  • 西藏和平解放前,僅有2000餘名僧侶和貴族子弟在舊式辦學校和私塾學習。
    Before Tibet's peaceful liberation, only some 2,000 monks and children of the nobility studied in government and private schools of old style.
  • 一個料理王室或管理貴族家庭的員。
    an officer who manages the household of a king or nobleman.
  • 那位軍點一點頭以回答衛兵的敬禮。
    The officer answered the guard's saltue by a nod.
  • 輪生體一個節上三個或多個葉子、花瓣或其它器的排列
    An arrangement of three or more leaves, petals, or other organs radiating from a single node.
  • 部位命名法不依照器或結構而依據身體部位進行的命名
    Nomenclature with respect to a region of the body rather than to organs or structures.
  • 但問題是傳統的輻射不僅殺死癌細胞,還殺死周圍的非癌細胞組織,導致惡心、器損傷,甚至癱瘓等副作用。
    The problem, though, is that traditional radiation strikes not only cancerous cells, but also the surrounding noncancerous tissue, and can cause side effects ranging from nausea to organ damage and even paralysis.
  • 在法庭上,甚至當法命令他賠償一千鎊時,他仍然表現得若無其事。
    He appeared nonchalant in court even when the judge ordered him to pay £1v ad [ T ]0.
  • 陸海空三軍中一個委任的員。
    a noncommissioned officer in the army or airforce or marines.
  • 一個訓練新兵軍隊步伐和軍紀的士
    a noncommissioned officer who instructs recruits in military marching and discipline.
  • 唯一來自北歐以外的金牌是主是夫蘭可·農斯——一位來自意大利卡特拉飛亞馬山村的27歲海關員。
    The only gold medalist from a non-Nordic nation has been Franco Nones, a 27-year-old customs officer from the village of Catella di Fiemma of Italy.
  • 他們第一步是傳你到庭,指控你欠債不還,這樣你就被迫去打司了。
    Their first step in to serve you with a writ for nonpayment of debt, and then you are forced to go to law.
  • 現在人們還記得,挪威方曾3度改變其文字拼寫方式。
    Norway has changed her spelling officially three times within living memory.
  • 挪威的方語言之一;以鄉村方言為基礎。
    one of two official languages of Norway; based on rural dialects.
  • 那位員擰開了瓶蓋,把瓶子湊近鼻孔。
    The Officer unscrewed the cap and put the bottle to his nostrils.
  • 鼻子人臉的一部分或其它脊椎動物頭上嚮前的部分,包括鼻孔、嗅覺器和呼吸道的始端
    The part of the human face or the forward part of the head of other vertebrates that contains the nostrils and organs of smell and forms the beginning of the respiratory tract.
  • 早期對英國的空襲是非常明顯的,有人聽到一位海軍軍對另一人開玩笑說:“什麽!你要當水兵?這麽說你是表示害怕囉。”
    The early attacks on Britain from the air were noticeable enough for a naval officer to be heard saying playfully to another. "What! Going to sea, are you? So you are showing the white feather!"
  • 需要給與方報告的:須報告的疾病。
    requiring that official notification be given: a notifiable disease.
  • 一個專門吸收食物或者吸附在物體上的器
    an organ specialized for sucking nourishment or for adhering to objects by suction.
  • 在當地時間14日下午3點半,高層員收到了發送回來的圖像。
    With the local clock showing 3.30pm Nov.14, 2001 the operation was providing post - lunch viewing for senior leaders.
  • 風箱能産生強氣流的一種裝置,如用於探檢管狀器或給火增加風量,由一個活動的帶有閥門的空氣室組成,可通過一噴嘴嚮空氣室打氣使之壓縮或膨脹
    An apparatus for producing a strong current of air, as for sounding a pipe organ or increasing the draft to a fire, consisting of a flexible, valved air chamber that is contracted and expanded by pumping to force the air through a nozzle.
  • 蘇聯解體前,“30,000loosenukes“這樣一個類似nld實驗室機構合作防止核武器擴散的項目的真正可能性無論是對美國員來說還是對蘇聯員來說都是不可想像的,絶對不可想像。?
    Prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the very real possibility of 30,000 "loose nukes," a program like NLD Lab-Institute cooperative proliferation prevention programs would have been Unthinkable, by responsible officials in either the US or in the Soviet Union, Absolutely Unthinkable.
  • 該會在多個方咨詢委員會/團體均派有代表,並創立香港貨品編碼協會。
    The chamber is represented on many official advisory committees/bodies. It has founded the Hong Kong Article Numbering Association.
  • 該會在多個方諮詢委員會/團體均派有代表,並創立了香港貨品編碼協會和香港服務業聯盟。
    The chamber is represented on many official advisory committees/bodies, and it founded both the Hong Kong Article Numbering Association and the Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries.
  • 宋國有一個員認為楚兵多宋兵少,主張利用楚兵渡河未畢的時機出擊。
    One of the Sung officers suggested that, as the Chu troops were numerically stronger, this was the moment for attack.
  • 無論從數量上,還是從分佈的程度/範圍上來講,漢語都是中國最重要的語言,也是聯合國五種方工作語言之一。
    Both numerically and in the extent of its distribution, Chinese is the most important language in china and also one of the five official working languages of the United Nations.
  • 維持生命的器;生命所需的營養
    A vital organ; vital nutrients.
  • 五年來我們所獲得的經驗和體會,歸結起來,就是在任何情況下都必須全面正確地貫徹“一國兩製”方針和香港特別行政區基本法,全力支持行政長和特別行政區政府依法施政,切實加強香港各界人士在愛國愛港旗幟下的廣泛團结,努力保持社會的穩定和諧與經濟的繁榮發展。
    To put in a nutshell, what we have learnt in the past five years is that the policy of "one country, two systems" and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR must be implemented in a comprehensive and accurate manner under any circumstances, that full support must be given to the Chief Executive and the SAR Government in their administration under thelaw, and that effective efforts must be made to strengthen the broad-based unity of the Hong Kong people under the banner of loving the country and loving Hong Kong, and to maintain a stable and harmonious society and a prosperous and growing economy in Hong Kong.
  • 提醒那個證人她已經宣過誓了。
    The judge reminded the witness that she was under oath.
  • 法官要證人宣誓。
    The judge administered the oath to the witness.
  • 所有的士兵都應該服從指揮的命令。
    All of the soldiers should be in obedience to the commander's orders.
  • 士兵們遵照上級軍的命令行動。
    Soldiers act in obedience to the orders of their superior officers.
  • 軍事命令上級軍發出的、必須服從的命令,如在執行任務中
    A command given by a superior military officer requiring obedience, as in the execution of a task.