  • 原猴亚目的是或属于灵长目(包狐猴)的一个亚目一原猴亚目的
    Of or belonging to the Prosimii, a suborder of primates that includes the lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers.
  • 猴子任一种长尾、中等体型的灵长类动物,包猢狲、狒狒、卷尾猴、狨和小绢猴,不包类人猿和原猴类
    Any of various long-tailed, medium-sized members of the order Primates, including the macaques, baboons, guenons, capuchins, marmosets, and tamarins and excluding the anthropoid apes and the prosimians.
  • 灵长目属于灵长目的哺乳动物,包类人猿和原猴亚目的猴,主要特征是手足进一步进化,口鼻缩短,大脑增大
    A mammal of the order Primates, which includes the anthropoids and prosimians, characterized by refined development of the hands and feet, a shortened snout, and a large brain.
  • 这一原则立场完全符合包台湾同胞和海外侨胞在内的全中国人民的根本利益。
    Its principled position fully conforms to the fundamental interests of the entire Chinese people including Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese.
  • 公署又在三月举办私隐周,各项活动包新经济下的电子私隐研讨会、亚洲区私隐会议、两场巡回表演、青少年私隐网页设计比赛,以及现场直播的电视综合晚会。
    A week-long Privacy Week held in March included a local privacy conference entitled 'E-Privacy in the New Economy', an Asian Regional Privacy Forum, two consumer roadshows, the Privacy Website Design Competition for Youngsters and a live variety television show.
  • 大型国际体育活动则包世界女排奖赛、第十三届世界跆拳道锦标赛及第六届女子世界跆拳道锦标赛。
    Major international sports events included the Women's World Volleyball Grand Prix and the 13th World Taekwondo Championships & the 6th Women's World Taekwondo Championship.
  • 由数据处理和通信系统与实时系统组合的系统所进行的数据处理,它包远程终端和中央处理机之间通过通信线进行事务的直接通信,并且允许在商业事务实际发生时对数据进行处理。
    The processing by a real time system which is combined with data processing and communication system, the processing involves the direct communication of transaction data between remote locations and a central computer, via communication lines, and allows the data to is processed while the business transaction is actually taking place.
  • 比如现在我们能担任司法工作的干部,包法官、律师、审判官、检察官、专业警察,起码缺一百万。
    For example, we now need at least one million additional cadres for the administration of justice, including judges, lawyers, procurators and specialized police.
  • 后勤工作包提供资料,搞好图书馆,购置和供应器材、实验设备,建设中间工厂,也包办好食堂、托儿所等等。
    Support services include supply of data, provision of good library facilities, procurement of materials and laboratory equipment, construction of experimental plants, and also operation of canteens and nurseries.
  • 按支出项目分,中国国防费包:人员生活费,主要用于军官、士兵、文职干部和职工的工资、伙食、服装等;活动维持费,主要用于部队训练、工程设施建设及维护和日常消耗性支出;装备费,主要用于武器装备的科研、试验、采购、维修、运输和储存等。
    China's expenditure on national defense falls into the following categories: personnel expenses, mainly including pay, food and clothing of military and non-military personnel; costs for maintenance of activities, mainly including military training, construction and maintenance of facilities and running expenses; and costs for equipment, including research and experimentation, procurement, maintenance, transportation and storage.
  • 只有生产性劳动者才是生产性消费者,所谓生产性劳动,当然既包执行的劳动,也包指挥的劳动。
    The only productive consumers are productive labourers; the labour of direction being of course included, as well as that of execution.
  • 香港律师会肩负广泛责任,包维持律师的专业水准和职业道德标准,以及处理对律师的投诉等。
    It has wide responsibilities for maintaining professional and ethical standards and for considering complaints against these legal professionals.
  • 要提高教师的水平,包政治思想水平、业务工作能力以及改进作风等。
    So efforts should be made to raise the level of the teachers -- politically, ideologically and professionally -- and to improve their style of work.
  • 研资局成员包七名本港学者、八名海外学者及四名本地专业人士和工业家。
    It comprises seven local academics, eight overseas academics and four local professionals and industrialists.
  • 该局成员包海外和本港学者、本地专业人士和工业家。
    Its members comprise local academics, overseas academics as well as local professionals and industrialists.
  • 这四百人来自社会不同阶层,包商界人士,还有医生、律师和建筑师等专业人士、工会人士、社工、政界人士,以及不同信仰的宗教领袖。
    professionals such as doctors, lawyers and architects; labour unionists, social workers, politicians; and religious leaders of different beliefs.
  • 蒙得里安,皮特1872-1944荷兰画家,作品以交错的三原色为基色的垂直线条和平面为特点,他的著作包新造型主义(1920年),对抽象艺术的发展曾经产生很深影响
    Dutch painter whose works, characterized by intersecting perpendicular lines and planes of primary colors, and writings, notably Neoplasticism(1920), profoundly influenced the development of abstract art.
  • 一出剧的节目单包演员表和与该剧有关的其他情况。
    A program for a play contains a list of the actors' names and other information about the play.
  • 为支持这项运动,卫生署举办了多项教育及宣传活动,包与其他政府部门或非政府团体合办的学童健康饮食运动、公共屋恏居民邻居健康大使训练计划,以及在电台和电视台播放的"健康一分钟"等。
    These include programmes organised in collaboration with other government departments or non-governmental organisations such as the Healthy Eating Movement for school children, Neighbourhood Health Ambassador training programme for public housing residents, and Health One Minute broadcasts on radio and television.
  • 在程序和系统分析中,所采用的各种标准和约定,包为特定的系统和程序所制定的缩写字、符号及其含义。
    Standard and accepted procedures in programs and systems analysis. The abbreviations, symbols, and their meanings developed for particular systems and programs.
  • 枪一种武器,包一个金属枪管,子弹以很高的速度从中射出,飞入一个相对低平的弹道
    A weapon consisting of a metal tube from which a projectile is fired at high velocity into a relatively flat trajectory.
  • 本世纪已经发展起来的芭蕾舞艺术基本上是古典的这就是说:演出由受过了传统训练的演员担任——那种训练包脚的“迈步”和用“脚尖”跳舞。
    The ballet which has proliferated during this century is basically classical: performed, that is, by dancers trained in the classical way including the turn out of feet, and the dancing on point.
  • 阿西莫夫,艾萨克1920-1992俄裔美国科学家和多产作家。其作品包科学原理的通俗解释和科幻卷,包基础三部曲(1963年)
    Russian-born American scientist and prolific writer whose works include popular explanations of scientific principles and volumes of science fiction, including The Foundation Trilogy(1963).
  • ?德角周围的配套设施包占地24公顷的都会公园和长约5.4公里的海滨长廊。这三项建设将成为本地居民和访港游客的好去处。
    A Metropolitan Park covering an area of 24 hectares and a waterfront promenade of 5.4 kilometres will complement the tourism node as major attractions for tourists and residents.
  • 青洲填海工程将在坚尼地城北面填造约186公顷土地(包约十公顷在卑路乍湾连接路工程下已平整的土地),供住宅发展及兴建重要连接路,以及提供游憩用地,包海滨长廊及市镇边缘地区公园。
    The Green Island Reclamation will produce about 186 hectares of land (including some 10 hectares already formed under the Belcher Bay Link Project) on the north of Kennedy Town for residential development and strategic road links as well as provision of open spaces including waterfront promenades and an urban fringe park.
  • (诗)属于或包扬抑格音步的。
    (prosody) of or consisting of trochees.
  • 合资格的准公屋租户,包轮候册申请人,不久将可以选择购买而非租住公屋单位。
    Eligible prospective tenants, including Waiting List applicants, will soon be offered an option to buy their housing units instead of renting them.
  • 新教派别包卫理公会派、 长老会派、 浸礼派.
    The Protestant denominations include the Methodists, the Presbyterians and the Baptists.
  • 协议的例子包wap(无线访问协议)、语音和sms(短消息发送服务)等。
    Examples of protocols are WAP (Wireless Access rotocol), voice and SMS (Short Messaging Service).
  • 二十世纪七十年代为因特网开发的一套协议(包传输控制协议/网际协议)以便把数据从一套网络设备传输到另一套网络设备。
    a set of protocols (including TCP) developed for the internet in the 1970s to get data from one network device to another.
  • 簇虫任一种簇虫孢子虫类的原生动物,寄生于各类无脊椎动物,包节肢动物和环节动物的消化道内
    Any of various sporozoan protozoans of the order Gregarinida that are parasitic within the digestive tracts of various invertebrates including arthropods and annelids.
  • 5年计划作出了全面的检讨,范围包图书馆的开放时间、提供图书馆资料、开设图书馆及图书馆的设施。
    The Five-Year Plan covers comprehensive reviews on areas such as library opening hours, provision of material, provision of libraries and facilities in libraries.