  • 拉格泰姆节奏爵士乐的一种风格,特点是旋律中强切音和伴奏中有规律的重音
    A style of jazz characterized by elaborately syncopated rhythm in the melody and a steadily accented accompaniment.
  • 表面上看争论那种美德的荒唐困境是值得的,但却也是令人十不愉快的-沃尔特·利普曼。
    the absurd predicament of seeming to argue that virtue is highly desirable but intensely unpleasant- Walter Lippman.
  • 他十分清楚。
    well had he seen
  • 这山很高,气势磅礴,在山脚下,路成两个方向,往北是一望无际的麦田,远处仿佛有一个小镇;
    It was majestic and awe-inspiring. The Southern Knight saw that the road split into two farther ahead. To the north, the wheat fields extended, and a small town could be seen far away.
  • 河流、湖泊和海洋中的水流能够扩散倾卸于水中的污染物,土壤中的污染成能够渗透到地下水中,并且以后会出现在井水里。
    Currents in rivers, lakes, and oceans spread pollutants that are dumped into water. Pollution in soil can seep into ground water and appear later in wells..
  • 今冬明春防洪工程建设的重点是以欠高堤段加高培厚、基础防渗、迎流顶冲部位堤面防护、崩岸治理、穿堤建筑物及病险水库除险加固等为重点,根据堤防的重要性,按照轻重缓急步实施。
    The focus of dyke construction this winter and next spring will be the increase of height and thickness of some low dykes, seepage prevention of foundation, surface protection of dykes on the sections of flow-ward side and against-flow side, slump banks harassment, strengthening and removal of danger for the bank-crossing structures and risky reservoirs. The construction will be in stages and in the order of importance and urgency according to the importance of the dykes.
  • 最令人兴奋的是那种比接近的比赛。
    The most exciting one is a seesaw match.
  • 在计算机程序设计中,段(设计)程序中的特定的一部,它们必须总是驻留在主存之中,方可把任何其它的程序段装入内存中去运行。
    In computer programming, the part of a segmented program that must always be in main storage when any other segment is loaded.
  • 不同的部被涂成不同的颜色。
    Different segment is painted differently.
  • 柑橘类水果的一部
    a segment of a citrus fruit.
  • (旅行的)某段行程一部或一段,例如一段旅行
    A segment or stage, as of a trip.
  • 腹部节肢动物身体的后面部
    The posterior segment of the body in arthropods.
  • 一份、一组、一片或整体的一部
    A portion, division, piece, or segment of a whole.
  • 大部公众反对新税法。
    A large segment of the public against the new tax.
  • 浮冰块从这种大冰块离出来的部
    A segment that has separated from such an ice mass.
  • 使成锥体使(某物)成锥状或成为锥体的一部
    To shape(something) like a cone or a segment of one.
  • 如头发、织物或纤维的编织部或一段
    A braided segment or length, as of hair, fabric, or fiber.
  • 我们旅馆的食宿安排十混乱。
    There was a muddle over our hotel accommodation.
  • 样品,试样代表整体的一部,一片或一段
    A portion, piece, or segment that is representative of a whole.
  • 摘选,引用挑选或应用(长篇作品的一段或一部
    To select or use(a passage or segment from a longer work).
  • 短句,乐句乐曲的一部,通常包括四或八个拍子
    A segment of a composition, usually consisting of four or eight measures.
  • 除去树枝的树干的一部
    a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branches.
  • 通常,每个段与协议堆栈中的不同部关联。
    Generally, each segment relates to a different part in the protocol stack.
  • 肌节在脊椎动物的胚胎中,成骨胳肌的部体节
    The segment of a somite in a vertebrate embryo that differentiates into skeletal muscle.
  • 税法法规,如税法,只能使一部人受益
    Legislation, such as a tax law, that benefits only one segment of the population.
  • 易受大众传媒影响的部群众。
    the segment of the public that is easily influenced by mass media (chiefly British).
  • 属于或关于裂腔的。
    of or relating to a segmentation cavity.
  • 市场划是提高广告收效的第三个因素。
    Market segmentation brings us to the third factor that boosts advertising effectiveness.
  • 前体某些无脊椎动物比如蜘蛛类动物的头部或前面部,在这一部位环节不明显
    The anterior or cephalic portion of the body of certain invertebrates, such as arachnids, in which segmentation is not evident.
  • 市场划指公司对其市场进行类的能力和根据这些划后的市场以不同产品、不同服务别进行促销的能力。
    Market segmentation refers to company's ability to identify different segments of its market and separately promote its products and services to these segments.
  • 例如,许多宾馆就根据市场划的某些形式来作广告:城市宾馆寻求吸引在工作日出差的商务人员及周末的游客;
    Many hotels, for example, practice some form of market segmentation. City hotels seek to appeal to traveling businesspersons on weekdays and tourists on weekends.
  • 可放在主存中或在辅存中的一种指令块、数据块或指令数据块。这些块的段和装入都是由计算机自动控制的。
    A block of instructions, or data, or both, that can be located in main storage or in auxiliary storage.Segmentation and loading of these blocks is automatically controlled by a computer.