  • 要对一切人都正,但不要对一切人都信任。
    Be just to all, but trust not all.
  • 科思特指责她的顶头上司,银行的一个副总裁罗斯。罗在议论开始前即已离职,到华尔街开设私人顾问司去了。
    Koster pointed the finger at her immediate supervisor, Allan Rose, a bank vice president, who left before the suit was filed and set up a private consulting firm on Wall St.
  • 对施加非法义务或拒绝某合法权利或造成不平的指控。
    an allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation or denies some legal right or causes injustice.
  • 申诉专员以独立人士的身分,负责覆检涉嫌违反《开资料守则》的个案。
    The Ombudsman serves as a common independent review body for alleged breaches of the code.
  • 诉人(诉方)声称,当犯罪发生时,被告在住宅内。
    The prosecution alleged that the accused was in the house when the crime was committing.
  • 由原告,如由个人或司向被声称已伤害他们的被告所进行的诉讼
    Case brought by a person or company (the plaintiff) against someone who is alleged to have harmed them (the defendant)
  • 5月份小报声称喝醉的切尔西与其美国男友于凌晨3点离开伦敦使馆俱乐部。希拉里办室只是表示"不做评说"。
    In May, when the tabloids caught an allegedly tipsy Chelsea leaving London's Embassy Club at 3 a.m. with her American boyfriend, Hillary's office issued a terse"no comment."
  • 后来,保罗·艾伦离开司另谋他职。
    Paul Allen eventually left the company to do other things.
  • 排在第三位的仍然是保罗·艾伦--微软司的另一位开国元勋,但他的资产从282亿下降到210亿。
    Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen also maintained his ranking -third - but saw his net worth fall to $21 billion from $28.2 billion.
  • 布鲁克斯,菲利普斯1835-1893美国基督教圣会的大主教,以巧妙明确的布道著称,著作有圣诞赞美诗“啊!伯利恒小镇”(1868年)
    American poet known for her verses detailing the dreams and struggles of Black Americans. An early volume of poems, Annie Allen(1949), was awarded a Pulitzer Prize.
  • 过去的10年中,人们用以提高生活质量或者延缓老龄症状的生活用药已经为制药司赚取了数十亿美元的利润。
    In the past 10 years, lifestyle drugs -- which improve the quality of life or alleviate the symptoms of old age -- have grown into a multibillion dollar business for pharmaceutical companies.
  • 九号干线长沙湾至沙田段全长5.6里,预计建成后可大大纾缓狮子山隧道、大老山隧道及大埔道的交通挤塞情况。
    Route 9 (section between Cheung Sha Wan and Sha Tin) will be a new 5.6-kilometre highway running from Sha Tin to West Kowloon. It will significantly alleviate traffic congestion at the Lion Rock Tunnel, Tate's Cairn Tunnel and Tai Po Road.
  • 中国呼吁国际社会重视和关注发展中国家的发展权问题,采取积极有效措施,努力消除世界经济秩序中不正和不合理现象,切实改善国际经济环境,缓解和逐步消除制约发展中国家发展的不利因素,建立新的国际经济秩序;
    China appeals to the international community to attach importance and give attention to the developing countries' right to development and adopt positive and effective measures to eliminate injustice and unreasonable practice in the world economic order. An earnest effort must be made to improve the international economic environment, alleviate and gradually eliminate factors disadvantageous to developing countries and establish a new international economic order.
  • 该理事会将特别扩展其提高众对饮水、卫生设备和卫生作为减缓贫穷与可持续发展的关键的认识推广活动。
    In particular, it will be expanding its outreach to increase public awareness of water,sanitation and hygiene as keys to poverty alleviation and sustainable development.
  • 针对大江大河的水患,部分地区的干旱和风暴潮,铁路、路沿线的泥石流、滑坡等,中国军队积极参加驻地政府组织的减灾工程建设。
    To help cope with floods from big rivers, droughts and storms in some areas, and mud-rock flows and landslides along railways and highways, the PLA takes an active part in disaster alleviation projects organized by the local governments.
  • 以1994年3月《国家八七扶贫攻坚计划》的布实施为标志,中国的扶贫开发进入了攻坚阶段。
    Marked by the promulgation and implementation of the Seven-Year Priority Poverty Alleviation Program (a program designed to lift 80 million people out of absolute poverty in the period of seven years from 1994 to 2000) in March 1994, China's development- oriented poverty-relief work entered the stage of tackling the key problems.
  • 教会和共社区统一行动
    The church, acting in alliance with community groups.
  • 元前490年雅典和她的同盟者战胜波斯的一次战斗。
    a battle in 490 BC in which the Athenians and their allies defeated the Persians.
  • 以斯巴达为中心的联盟打败雅典及其同盟国的战争;元前431年到404年。
    a war in which Athens and its allies were defeated by the league centered on Sparta; 431-404 BC.
  • 到1995年底,中国共建动物园和园动物展区175个、各种野生动物繁殖中心(场)227个,建立大型植物园60多个、野生植物引种保存基地255个,使大熊猫、扬子鳄、中华鲟、白暨豚、东北虎、朱鹮、银杉、珙桐、苏铁、金花茶等珍稀濒危动植物得到保护。
    By the end of 1995 China had set up 175 zoological gardens and zoological exhibition sites in public parks, 227 artificial breeding centers for wild animals, more than 60 large botanical gardens and 255 wild plant gene and cell banks to ensure the continuation of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including the giant panda, Chinese alligator, Chinese sturgeon, white-flag dolphin, Manchurian tiger, crested ibis, Cathay silver fir, dovetree, Cycas revoluta and camellia chrysantha tuyama.
  • 在隔壁的共停车场里,这个餐馆有6个停车位。
    The restaurant have six parking space allocate in the public car park next door.
  • 你能不能说说,贵司对这两条船准备拨出多少预算?
    Can you indicate what budget you are prepare to allocate for the vessel?
  • 这样,电话司就从sonet所要求的过死提供中解脱出来,能够在临时的或永久的基础上动态地分配使用atm虚拟通路或虚拟电路的带宽。
    Freed from the rigid provisioning required by SONET, carriers can dynamically allocate bandwidth using ATM virtual paths and virtual circuits on a temporary or permanent basis.
  • 拨划2,500美元购置办室家具。
    $2,500 is allocated to office furniture.
  • 被留下给某人工作的区域,如在办室里。
    space allocated for your work (as in an office).
  • 工作空间被用来或留下给某人工作的区域,如在办室里
    An area used or allocated for one's work, as in an office.
  • 经费总数的四分之一已拔给用事业。
    A quarter of the total expenditure has been allocated to the public services.
  •      (v)执行本约所规定的其他职责。
    (v) perform such other functions as are allocated to it under this Convention.
  • 在隔壁的共停车场里,这个餐馆有6个停车位。
    The restaurant has six parking spaces allocated in the public car park next door.
  • 司利润中配发给每份普通股未偿份额的收益。
    the portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock.
  • 政府的政策是确保有真正需要的家庭获编配屋单位。
    It is the Government's policy to ensure that these flats are allocated to families in genuine need.
  • 另一方面,加权平排队(wfq)允许在可变的基础上分配带宽,因而不是所有的信息流都必须有相同的带宽分配。
    Weighted fair queuing (WFQ), on the other hand, allows allocation of bandwidth on a variable basis, so not all flows have to have the same bandwidth allocation.