  • 他将车倒出汽车库。
    He backed his car out of garage.
  • 他小心翼翼地车倒进车房。
    He carefully backed his car up into the garage.
  • 我可以用反手拍打击球打过网。
    I can tap it over the net with a backhand ahot.
  • 约翰反手抽上旋球,球沿发球路线击回。
    Johnson uses his double-handed topspin backhand drives and plays it back along the flight path of the service.
  • 她用反手球击过场地
    She backhanded the ball crosscourt.
  • 打出旋高球(高尔夫球)击成下旋高球,以致于球触地后不会滚得很远
    To hit(a golf ball) in a high arc with backspin so that it does not roll very far after striking the ground.
  • 创建的第1张盘的备份盘插入到软驱。
    Insert the backup of Disk 1 that you created in into the floppy drive.
  • 如果主设备失灵,备用设备可切换过来,所有有效的加密参数复制下来。
    If the main device fails, the backup can take over, duplicating all the encryption parameters, that were in force.
  • 光标反向移动一个字符位置。
    To move the cursor one character position backward.
  • 没有这样一大批闯,我们就无法摆脱贫穷落后的状况,就无法赶上更谈不到超过国际先进水平。
    Otherwise, we won't be able to rid our country of poverty and backwardness or to catch up with -- still less surpass -- the advanced countries.
  • 一系列大工程的建设和优惠政策的实施,为改变西部贫困地区的落后面貌打好基础。
    The construction of a sequence of major projects and the implementation of the preferential policies will lay a good foundation for eliminating the backwardness of the poor areas in the western region.
  • 数据记录媒体反向移动给定的一段距离,例如,磁带回退一个记录块。
    To move a data medium backwards a specified distance, for example, to move a magnetic tape backwards by one block.
  • 运动员铁锤往脑后抛出,使它越过横竿。
    The athletes throw the iron hammers backwards his head and make the hammers cross the horizontal pole.
  • 举例来说,当家长和孩子一起外出打棒球或进行户外活动建立感情联系时,可以营造一种持久的充满关爱的气氛,这对来可能发生冲突的后果能够起到缓解作用。
    While parents are establishing a bond with a child during baseball outings and backyard games,for example,they can set a tone of enduring love and affection that will mitigate the consequences of the occasional future eruption.
  • 乳酸菌和重要的病原体;碳水化合物主要发酵为乳酸菌的细菌。
    lactic acid bacteria and important pathogens; bacteria that ferment carbohydrates chiefly into lactic acid.
  • 使变成含氮气体(硝酸盐或氮化物)变成含氮气体,例如通过对土壤的细菌作用
    To reduce(nitrates or nitrites) to nitrogen-containing gases, as by bacterial action on soil.
  • 开水杀死大多数细菌、病毒、毒素等物质。
    The boiling water will kill most of(ly) the substances such as bacterium, virus and toxin etc.
  • 让你姐姐徽章缀在你的运动衫上。
    Ask your sister to stitch the badge onto your blazer.
  • 条形码读入器的端部在商品标签、信用卡和雇员证的磁性编码条纹上扫掠以读入信息。
    Passing the tip of a wand reader over a magnetically encoded stripe of a merchandise ticket, credit card, or employee badge.
  • 在可编程商店系统(pss)中,利用磁性信息记录在商品的标签、信用卡或雇员证章上。这些信息可由销售点的条形码阅读器或读票机读出。
    In PSS, to magnetically record ticket, credit card, or employee badge. This in formation can be read by the point of sale terminal wand reader or the ticket un it reader.
  • 我们用火把獾从洞里熏出来。
    We will fill fire the badger out of the hole.
  • 她的那条腿伤得很厉害,医师只得其截除。
    Her leg was so badly damaged that the doctors had to amputate it.
  • 他的生活接近了热情生活封闭起来的状态和放松不了的紧张-u.b.菲利浦。
    his life was drawing to a close in baffled zeal and unrelaxed strain- U.B.Phillips.
  • 行李在车站交给你。
    The baggage will be delivered to you at the station.
  • 你已行李托运了吗?;你已行李寄存了吗?
    Have you checked your baggage?
  • 我能手提行李放在这儿吗?
    Can I put my baggage here?
  • 他知道自己得起立接受介绍,便笨拙地站起身子。此时他的裤子膝部鼓了起来,两臂也可笑地松垂,板起了面孔准备迎接即到来的考验。
    He knew that he must stand up to be introduced, and he struggled painfully to his feet, where he stood with trousers bagging at the knees, his arms loose- hanging and ludicrous, his face set hard for the impending ordeal.
  • 在1月份巴格达的谈判期间,伊拉克方面曾同意伊方陪同的比例保持在一比一。
    During the talks in January in Baghdad, the Iraqi side agreed to keep the ratio to about one to one.
  • 正是由于势不可挡的火力和专业技术结合在一起,所以五角大楼才有如此之多的官员深信,美国在巴格达之战中轻松取胜。
    The combination of overwhelming firepower and tech nological expertise helps explain why so many Pentagon officials are convinced that the battle for Baghdad will prove a walkover.
  • 我们在会议中已经就私人采访问题进行了长时间的讨论,伊拉克方面曾经在1月20日向我们做出承诺,鼓励人们接受我们的私人采访要求,不管是在伊拉克内部还是外部,到目前为止我们仅在巴格达进行过这种采访。
    The matter of private interviews was discussed at length during our meeting in Baghdad. The Iraqi side confirmed the commitment, which it made to us on 20 January, to encourage persons asked to accept such interviews, whether in or out of Iraq. So far, we have only had interviews in Baghdad.
  • 去年秋天,我们也是在这个会议室里就第1441号决议争论不休。当时,我们根据情报获悉,巴格达外的一个导弹旅正在向不同的地方运送含有生物战剂的火箭发射装置和弹头,它们分发到伊拉克西部的不同地点。
    While we were here in this council chamber debating Resolution 1441 last fall, we know, we know from sources that a missile brigade outside Baghdad was disbursing rocket launchers and warheads containing biological warfare agents to various locations, distributing them to various locations in western Iraq.
  • 挤奶时,要求她们用横木奶牛拦起来。
    They were told to bail up cows at milking time.