  • .:悉尼奥运会已经圆满结束了。
    Jeff: The Sydney Olympics was concluded satisfactorily.
  • 她一句不作声,约莫有两年光景,一直等到那年正月,才开始说话,这许是不祥之兆,这年三月,她的丈就死了。
    She never spoke a word for about two years. It was not until the 1st month of that year that she began to speak. This was perhaps a bad omen. In the same year, in 3rd month her husband died.
  • 提倡一对妇生育一个孩子。
    Advocating one child for one couple.
  • 圭尔加拿大安大略省一城市,位于多伦多以西。为一农业区中的工业中心。人口71,207
    A city of southern Ontario, Canada, west of Toronto. It is an industrial center in a farming area. Population,71, 207.
  • 另一个丈这样说他的妻子:“她是给我开阔眼界的人。
    As another husband said of his wife, she’s my eye-opener.
  • 孩子们看见农走近果园时,都跑开了。
    When the boys saw the farmer approaching the orchard, they took to their heels.
  • 男孩子们故意给农造成极大的麻烦,他们一直躲在谷仓里,而他却在果园里寻找他们。
    The boys led the farmer a merry dance; he was searching for them in the orchard when all the time they were hiding in th barn.
  • 安基塔(非真名)于1998年初和她的新婚丈抵达美国时,她的苦难历程也就此开始。安基塔的丈是印度人,在硅谷的一家著名公司当软件工程师。
    Ankita's(not the real name) ordeal began in early 1998 when she arrived in the United States with her new husband,an Indian software engineer working for a prestigious Silicon Valley firm.
  • 他们是在1941年相识的,那时沃纳大作为美国退伍军人管理局的医生而被派驻在新奥尔良。
    They met in 1941, when Dr. Werner was stationed in New Orleans as a physician for the Veterans Administration.
  • 赫斯特,威廉·伦道1863-1951美国报刊和杂志出版商,1887年创办旧金山考察人报,他建立了世界上最大的出版业帝国,由28家主要报纸组成,他是一个狂热的收集家,在圣西蒙(他在美国加利福尼亚富丽堂皇的庄园)曾展出过许多他收藏的古董
    American newspaper and magazine publisher. Beginning with the San Francisco Examiner in1887, he built the world's largest publishing empire, comprising28 major newspapers. A passionate collector, he displayed many of his acquisitions in San Simeon, his ornate California estate.
  • 该农那张饱经风霜的脸是他在野外生活了数年之久的证明。
    The farmer’s weather-beaten face bore witness to his years spent outdoors.
  • 她比她丈长命几年。
    She outlived her husband by many years.
  • 我和我丈仍然轮流去门诊所或是医院。
    My husband and I still took turns at the outpatient clinic or at the hospital.
  • 亨利,约瑟1791-1878美国物理学家,对电磁现象有广泛的研究
    American fur trader who explored the Snake and Yellowstone rivers and founded the first American outpost in the Rocky Mountains(1810).
  • 在公众心目中,她的丈的名声比她大得多。因此,在守寡以后,她根本不相信人们会为了她的缘故来探望她。
    She was so outshone publicly by her husband that, as his widow, she could scarcely credit that people might want to come and visit her for her own sake.
  • 由此看来,犹他州的许多人并不像其他州的人那样对一多妻制所隐藏的陋习更易加以谴责。
    It follows that many folks in Utah aren't as quick as outsiders to blame polygamy for the abuses it masks.
  • 在城郊地区还设有马上旅行和高尔活动场所。
    In the outskirts are places for horse trekking and golf.
  • :1904年,在巴黎城郊举行了第一次国际摩托车大赛。
    Jeff: In 1904, the 1st International Motorcycle Race was held in the outskirts of Paris.
  • 坦率的讲话、直接的提问;坦率直言的新英格兰农;我向他们坦率的表达了我的意见;直接的批评;解决问题的直接办法;告诉我你怎么想——不妨坦白点;直言不讳但又不粗鲁,这是有可能的;坦率而且中肯;直言不讳的谴责。
    blunt talking and straight shooting; a blunt New England farmer; I gave them my candid opinion; forthright criticism; a forthright approach to the problem; tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank; it is possible to be outspoken without being rude; plainspoken and to the point; a point-blank accusation.
  • 我丈从来不喜欢装饰外表的物品。
    My husband never falls for outward trappings.
  • 她的丈已被雇主派到海外.
    Her man's been sent overseas by his employers.
  • 尽管她事业有成,但和丈相比总觉逊色。
    Despite her professional success, she is always overshadow by her husband.
  • 尽管她事业有成,但和丈相比总觉逊色。
    Despite her professional success, she was always overshadowed by her husband.
  • 她身材颀长苗条稍许过了点分,可她有一种非凡的才能,只要在穿着上稍稍花些功,就把这种造化的疏忽给掩饰过去了。
    Tall and slender almost to a fault, she possessed in the highest degree the art of concealing this oversight of nature simply by the way she arranged the clothes she wore.
  • 她们在亚洲巡回演奏的曲目只有一首古典乐曲:柴可斯基的《1812序曲》。
    The playlist for their Asian tour contains but one classical cover:Tchaikovshy's 1812 Overture.
  • 正在用轭把牛套到犁上。
    The farmer was yoking his oxen to a plough.
  • :第27后悉尼奥运会,正好赶在2000年,是一个世纪之交的盛会。
    Jeff: The 27th Sydney Olympics happened to be held in the year 2000. This was a pageant across a century.
  • 你应该在工作上下更大的功
    You should take more pains with your work.
  • 并非每一对妻都相称。
    Every couple is not pair.
  • 史密斯人把她的客人按照年龄和爱好配成一对对。
    Mrs. Smith paired off her guests by age and tastes.
  • 巴基斯坦正致力于打击恐怖主义,我十分钦佩穆沙拉总统的领导能力。
    Pakistan is now cracking down on terror, and I admire the leadership of President Musharraf.
  • 本奇,拉尔·约翰逊1904-1971美国外交家。1950年由于他在联合国巴勒斯坦委员会的工作而获诺贝尔和平奖
    American diplomat. He won the1950 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on the United Nations Palestine Commission.