  • 山战斗守备一等功臣连
    Garrison Company Which Won the First Class Merit Citation in Dongshan Battle
  • 所以我们不能够只从个别词句来理解毛泽思想,而必须从毛泽思想的整个体系去获得正确的理解。
    So we must acquire a correct understanding of Mao Zedong Thought as an integral system instead of just citing a few specific words or sentences.
  • 荷姆斯泰德佛罗里达州南部一城市,位于迈阿密西南。是柑桔种植区的商贸中心,人口26,866
    A city of southeast Florida southwest of Miami. It is a trade center for a citrus-growing area. Population,26, 866.
  • 可可阿美国奥尔兰多中部的城市,在佛罗里达南偏。它是柑橘生长区域的旅游中心。人口17,722
    A city of east-central Florida east-southeast of Orlando. It is a tourist center in a citrus-growing region. Population,17, 722.
  • 奥伦奇美国加利弗尼亚州南部城市,位于圣安那河北偏北。是盛产柑桔地区的制造中心。人口110,658
    A city of southern California north-northeast of Santa Ana. It is a manufacturing center in a citrus-growing area. Population,110, 658.
  • 累克兰美国佛罗里达州中部的一座城市,位于坦帕市北偏方向。它是一个冬季游览胜地和柑橘植物生长区内的加工业中心。人口50,455
    A city of central Florida east-northeast of Tampa. It is a winter resort and processing center in a citrus-growing region. Population,50, 455.
  • 奥卡拉美国盖恩斯维尔南偏南的佛罗里达中北部城市,是柑橘产区的一个商业、加工和船业中心。人口42,045
    A city of north-central Florida south-southeast of Gainesville. It is a trade, processing, and shipping center in a citrus-growing region. Population,42, 045.
  • 厄普兰德美国加利福尼亚州南部一城市,位于洛杉矶以。它地位一个柑橘种植区,是一个制造业和加工业中心。人口63,374
    A city of southern California east of Los Angeles. It is a manufacturing and processing center in a citrus-growing region. Population,63, 374.
  • 印度和南亚普通的灵猫。
    common civet of India and southeast Asia.
  • 大灵猫产于印度和亚洲南部的一种麝香猫(灵猫)
    A civet cat(Viverra zibetha) of India and southeast Asia.
  • 熊狸,香猫产于南亚的香猫(北极熊狸),有易于缠绕的长尾巴
    A civet(Arctictis binturong) of southeast Asia with a long, prehensile tail.
  • 有些人从地方上随便拿西,或者低价购买。
    Some people take things from the civilian units at will, or buy them at reduced prices.
  • 中国是方文明的产物——尤其是中国文明的产物。
    China is a product of Eastern civilization -- and specially, of Chinese civilization.
  • 是西方文明的摇篮。
    the Middle East is the cradle of Western civilization.
  • 女人将会是最不可能为男人所开化的西。
    Woman will be the last thing civilized by man.
  • 女人将会是最不可能为男人所开化的西。
    Woman will is the last thing civilized by man.
  • 我要求得到你答应给的西。
    I claim your promise.
  • 女房东非常吝啬。
    The landlady is as close as a clam.
  • 有三样西早晚会为一般大众始终闹着要的就是:新奇、新奇、新奇。
    There are three things which the public will always clamour for sooner or later, namely, novelty, novelty, novelty.
  • 有三样西早晚会为一般大众始终闹着要的就是:新奇、新奇、新奇。
    There is three thing which the public will always clamour for sooner or later, namely, novelty, novelty, novelty.
  • 为了支持其生化武器计划,伊拉克使用扩展的秘密网络从世界各地获得其所需要的西。
    To support its deadly biological and chemical weapons programs, Iraq procures needed items from around the world using an extensive clandestine network.
  • 能透过光线;能通过透明的西看到。
    transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity.
  • 我喜欢买上等的西。
    I like to buy things of first class.
  • 我格外/非常/很喜欢的西是古典小说。
    What I particularly/most/greatly enjoy is classic books.
  • 所谓古典,是谁都希望念过而又谁也不想去念的一类西。
    A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.
  • 西的时候不要把刀叉弄得丁当作响。
    Don't clatter your knives andforks while eating.
  • 然而你必须把曾为罗马帝国一半之统治者的安尼和十人执政之一及立法者阿皮亚斯·克劳底亚斯作为例外;
    You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Antonius the half partner of the empire of Rome,and Appius Claudius the decemvir, and lawgiver.
  • 只有罗马的安尼和克劳底亚是例外。前者本性就好色荒淫,然而后者却是严肃多谋的人。
    You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Antonius, the half partner of the empire of Rome, and Appius Claudius, the decemvir and lawgiver; whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man, and inordinate; but the latter was an austere and wise man:
  • 店员帮我找到了我所要买的西。
    The clerk helped me find what I wanted.
  • 贝德福德美国俄亥俄州北一城市,为克利夫兰的一个居住郊区。人口15,056
    A city of northeast Ohio, a residential suburb of Cleveland. Population,15, 056.
  • 巴尔马俄亥俄北一城市,是克利夫兰的一个主要住宅区。人口87,876
    A city of northeast Ohio, a chiefly residential suburb of Cleveland. Population,87, 876.
  • 欧几里德俄亥俄州北部的一个城市,是伊利湖附近克里夫兰市专营制造业的郊区。人口54,875
    A city of northeast Ohio, a manufacturing suburb of Cleveland on Lake Erie. Population,54, 875.