  • 药用蜀葵一种多年生的植物(蜀葵属),原产生于欧洲,已适应在北美洲东部的沼泽地区生长,具有艳丽的粉色朵,其带有粘液性的根常被用作缓和性药或用于制作糖果
    A perennial plant(Althaea officinalis) native to Europe and naturalized in marshes of eastern North America, having showy pink flowers and a mucilaginous root occasionally used as a demulcent and in confectionery.
  • 牛痘牛的一种良性皮肤传染病,通常感染乳房,由一种病毒引起并出现发脓疱疹症状。当这一病毒通过种痘等被移植入人体后,它可以产生对天的免疫力
    A mild, contagious skin disease of cattle, usually affecting the udder, that is caused by a virus and characterized by the eruption of a pustular rash. When the virus is transmitted to humans, as by vaccination, it can confer immunity to smallpox.
  • 一种判断债务人没有通常的法律讼诉费只需做出书面承认。
    a judgment entered after a written confession by the debtor without the expense of ordinary legal proceedings.
  • 使一个系统、一个过程或一个操作能取其最希望的结构的方法,或以最好、最有效的方式进行所采取的一些措施。例如,在存储器中合理安排指令和数据的存放位置以便存入和访问时费的机器时间或空间最小。
    A procedure causing a system, process, or operation to take on its most desirable configuration or procedures in the best or most efficient way; for example, when arranging instructions and data in storage so that a minimum of machine time or space is used for storing or accessing them.
  • 这一点我们在一个拥挤的电梯内可以一目了然。乘电梯的陌生人或是瞟来瞟去或是凝视天板的细微之处,但决不彼此盯着看。
    This can readily be observed in the confines of a crowded lift where strangers glances fly from one spot to another or become absorbed in the finer points of the ceiling's construction.
  • 你30日电悉棉五百公吨接受购货确认书即寄信用证开立中。
  • 你30日电悉生五百公吨接受购货确认书即寄信用证开立中。
    Yc 30th groundnut 500m/t accept purchase confirmation follow l/cozening.
  • 曲径,迷津园中彼此相连的道路的错综的、使人迷惑的网络;曲径
    An intricate, usually confusing network of interconnecting pathways, as in a garden; a labyrinth.
  • 游客气喘吁吁地爬上了那钟楼顶上,首先映入眼帘的是一片茫茫的屋顶、烟囱、街道、桥梁、广场、尖塔和钟楼,令人眼缭乱。
    For the spectator who arrived, panting, upon that pinnacle,it was first a dazzling confusing view of roofs, chimneys,streets, bridges, places, spires, bell towers.
  • 那个国会议员用言巧语来欺骗选民。
    The congressman dressed up his statements to deceive the voters.
  • 加利福尼亚的一种草本植物,园锥状或钟状、白色、常略带绿色。
    California herb with white conic or bell-shaped flowers usually green-tinged.
  • 印度鸡蛋,有竖直的习性和圆锥形的形状;在寺庙园里种植。
    frangipani of India having an erect habit and conical form; grown in temple gardens.
  • 具有从密集的莲座叶丛中伸出的葶,粉红色,像翻过来的猫脚的垫;生长在北美西部的松林里;有时归入马齿苋属。
    pink clusters of densely packed flowers on prostrate stems resemble upturned pads of cats' feet; grow in coniferous forests of western North America; sometimes placed in genus Calyptridium.
  • 电火花共轭回转加工
    electrical discharge conjugate revolution machining
  • 配以带浅桃红、淡紫、粉红、黄色和奶油色调(如玫瑰、牡丹、栀子和小仓兰等)芬芳扑鼻的鲜,魔幻般生成一种浪漫氛围。
    Fragrant flowers (roses, peonies, gardenias, freesia) in pale peach, lavender, pink, yellow and cream conjure images of romance.
  • 合生的蕃茄花
    A connate tomato flower.
  • 内部网是值得费的远程访问连接这个疑难问题的理想解决方案。
    Intranets are an ideal solution to the problematic issue of cost-effective remote access connectivity.
  • 那鉴赏家认为这个古瓶至少值500万元。
    The connoisseur valued the ancient vase at least 5,000,000 yuan.
  • 他未多大气力就征服了她。
    His conquest was not a difficult one.
  • 理想的情况是以自己的热忱,使这些行为都变成自动自发的反应,但如果你能有意识地执行这些行为的话,你将会看到积极结果,而这又会再燃烧热忱的火
    Ideally, enthusiasm makes these things automatic, but if you consciously perform the actions, you will begin to see their positive results. This stokes the fires of enthusiasm
  • 扑克牌戏中同色的数字连贯的纸牌。
    a poker hand with consecutive cards in the same suit.
  • 松花江水利史
    history of Songhua River water conservancy
  • 了很多钱买了这所房子。
    He bought the house at considerable expense.
  • 我们已将50包棉装“大和号”货轮,运往贵公司代销。唛头g1/50,价值5,000,000元。
    We have consign to you, per m.s."yamato maru," 50 bales cotton, g1/50, valued at $5, 000, 000.
  • 当然也可能是fong潜在的一个金矿,特别是考虑到下一代游戏机的制造者微软和索尼为了推出他们的新产品要费5亿美圆之巨!
    And a potential one-stop gold mine for Fong,especially considering that next generation console makers like Microsoft and Sony are expected to spend over a half-billion dollars to promote their new products.
  • 在那之后,阳光把它所有的时间都在安慰雪球上,雪球终于开始恢复了原来的声音。后来有一天,雪球的悲怆消融了,它又唱起歌来。
    After that, Sunshine spent all his time consoling Snowball. Eventually she started making normal sounds, and then one day, her sorrow finally melted and she sang again.
  • 美国西部的榛子,在果儿上有显著的鸟嘴状的被。
    hazel of western United States with conspicuous beaklike involucres on the nuts.
  • 欧洲的一种兰穗密集、芳香、粉色、红色或淡紫色,有明显的距。
    European orchid having dense spikes of fragrant pink or lilac or red flowers with conspicuous spurs.
  • 南非的大型灌木,有许多超群的多毛的分枝和大的多毛的叶子和丛生的显著的白
    large shrub of South Africa having many conspicuously hairy branches with large hairy leaves and clusters of conspicuous white flowers.
  • 各种独居的黄蜂,为其卵建造瓶状泥蜂窝。
    any of various solitary wasps that construct vase-shaped cells of mud for their eggs.
  • 花枯萎了。
    The flowers consumed away.
  • 她把大部分的时间在阅读。
    She consumed most of her time in reading.