  • 连接连接或系在一起
    To join or fasten together.
  • 通过榫和榫眼而接在一起。
    join by a tenon and mortise.
  • 为了通讯的目的而在一起。
    join for the purpose of communication.
  • 用凸榫把多块木头接在一起。
    join pieces of wood with cogs.
  • 相关的结的或系在一起的
    Joined or fastened together.
  • 结合或者接在一起。
    joined or linked together.
  • 紧密接合安全地结在一起
    To become joined securely.
  • 续的字母在一起。
    having successive letter joined together.
  • 没有结合或者接在一起。
    not joined or linked together.
  • 连接连接着的状态
    The state of being joined.
  • 接或联合成一个的。
    not joined or united into one.
  • 接两个较大器官或一个器官的几部分的组织狭带
    A narrow strip of tissue joining two larger organs or parts of an organ.
  • 接,接合联结的行为、过程或被接合在一起的状态
    The act or process of joining or the condition of being joined.
  • 连接或接触
    A joining or touching.
  • 连接连接的行为
    The act of joining.
  • 医术上的两块皮肤的接。
    surgical joining of two surfaces.
  • 对角线的接多边形任意两个不相邻顶点的直线的
    Joining two nonadjacent vertices of a polygon.
  • 接在一起就象一个的行为。
    the act of joining together as one.
  • 小静脉细小的静脉,尤指接毛细管和大静脉的小静脉
    A small vein, especially one joining capillaries to larger veins.
  • 接,联合接的行为或联合的状态
    The act of joining or the state of being joined.
  • 连接处;接合点
    A joint; a junction.
  • 通过斜面接在一起。
    fit together in a miter joint.
  • 铰链,折叶一种用于接或转动的装置,使门或盖在固定框架上可借以摆动
    A jointed or flexible device that allows the turning or pivoting of a part, such as a door or lid, on a stationary frame.
  • 由关节接的由关节接组成部分的;接的
    Consisting of sections united by joints; jointed.
  • 足无脊椎动物;蜘蛛类节肢动物;甲壳类动物;昆虫类;倍足纲节动物;蜈蚣类。
    jointed-foot invertebrates: arachnids; crustaceans; insects; millipedes; centipedes.
  • 念珠式的钓丝带有一排钩并有念珠形附子的钓丝
    A weighted fishing line having several jointed attachments for hooks connected by beadlike swivels.
  • 我女婿买了辆二手货汽车,但那只不过是为了与他的邻居争个高低而已,因为他妻子甚至于车也不会开。
    My son-in-law has bought a second car, but it's merely to keep up with the Joneses because his wife can't even drive.
  • 约瑟醒来马上起床,夜带着母子俩逃往埃及。他在那儿一直住到希律王死去。
    So Joseph rose from sleep, and taking mother and child by night he went away with them to Egypt, and there he stayed till Herod's death.
  • 复习时,你要做好摘记,即记下你要摘选的要点,同公式或方程式。
    While rereading, do some kind of pencil-work in which you jot down selected facts, together with formulas or equations.
  • 那记者虽然有点累,但他那天晚上却夜写文章。
    The journalist chucked out ink throughout that night although he was a bit tired.
  • 记者们像开珠炮似地向发言人提出问题。
    The journalists blazed away at the speaker.
  • 历史是一次又一次旅程的接。
    History is like a series of journeys, one coming after the other.