  • 在仍是君主制女王仍是它国家元首的联邦国家,如加拿大或澳大利亚代表王室的人
    The person represents the British crown in commonwealth country ( such as Canada or Australia ) which is still a monarchy with the British queen as head of state
  • 甚至她的外甥、53岁的查尔斯王子在代表母亲发表的纪念玛格丽特的电视讲话中,也主要强调她的美而不是对国和联邦的贡献。
    Even her nephew Prince Charles, 53, who issued a rare televised statement on behalf of his grieving mother upon Margaret's death, emphasized her aesthetic attributes rather than her contributions to Britain and the Commonwealth.
  • 她告诉公众:"想起教会的教诲……意识到我对联邦的义务,我决心把其他考虑抛在脑后。"她的密友格伦康纳说,多年以后,公主仍然不时念叨"如果我们结婚,我的生活会是什么样呢"。
    " Mindful of the Church's teachings...and conscious of my duty to the Commonwealth, I have resolved to put these considerations before others,"she told the public. Years later, her close friend Glenconner says, the princess still sometimes wondered " what my life would have been like if we had married.
  • 警队为准备这些活动,在一九九四至一九九七年间先后派出警务人员到海外考察大型的国际会议,其中包括在马德里和华盛顿举行的世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会,在亚特兰大举行的奥林匹克运动会,在新西兰举行的联邦政府首脑会议和在新加坡举行的世界贸易组织会议。
    To prepare for this, Police officers were sent abroad between 1994 and1997 to observe major international conferences and meetings. These included the WB/IMF Annual Meetings in Madrid and Washington, DC, the Olympic Games in Atlanta, the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in New Zealand and the World Trade Organisation Meeting in Singapore.
  • 他用不连贯的语试图和我交流。
    In halting English he struggled to communicate.
  • 如果没有了语,来自不同族群的人,将难以交谈。
    Without it, Singaporeans of different extractions will cease to communicate.
  • cpc是中国共产党的文名称缩写。
    CPC stands for the Communist Party of China.
  • 我的叔父过去每天要走10里到城里去。
    My uncle used to commute ten miles to the city.
  • 二十二里的通勤路程;轻松的通勤路程
    A22-mile commute; an easy commute.
  • 玛丽每天得走约五里的路去城里上班。
    Linda has to commute about five miles to the city.
  • 父亲过去每天从乡下的家走十里来此。
    Father used to commute ten miles from his home in the country.
  • 玛丽过去每天从郊区的家里走五里来上班。
    Mary used to commute five miles from her home in the suburb.
  • 父亲过去每天要走十里的路途往返于乡下的家和城里的办公室。
    Father used to commute the ten miles between his home in the country and his office in the city.
  • 汤姆过去每天要往返于乡下的家和城里的学校之间,行程15里。
    Tom used to commute the fifteen miles between his home in the country and his school in the city.
  • 英国通用电气公司
    The General Electric Company
  • 将汉语与语比较对比。
    Compare and contrast English with Chinese.
  • 我的文水平不如他。
    My English cannot compare with his.
  • 随着日本帝国主义对中国侵略的加紧,美同日本的矛盾更加表面化,中国共产党认为和美帝国主义利益密切联系的蒋介石集团可能改变对日本的态度,因而采取逼迫蒋介石转向抗日的政策。
    The Chinese Communist Party maintained that the Chiang Kai-shek clique, with its close ties with Anglo-American imperialist interests, might change its attitude to Japan at its masters' bidding, and therefore it adopted the policy of compelling Chiang Kai-shek to resist Japan.
  • 受华文教育的人说偏重文的政策导致华校的没落,一些受文教育者则认为政府是为了安抚讲华语的选民,才强逼学生修读华文这门“无用”的科目。
    The Chinese-educated feels that our language policy that favours the English language has caused the decline of the Chinese language. The English-educated, on the other hand, holds the view that the government compels students to learn the Chinese language, which is “of little use”, in order to placate Mandarin-speaking voters.
  • 她得到了一笔五百镑的赔偿费。
    She receive the sum of 500 pounds in compensation.
  • 语方面,我们班上没有人能一玛丽竞争。
    No student in our class can compete in English with Mary.
  • 你如要学习文, 你须先找一位称职的教师。
    If you want to learn English, you must first find a competent teacher.
  • 她教英语行吗?
    Is she competent to teach English?
  • 她胜任教授英语。
    She is competent for teaching English.
  • 我们在编辑一本中学生用的汉辞典。
    We are -ing an English-Chinese dictionary for high school students.
  • 我们正在编一本供大学生用的语词典。
    We are compiling an English dictionary for students.
  • 专为学习语的外国学生编纂的词典
    A dictionary expressly compiled for foreign students of English
  • 80年代以来,我们引进了不少由语国家学者编写的教材。
    After 1980's, we've imported some textbooks compiled by native speakers.
  • 截至二零零一年年底,已编订了21辑《政府部门常用汉辞汇》和多辑公文样本。
    By the end of the year, the agency had compiled 21 volumes of English-Chinese glossaries of terms commonly used in government departments and sets of samples of official documents.
  • 除了印制公文写作手册和其他参考资料外,法定语文事务署也编纂政府常用汉和汉辞汇,协助公务员撰写中文公文。
    Besides producing guidebooks and reference materials on official Chinese writing to facilitate drafting in Chinese, the Official Languages agency has compiled glossaries of terms commonly used in the Government.
  • 国经济的基础稳固,我们有回旋退避的余地但切不可因此而自鸣得意。
    The fundamentals of the UK economy are sound, there is room for manoeuvre but there is no room for complacency.
  • 的确,她们这家人里面只有她们的兄弟能使她称心满意,你一眼便可以看出他是真的在为吉担忧,再说他对于伊丽莎白也殷勤和悦到极点。伊丽莎白本以为人家会把她看作一个不速之客,可是有了这份殷勤,她就不这么想了。
    Their brother, indeed, was the only one of the party whom she could regard with any complacency. His anxiety for Jane was evident, and his attentions to herself most pleasing, and they prevented her feeling herself so much an intruder as she believed she was considered by the others.