  • 蔚蓝色的天空中,时而飘过几朵云。
    Sometimes several clusters of white clouds drift across the blue sky.
  • 我的德语不太好,但她说的话我大致是明的。
    My German isn't very good, but I got the general drift of what she said.
  • 他过去常喝啤酒;现在他喝酒。
    He often drinks beer in past; He drinks white spirit now.
  • 好,现在我明白了。
    OK, now I understand.
  • 希刺克厉夫站在门口,穿着衬衣衬裤,拿着一支蜡烛,烛油直滴到他的手指上,脸色苍得像他身后的墙一样。
    Heathcliff stood near the entrance, in his shirt and trousers: with a candle dripping over his fingers, and his face as white as the wall behind him.
  • 那个白痴司机
    That idiot of a driver.
  • 毕尔格猎犬一种小型猎犬,短腿、耳朵下垂且平滑的皮毛上带有色、黑色和褐色斑纹
    One of a breed of small hounds having short legs, drooping ears, and a smooth coat with white, black, and tan markings.
  • 宽叶的常绿的亚洲灌木,有平滑的叶子和下垂的花丛。
    broad-leaved evergreen Asiatic shrub with glossy leaves and drooping clusters of white flowers.
  • 欧洲的一种桦树,树皮色至浅灰色,枝有柔毛,下垂。
    European birch with dull white to pale brown bark and somewhat drooping hairy branches.
  • 墨西哥的一种鳞茎草本植物,因有美丽的红、相间的花,常被栽培,花下垂、顶生伞状花序。
    half-hardy Mexican herb cultivated for its drooping terminal umbels of showy red-and-white flowers.
  • 北美东北部草本植物,有淡黄色的花串;有时归为福王草属。
    herb of northeastern North America having drooping clusters of yellowish-white flowers; sometimes placed in genus Prenanthes.
  • 竖直的象树似的灌木,形成了密集的灌木丛,有带色或粉色花的下垂的圆锥花序和红的象浆果的核果;分布在加利福尼亚。
    erect treelike shrub forming dense thickets and having drooping panicles of white or pink flowers and red berrylike drupes; California.
  • 看英语对白的电影。
    I like seeing films dubbed in English.
  • 原来那只小兔又回来了,打扮得漂漂亮亮的,一只手里本着一双羊羔皮手套,另一只手里拿着一把大扇子,正急急忙忙地小跑着过来。小兔一边走.一边喃喃自语地说:“哦,公爵夫人,公爵夫人!
    It was the White Rabbit returning, splendidly dressed, with a pair of white kid gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other: he came trotting along in a great hurry, muttering to himself as he came, `Oh! the Duchess, the Duchess!
  • 一种重而软的磁性金属元素,纯净时呈银色,易生锈,用于建筑、制工具和武器,在血液运输氧气的过程中起一定作用。
    a heavy ductile magnetic metallic element; is silver-white in pure form but readily rusts; used in construction and tools and armament; plays a role in the transport of oxygen by the blood.
  • 达西所以喜欢彬格莱,是因为彬格莱为人温柔敦厚、坦直爽,尽管个性方面和他自己极端相反,而他自己也从来不曾觉得自己的个性有什么不完美的地方。
    Bingley was endeared to Darcy by the easiness, openness, ductility of his temper, though no disposition could offer a greater contrast to his own, and though with his own he never appeared dissatisfied.
  • 1998年为庆祝他90岁诞辰,他在宫进行了演出,其中包括与克林顿总统合作的二重奏,克林顿吹萨克斯管。
    Hamp-ton's 1998 performance at the White House in honor of his 90th birthday included a duet with President Clinton, who played the saxophone.
  • 这一套,不但汪精卫在演出,更严重的就是还有许多的张精卫、李精卫,他们暗藏在抗日阵线内部,也在和汪精卫里应外合地演出,有些唱双簧,有些装红脸。
    The drama is being acted out not only by Wang Ching-wei himself, but, what is more serious, by many others like him who are concealed within the anti-Japanese front and are collaborating with him in a kind of duet or joint performance, with some wearing the white make-up of the stage villain and others the red make-up of the hero.
  • 用哑数据(通常是零或空)填充一个数据块。
    To fill a block with dummy data, usually zeros or blanks.
  • 从oracle、sap、baan、邓氏和peoplesoft等公司竟相在其客户机/服务器套件中增加web前端的速度来判断,看来web浏览器控制着客户机的未来。
    Judging from the speed by which Oracle Corp., SAP, Baan Co., Dun and Bradstreet Corp. and PeopleSoft Inc. are racing to add a Web front end to their client/server suites, it would appear that Web browsers have a lock on the client of the future.
  • 北温带地区精巧常绿低矮草本植物,色单生顶生花;有时列入鹿蹄草属。
    delicate evergreen dwarf herb of north temperate regions having a solitary white terminal flower; sometimes placed in genus Pyrola.
  • 因为有着7个太阳质量的星体不可能是矮星或中于星,所以它一定是黑洞。
    Since a 7-solar-mass is too large to be a white dwarf or neutron star, it must be a black hole.
  • 费口舌在一件早已决定的事情上浪费口舌
    To dwell tiresomely on a matter that has already been decided.
  • 古老的习俗;年代久远的西方文明;担心天会缩短到全是黑夜是不必要的。
    age-old customs; Western civilization is ancient; the antique fear that days would dwindle away to complete darkness.
  • 蛋白质纤维染色
    dyeing of protein fibre
  • 一种有毒的色固体(pbchco),用于染棉布和制瓷漆和清漆。
    a poisonous white solid (Pb[CH3CO]2) used in dyeing cotton and in making enamels and varnishes.
  • 老年人不要去染发,老人的发像高山的积雪,有种仙境之美。
    There is no need to resort to hair-dyeing-the snow-capped mountain is itself a beautiful scene of fairyland.
  • 不要染发,老年人的发宛如高山积雪,自有仙境之美。
    There is no need to resort to hair-dyeing the snow-capped mountain is itself a beautiful scene of fairyland.
  • 欧洲的一种多年生植物,具有匍匐根状茎,红色的或粉色的花,其红色的根经常被用作茜草染料的替代品。
    creeping European perennial having red or pinkish-white flowers and red roots sometimes used as a substitute for madder in dyeing.
  • 每年电视现场转播国庆检阅礼时,穿着裤的国家政要的莅临,总是我最期待的片段。这大概是受我妈妈的影响。
    The arrival of the men in white - a segment on the annual televised National Day parade I’ve always looked forward to, perhaps conditioned by my mother’s eagerness.
  • 北美洲大型鹰,头为色,翅膀和身体为深色。
    large North American eagle having a white head and dark wings and body.
  • 一种光滑的陶器;通常是色并带有蓝色的装饰。
    a style of glazed earthenware; usually white with blue decoration.