  • 我买来一个礼物是吗?太感谢你了。
    You've bought me a present? Bless you!
  • 愿圣诞节您带来愉快,新年您带来幸福。
    Wish you bless christmas and new year fille wet happiness.
  • 愿圣诞节您带来愉快,新年您带来幸福。
    Wish you bless Christmas and New Year filled with happiness.
  • 我要赐福她,让她为你生一个儿子。
    I will bless her and give you a son by her.
  • 那场事故这一个家庭蒙上了一层阴影。
    The accident cast a blight on the family.
  • 首先,我们确定了发展生产是经济建设的基础,也是打破敌人封锁、建设自自足经济的基础,而发展农业和手工业,则是生产的重心。
    First of all, we have come to the conclusion that expanded production provides the foundation for developing our economy and also for breaking the enemy's blockade and building a self-sufficient economy, with agriculture and the handicraft industry as the main production activities.
  • 我们的目的不但要发展生产,并且要使生产品出口卖得适当的价钱,又从白区用低价买得盐布进来,分配人民群众,这样去打破敌人的封锁,抵制商人的剥削。
    Our objective is not only to expand production but also to sell our products at fair prices to the White areas and then purchase salt and cloth cheaply for distribution among our people, so as to break the enemy's blockade and check the merchants' exploitation.
  • 本年春天的电影大片中,一只因基因重组而生的变异蜘蛛咬了主人公后,就传了主人公超人的力量。
    In this spring's blockbuster movie, a mutant spider created by DNA splicing bites the hero, giving him superhuman powers.
  • 门给堵上了。
    The door was blocked.
  • 让开。你把道路堵住了。
    Look out of the way. You are blocking the passage.
  • 他们借阻止议案的通过拒绝两名军方人物表决权。
    By blocking the bill, they denied two military persons the right of having votes.
  • 掩护阻碍为保护和带球跑的运动员让路而正当阻挡防卫的拦截队员
    The legal blocking of defensive tacklers to protect and make way for the ball carrier.
  • 他们先工人盖一片片的住宅。
    They began by building blocks of flats for workers.
  • 我怀疑李的发色是自然的;她我一种染色的感觉。
    I doubt that Lee's hair colour is natural; she strikes me as a bottle blond.
  • 国内税务署寄我一张100多英镑的税单,不过他们不可能从石头里榨出油来,因为我并没有那么多钱。
    The Inland Revenue have sent me a tax bill for more than a hundred pounds, but they can't get blood out of a stone because I just haven't got the money.
  • “借你5美元?没门儿!”
    ‘Lend you $5? Not bloody likely!’
  • 他老婆吝啬到这样子:假如他了她一根拐杖,他会蠢到把她那臭腿折断的。
    His wife is so mean that if he gave her a crutch, she'd go and bread her bloody leg.
  • 他老婆吝啬到这样子:假如他了她一根拐杖,她会蠢到把她那臭腿折断的。
    His wife is so mean that if he gives her a crutch, she'd go and break her bloody leg.
  • 昨天我与一位朋友争论政治问题-他争论得很高明,我输他了。
    I had an argument about politics yesterday with a friend-he argued very cleverly, and I got a bloody nose.
  • 我们详细叙述了晚间的赛事。
    He gave us a blow-by-blow account of the evening's events.
  • 珍妮吹熄了生日蜡烛,自己许了个愿。
    Jane blew the birthday candle out and said a wish for herself.
  • 爆炸把窗户炸飞了。
    The explosion blew the windows out.
  • 给轮胎充气
    Blow up a tire.
  • 给予打击
    To deal a blow to.
  • 马上打个电话给他!
    Get him on the blower at once!
  • 枯叶风刮得到处乱飞。
    The dead leaves were blowing about.
  • 我的雨伞吹得翻过去了。
    My umbrella has blown insideout.
  • 在暴风雨中一棵树刮倒了。
    A tree was blown down in the storm.
  • 好几棵树在暴风雨中刮倒了。
    Several trees were blown down in the storm.
  • ──头发弄得那么蓬乱,那么邋遢!”
    Her hair so untidy, so blowsy!"
  • 任他没完没了地我写信,我就是不回信。
    He can write me letters till he's blue in the face, I'm not going to reply.
  • 你可以继续不断地打电话她,但是她决不会来的。
    You can telephone her till you're blue in the face but she'll never come.