Chinese English Sentence:
  • 我还要一些炸薯条。
    I'll also have some fried potato chips.
  • 我要一杯咖啡、一份鱼与薯
    Yes, I want some coffee and some fish and chips, please.
  • 这种石头是由湖底掘出来的;有时如果它们的线有改正的必要,那么,人们就会把它们琢磨一下,使它们十全十美,然后再放进水里浸一年多,让那些斧凿的痕迹给水流的波动洗掉。
    Such rocks were dug out of the bottom of the lake, and sometimes when something was needed to correct their lines, they would be chiseled until they were perfect and let down into the water again for a year or so, so that the chisel marks might be obliterated by the movement of water.
  • 放在轮子底下或辐间用来阻止交通工具滑下斜坡的楔形木
    a chock or bar wedged under a wheel or between the spokes to prevent a vehicle from rolling down an incline.
  • (餐馆膳食)每有单独的价格,选择不受约束。
    (of a restaurant meal) having unlimited choices with a separate price for each item.
  • 废物堵塞着这条河。
    Waste is choking the river.
  • 在一项关于什么吸引蚊子叮人的研究中,布特勒说他得出这样一结论:蚊子爱找那些能提供丰富胆固醇和b族维生素的人,因为这些讨厌的昆虫需要这些物质而自己却不能生成。
    In a study of what attracted mosquitoes to people, Butler said he work off a theory that they go for humans who provide the richest source of cholesterol and B vitamins, which the pesky insects need to live but do not produce themselves.
  • 当这些学生们到达餐厅时,排队等开饭的人们已排成一长龙了。
    The chow line was already long when the students got to the dining hall.
  • 雄伟的大船被命名为伊丽莎白女王号。
    The majestic ship was christened the Queen Elizabeth.(喻)
  • 信奉早期基督教教义的如早期基督教宗教信所表达的那样坚持基督教信
    Adhering to the Christian faith as expressed in the early Christian ecumenical creeds.
  • 基因座在一染色体上某种给定基因所占的位置
    The position that a given gene occupies on a chromosome.
  •  华文现在已经成为经商不可或缺的件,新加坡华人因此更应该进一步了解华文,南洋理工大学学生报纸《南洋纪事报》编委会在《编者的话》里表达了这个看法。
    Now that Chinese has become a business imperative, it is time that Chinese Singaporeans start to appreciate it more, urged the Editorial Board of the Nanyang Chronicle, a students' newspapers of Nanyang Technological University in its editorial “Our Say!”.
  • 尽管这一基本处方仍被沿用,但随着时间的推移,通过艰辛地做出更大的晶片和更小的晶体管,生产线已制造出更便宜、更快的芯片,这种趋势揭示了微处理器经济学中的一重要法则:每一晶片所能做的芯片越多,芯片就越便宜。
    Although this basic recipe is still followed, the production line has made ever cheaper, faster chips over time by churning out larger wafers and smaller transistors. This trend reveals an important principle of microprocessor economics: the more chips made per wafer, the less expensive they are.
  • 一个码头;一运货斜道是用来把家畜赶到货车或其它运输工具中的。
    a loading dock; a loading chute is used to drive cattle into a truck or other conveyance.
  • 第三十一 在人口集中地区存放煤炭、煤矸石、煤渣、煤灰、砂石、灰土等物料,必须采取防燃、防尘措施,防止污染大气。
    Article 31 When coal, gangue, coal cinder, coal ashes, sandstone, lime soil or other materials is stored in densely inhabited areas, fire and dust prevention measures must be taken in order to prevent atmospheric pollution.
  •  第四十四电视台播放他人的电影、电视和录像,应当取得电影、电视制片者和录像制作者的许可,并支付报酬。
    Article 44 A television station which broadcasts a cinematographic, television or video-graphic work produced by others shall obtain permission from, and pay remuneration to, the producer of the cinematographic, television or video-graphic work.
  • 矮林,萌生林一种灌木丛或小树木,尤指为使其长出大量分枝而定期进行截短或修剪的矮林,如为取其树皮而种植的肉桂
    A thicket or grove of small trees or shrubs, especially one maintained by periodic cutting or pruning to encourage suckering, as in the cultivation of cinnamon trees for their bark.
  • 正方形有四边,而圆形没有边。
    A square has four sides but a circle has no sides.
  • 线和这个圆相切。
    The line touches the circle.
  • 河沉思昏睡的外貌、那些盘旋不已的寒鸦、那匹马,都给他带来了睡意。
    The dreamily brooding look of the river, the circling of the jackdaws, and the sight of the horse make him drowsy.
  • 同许多俄国的伟大作曲家一样,柴可夫斯基经历了一曲折的道路才到达音乐的国土,并且几乎是出于偶然。
    Like other great Russian composers, Tschaikovsky arrived at music by a circuitous route, almost by accident.
  • 连接如通过电磁感应连接(两线路或电流)
    To link(two circuits or currents) as by magnetic induction.
  • 电报线路或电话线路对另一电报线路或电话线路的干扰。
    Interference from one telegraph circuit to another telegraph circuit or into telephone circuits.
  • 圆形交叉口,露天圆形广场几街交汇处的开放的圆形区域
    An open circular place where several streets intersect.
  •  第一百一十一港元为香港特别行政区法定货币,继续流通。
    Article 111 The Hong Kong dollar, as the legal tender in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, shall continue to circulate.
  • 第三十四使用未注册商标,有下列行为之一的,由地方工商行政管理部门予以制止,限期改正,并可以予以通报或者处以罚款:
    Article 34.Where any person who uses an unregistered trademark has committed any of the following, the local administrative authority for industry and commerce shall stop the use of the trademark, order him to rectify the situation within a specified period, and may, in addition, circulate a notice of criticism or impose a fine:
  • 第三十一使用注册商标,其商品粗制滥造,以次充好,欺骗消费者的,由各级工商行政管理部门分别不同情况,责令限期改正,并可以予以通报或者处以罚款,或者由商标局撤销其注册商标。
    Article 31.Where a registered trademark is used in respect of the goods that have been roughly or poorly manufactured, or whose superior quality has been replaced by inferior quality, so that consumers are deceived, the administrative authorities for industry and commerce at different levels shall, according to the circumstances, order rectification of the situation within a specified period, and may, in addition, circulate a notice of criticism or impose a fine, and the Trademark Office may even cancel the registered trademark.
  • 一种梯阶在一连续的循环带上移动的楼梯。
    a stairway whose steps move continuously on a circulating belt.
  • 山西吕梁妇女创造了以家庭为单位,一户帮数户,链式连带发展的连环脱贫模式,资金一次投入,循环使用,滚动增值,连续9年保持着97%以上的高返回率,帮助4万多贫困家庭稳定解决了温饱。
    Women in Lvliang, Shanxi Province bring about a new method of chain poverty elimination with one household as a unit and one family leading several as chains to shed off poverty continuously. As a result, the value of the circulating lump sum fund keeps appreciating, for nine years the return remains high at 97 percent and more than 40,000 poor families now have enough to eat and wear.
  • 圆滚线,摆线圆周上任一点在一直线上滚动时所形成的曲线
    The curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle that rolls on a straight line.
  • 除了这两个街区——一个是宫殿区,另个是住宅区;以外,新城还有一个景观,那就是从东到西,一几乎环绕全城四周的漫长的寺院地带。这个地带位于那围住巴黎城的碉堡城廓的后面,修道院和小教堂连片,构成巴黎第二道内城垣。
    With these two quarters, one of Hotels, the other of houses,the third feature of aspect presented by the city was a long zone of abbeys, which bordered it in nearly the whole of its circumference, from the rising to the setting sun, and, behind the circle of fortifications which hemmed in Paris, formed a second interior enclosure of convents and chapels.
  • 人…不应该将自己的行为限制在由僵化的文构成的不可变通的范围之内(约翰·斯图尔特·布莱基)
    A man... should not circumscribe his activity by any inflexible fence of rigid rules(John Stuart Blackie).