  • 新石器时代的男人和女人们,而且极有可能是女人们,除了驯化了大部分主要的至今仍是人类主要食物来源的动物,又驯化了所有主要的谷类、豆类和根茎类植物。
    This group of Neolithic men and women, and in all probability largely the latter, domesticated all the major cereals, legumes, and root crops, as well as all of the most important animals that to this day remain man's principal source of food.
  • 你可以感觉到,人在等待他的到达时的激动和不安。
    You can feel the nervousness pulsing through the crowd as they wait for his arrival.
  • 无知的人;对现代文学一无所知;没有学问的人不可能理解复杂的问题;对他的文盲同伴表示蔑视。
    an ignorant man; nescient of contemporary literature; an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues; exhibiting contempt for his unlettered companions.
  • 一窝雉一窝或一野鸡
    A nest or brood of pheasants.
  • 位于群山间的村庄
    villages nestling among the mountains
  • 荷兰盾荷兰、荷属安的烈斯岛和苏里南的基本货币单位
    A basic unit of currency in Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, and Suriname.
  • 荷属安的列斯岛中的一个岛屿,是一个死火山的山顶。
    a island in the Netherlands Antilles that is the top of an extinct volcano.
  • 科尔多凡语在苏丹讲的相关语言的一个小语,是尼日尔-科尔多凡语系的一部分
    A small group of related languages spoken in Sudan and forming part of the Niger-Kordofanian language family.
  • 夜晚我们可以看见星
    We can see the stars at night.
  • eth告警下面的号码表示以太网接口节点环节点地址:链路节点&链路节点成员。
    The numbers under the ETH alarm indicates the Ethernet Interface Node Ring Node Address: Link Node Group & Link Node Member.
  • 小孩冲进来,喧闹地彼此追逐。
    A troop of children rushed in and chase each other noisily.
  • 在人中的吵杂争斗。
    a noisy fight in a crowd.
  • 人类不再依靠狩猎而是依靠奶和奶制品,依靠牛和羊逐年的增加而生活。
    giving rise to the pastoral or nomad state, in which mankind do not live on the produce of hunting, but on milk and its products, and on the annual increase of flocks and herds.
  • 游牧的部落或群体
    A nomadic tribe or group.
  • 流动不息的体;贝多因人游牧的习性;相信流动打字员这分职业会有好的前途游牧部落。
    a restless mobile society; the nomadic habits of the Bedouins; believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future; wandering tribes.
  • 他没有什麽特徵,在人里决显不出他来.
    He's such a nondescript you'd never notice him in a crowd.
  • 苏格兰和新赫布里底岛的一种高大常绿树种,类似于小叶南洋杉。
    very tall evergreen of New Caledonia and the New Hebrides similar to norfolk island pine.
  • 一个行为脱离他所在人的标准的人。
    one whose behavior departs substantially from the norm of a group.
  • 日本在菲律宾岛的北面。
    Japan lies to the north of Philippines.
  • 大洋州西北部的岛。
    the islands in the northwestern part of Oceania.
  • 他谨慎地穿过人群。
    He nosed his way through the crowd.
  • 侦探在人中搜寻,寻找扒手们。
    The detective was nosing around in the crowd, looking for pickpockers.
  • 以其季节性体迁徙而闻名,甚至跳入大海以致很多被淹死。
    notable for mass migrations even into the sea where many drown.
  • 大力提高竞技体育水平,造就一批国家级优秀教练员和科研人员,培养一批具有国际水准的优势运动项目体和竞技运动拔尖人才,力争北京竞技体育总体水平位居全国前列,力争北京运动员获得奥运金牌总数有新的较大的突破,综合实力明显增强,使北京竞技体育在展示城市形象,和市民精神风貌方面发挥重要作用。
    Make great efforts to raise the level of the competition sports, bring up a number of national outstanding coaches and scientific research personnel, train outstanding groups and top-notch athletes in a number of sports and events with good winning chances at world class tournaments, strive to rank Beijing’ overall competition sports level among the top places in the country, strive to ensure that Beijing’s athletes will win more Olympic gold medals than ever before and its overall sports strength will increase notably so that Beijing’s competition sports will play an important role in displaying the city’s image and the citizen’s mental outlook.
  • 这是个历史遗留下来的问题,杜教授说,有迹象显示这两个社的不同点已逐渐出现重叠的现象,融汇点也越来越多。
    However, he sees signs that common interests of the two groups may lead them to merge. To me, these are issues which are noteworthy.
  • 美国群众歌曲
    popular songs of USA
  • 甚至windowsnt利用微软公司的wolfpack技术实现集功能。
    Even Windows NT is achieving clustering capabilities with Microsoft's Wolfpack technology.
  • 微软公司的windowsnt5.0也将让服务器集获得更高的效率。
    And Microsoft's Windows NT 5.0 will allow server clustering to be achieved more effectively.
  • 我们在人中边推边向前走。
    We nudged our way through the crowd.
  • 鸟儿一地聚在河边。
    Birds gather in large numbers beside the river.
  • 这是一个广大的众。
    They are very numerous.
  • 总括一句,他们在不同族间,能够沟通、能够了解;
    In a nutshell, the different races can communicate with and understand one another.