  • 他们做得对还是错,这是议之处。
    It is a matter of disputation whether they did the right thing.
  • 辩论术论和辩论的艺术与技能
    The art or practice of disputation and polemics.
  • 微妙的论点被提出来供正式论或辩论的神学或哲学命题
    A theological or philosophical issue presented for formal argument or disputation.
  • 易争论的;爱争论的
    Given to arguing; disputatious.
  • 有关论的常指同似是而非论点有关的
    Given to or characterized by disputatious, often specious argument.
  • 男人往往比女人好论。
    Men tend to be more disputative than women.
  • 他们正在激烈论这个事件的是非曲直。
    They are disputing about the rights and wrongs of the case.
  • 他的诚实是无可议的。
    His honesty is beyond dispute.
  • 敌人进犯, 战士们寸土必
    The soldiers disputed every inch of ground when the enemy attacked.
  • 他们论如何才能充分发挥全体员工的潜力。
    They disputed how to bring into full play the potential of the staff.
  • 我们就他欠我多少钱一事进行了一番论。
    We had a dispute about how much money he owes me.
  • 我希望这次论将不会使我们之间产生隔阂。
    I hope this dispute will not divide us. (喻)
  • 调停争论
    Intervene in a dispute
  • 解决一场争执。
    Sort out a dispute
  • 调停调解争端
    Mediation in a dispute.
  • 争论变得热烈起来。
    The dispute grow warm.
  • 调停一劳动管理上的
    Mediate a labor-management dispute.
  • 小争论;争吵
    A petty dispute; a squabble.
  • v。与某人争论某事
    Dispute with sb. on sth.
  • 参与辩论的,参与论的
    Engaged in dispute or argument.
  • 没有可能怀疑或者议。
    impossible to doubt or dispute.
  • 论者;辩论者参与论的人
    One engaged in a dispute.
  • 将争端诉诸法律
    Submit a dispute to law.
  • 这是不容争议的。
    That admits of no dispute.
  • 执变得列加激烈了。
    The dispute grew more violent.
  • 他们以折衷办法解决了一场端。
    They have compromised a dispute.
  • 争论的主题
    The subject of a dispute.
  • 争论,争辩
    To dispute or argue about.
  • 对…表示怀疑;争论
    To express doubt about; dispute.
  • 经调解使端得以解决。
    The dispute was settled by mediation.
  • 这些人们总是互相吵。
    These people always dispute among themselves.
  • 他会向对手的要求让步,而不会因议点而大声论。
    He will give in to his opponent's claim rather than wrangle over a disputed point.