  • 在未来3年多时间里,我希望我们放在这方面的精力能减少75%。
    Over the next three years, I want to shrink that by 75%.
  • 我们的出口贸易已有萎缩。
    There has been some shrinkage in our export trade.
  • 这种牛仔裤洗後要缩水。
    You can expect some shrinkage when the jeans are washed.
  • 这种牛仔裤洗後要缩水。
    You can expect some shrinkage when the jeans is washed.
  • 她考虑衣服洗後会缩水,把它做大
    She made the dress larger to allow for shrinking when it was washed.
  • 衣服该做大一,以防洗时缩水。
    Some dresses should be made larger to allow for shrinking when they are washed.
  • 当然,西藏的生态环境也有不尽如人意的地方,如草场质量趋于下降;有珍稀动物分布范围在逐渐缩校
    Of course, some undesirable environmental problems do sometimes arise. For example, the quality of grassland tends to deteriorate, and the habitat of some rare animals is gradually shrinking.
  • 因为没有一个男人愿意把他们和这种女人的暧昧关系公开化,而她们又不堪寂寞,因此总是随身带着女伴。这陪客有是因为境况不如她们,自己没有车子;有是怎么打扮也好看不了的老妇人。如果有人要想知道她们陪同的那位马车女主人的任何私情秘事,那么尽可以放心大胆地向她们去请教。
    Since no man would ever consent to flaunt by day the predilection he has for them by night, and because they abhor solitude, they are usually attended either by less fortunate associates who have no carriages of their own, or else by elderly ladies of refinement who are not the least refined and to whom an interested party may apply without fear, should any information be required concerning the woman they are escorting.
  • 研究发现,除了亚洲大城市中一污染环境的工业之外,森林大火、植被清除和燃料燃烧对环境同样造成了严重的污染,因而也是这片亚洲褐云形成的原因之一。
    "Biomass burning" from forest fires, vegetation clearing and fossil fuel was just as much to blame for the shrouding haze as dirty industries from Asia's great cities, the study found.
  • 他受妻子怂恿进行这非法活动。
    He is abet in these illegal activities by his wife.
  • 他受妻子怂恿进行这非法活动.
    He was abetted in these illegal activities by his wife.
  • 另有一父母允许他们的孩子去要礼物(“给我糖果,否则我会把卫生纸挂满你的灌木丛”)——但又害怕有人会蓄意破坏,于是把糖果拿到机场或警察局做x光检查,以免有异物。
    Other par-ents allow their children to go trick-or-treating (code for 'give me some candy or I'll drape toilet paper all over your shrubbery' ) - but then, fearing sabotage,take the candy to the airport or police station so it can be X-rayed for foreign objects.
  • 第二天彬格莱小姐跟达西两人在矮树林里散步,彬格莱小姐说:“我希望将来有一天好事如愿的时候,你得委婉地奉劝你那位岳母出言吐语要谨慎,还有你那几位小姨子,要是你能力办得到,最好也得把她们那种醉心追求军官的毛病医治好。
    "I hope," said she, as they were walking together in the shrubbery the next day, "you will give your mother-in-law a few hints, when this desirable event takes place, as to the advantage of holding her tongue; and if you can compass it, do cure the younger girls of running after the officers.
  • 当我们能够从大局看清楚问题,那用来突出“不公平制度”的间接证明,便成为不足为虑的小事。
    When we see the bigger picture, we can shrug off the petty incidences, which have been put forward as circumstantial evidence meant to highlight the “injustices of the system”.
  • 如果你买一条尺寸大的,即使缩水,也照样适合穿。
    If you get a larger size, it will fit you even after it has shrunk.
  • 专家认为,扩展已安装的rdbms的最好方法是增加对复杂数据类型的支持,建立万能服务器——一种让用户访问复杂的数据类型(包括与特殊数据有关的功能)和支持开放的、可扩展的用户定义数据类型的rdbms。
    Aberdeen Grup believes the best way to extend installed RDBMSs is to add support for complex data types, creating a Universal Server -- an RDBMS that allows users to access complex data types (including functions related to particular data types) and to support open, extensible user-defined data types.
  • 把一蔬菜的壳去掉。
    remove the shucks from, as of certain vegetables.
  • 据报导在阿伯丁地方政府家用住房被单身男子占住着,而整家整家居民却等待着安置住房,因为石油工业需要这单身汉。人与人之间的平等不过是表面现象而已,有人似乎更受优待。
    In Aberdeen, local authority family houses were reported to be occupied by single men while families waited to be rehoused because these single men were necessary to the oil industry. Some men seem to be more equal than others.
  • 看到这可怕的东西,她吓的直发抖。
    She shuddered at the sight of the terrible things.
  • 她那苍白的颜色,突露的颧骨,两目炯炯的瞪视,至今忆起,还有可怕。
    Her ashen complexion, prominent bony forehead, with two glaring eyes, still gave me shudders whenever I think of her, even today.
  • 很不幸的,新加坡人所受的教育和培训,使他们非常重视效率和成果。一人不但因此远离艺术,甚至还回避艺术工作者。
    As Singaporeans who have been trained to be efficient and results oriented, we have unfortunately come to shun not only the arts but the artists themselves.
  • 甚至连那一向在媒体面前保持低调的明星也发现这种颁奖盛典的确可以帮助自己扬名立万,宣传自己的作品。
    Even spotlight-shunning stars find themselves sucked into festivities to plug their work.
  • 前两者和年资、收入有关。制订裁员名单时,一公司发现裁掉他们,成本可省得最多;
    They are also likely to be shunned in any recruitment exercise because their salary is generally higher than young new recruits due to their longer length of service.
  • 转换话题谈愉快的事
    Shunt the conversation towards more pleasant topics
  • 以下是她的发现:其中一乌鸦像亚伯一样诚实,但大多数是真正的强盗。
    Here's what she found: Some of the birds were honest as Abe, but most were real bandits.
  • 商店于五点半关门。
    The shops shut at 5: 30.
  • 许多人都离开村子到城里找工作,因此好铺子不得不关门。
    Many people have left the village lo took for work in the city and several shops have had to put up the shutter.
  • 我们对自己承认某事情,把锁着的抽屉、柜子和封闭的房间打开,让光射进来。
    We admit certain things to ourselves. We open the locked drawers, closets and shuttered rooms, and we let in the light.
  • 窗户上的百叶窗只是为了装装门面,它们装在墙上,而且也不能完全关上。
    The shutters by those windows are just for show-they're fixed to the wall and close properly.
  • 她备介绍给客人时有害羞。
    She was shy at her introduction to the guests.
  • 当涉及到金钱时,她所有那友好的允诺就变得无关紧要了;她和夏洛克一样吝啬。
    When it came to money, all her friendly promises counted for little; she was as mean as Shylock.
  • 尾足,尾肢某甲壳纲动物(如龙虾和褐虾)腹股最后面的一对足中的一只
    One of the last pair of posterior abdominal appendages of certain crustaceans, such as the lobster or shrimp.