯·科內利烏斯古羅官員和歷史學家,他的兩部最偉大的著作,歷史和編年史,記述了從奧古斯都之死(公元14年)到多米西安之死(96年)這期的史實
    Roman public official and historian whose two greatest works, Histories and Annals, concern the period from the death of Augustus( a.d.14) to the death of Domitian(96).
  • 身為南大的一分子,我認為潘先生的國寶榮譽應該含括他在南大籌建、初創與刻苦經營期的貢獻,讓他能與陳六使先生等人在南大史中永留美名!
    Speaking as a part of Nantah, I believe that the "national treasure" honour conferred upon Mr Pan should include his contributions towards the building, the foundingand the running of Nantah. Let his legacy live on in the annals of Nantah, up there with the likes of Mr Tan Lark Sye.
  • 身為南大的一分子,我認為潘先生的“國寶”榮譽應該含括他在南大籌建、初創與刻苦經營期的貢獻,讓他能與陳六使先生等人在南大史中永留美名!
    Speaking as a part of Nantah, I believe that the "national treasure" honor conferred upon Mr. Pan should include his contributions towards the building, the founding and the hardworking of running of Nantah. Let his legacy live on in the annals of Nantah, up there with the likes of Mr. Tan Lark Sye.
  • 安以閱讀打發空閑的時
    Anne filled her hours of disengagement with rading.
  • 卡纍利河歐洲東北部一地區,主要位於蘇聯西北部,在芬蘭灣和白海之。該地區在9世紀時首次被提及,後來受瑞典人的統治,1721年被俄國併吞
    A region of northeast Europe mainly in the northwest U.S.S.R. between the Gulf of Finland and the White Sea. First mentioned in the ninth century, the area later came under Swedish domination and was annexed by Russia in1721.
  • 阿爾薩斯法國東部的一個地區,以前是一個省,介於萊茵河和孚日山脈中。1871年普法戰爭後和它鄰近的洛林一同被德國吞併,1919年凡爾賽和約簽定後回歸法國
    A region and former province of eastern France between the Rhine River and the Vosges Mountains. Along with neighboring Lorraine, it was annexed by Germany in1871 after the Franco-Prussian War and returned to France by the Treaty of Versailles(1919).
  • 無綫電通訊已消除了空的阻隔。
    Radio communication has annihilated space.
  • 還有些插麯,就是部隊的同志着急,總想打個把殲滅戰。
    Incidentally, some comrades were eager to fight a few battles of annihilation.
  • 我之弱的因素也依然存在,戰略上的劣勢和被動還未脫離,為了爭取時,加強國內國際條件,改變自己的不利狀態,沒有戰役和戰鬥的殲滅戰,也不能成功。
    We still have our weakness and have not yet rid ourselves of strategic inferiority and passivity; therefore, unless we fight campaigns and battles of annihilation, we cannot win time to improve our internal and international situation and alter our unfavourable position.
  • 不久就要宣佈這班飛機的起飛時了。
    The flight will is announce soon.
  • 他蹦蹦跳跳地跑進房,宣佈他要結婚了。
    He bound into the room and announce that he is get marry.
  • 選擇那個時公佈,真出人意料。
    The timing of the announcement was rather unexpected.
  • 1979年——1994年,國防費的絶對值年平均增長6.22%,而此期全國零售物價總指數年平均上漲7.7%。
    Between 1979 and 1994 defence spending increased 6.22 percent annually in absolute terms. Over that same period, the general retail price index of commodities increased 7.7 percent annually.