  • 这样的人竞选进了(国)下议院!
    To think that such men are elected to the House of Commons!
  • 国议会议事录一字不差地记述了下院议事程序。
    Hansard provide a verbatim account of the proceeding of the house of commons.
  • 国国会中被选为议员的人;下议院成员。
    an elected member of the British Parliament: a member of the House of Commons.
  • 国议会上院和下院都在这幢大楼里。
    In the building there is the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
  • 该辩论招待国下院的程序规则。
    The debate follows the rules of procedure used in the British House of Commons.
  • 国下议院中普通议员占据的席位。
    any of the seats occupied by backbenchers in the House of Commons of Great Britain.
  • 不是政党领导的国国会下议院成员。
    a member of the House of Commons of Great Britain who is not a party leader.
  • 是总理大臣或前任总理大臣的国国会下议院成员。
    a member of the House of Commons of Great Britain who is a minister or an ex-minister.
  • 国下议院中前排的座位,是留给部长大臣的。
    any of the front seats in the House of Commons of Great Britain that are reserved for ministers or ex-ministers.
  • 国的平民、法国的第三等级以及北美洲大陆上的中产阶级,通常便是这些人的后代。
    The Commons of England, the Tiers-Etat of France, the bourgeoisie of the Continent generally, are the descendants of this class.
  • 国议会议事录在不列颠联邦内产生的立法争论和议事进程的官方报告,尤指国或加拿大议会
    The official report of the proceedings and debates of a legislature in the Commonwealth of Nations, especially of the British or Canadian parliament.
  • 联邦成员国省政府的驻另一联邦国家的官方代表
    official representative of a provincial government of a commonwealth country in another commonwealth country
  • 联邦注定是要彻底采用地过政策的。
    an empire destined to enter the Commonwealth plenarily.
  • 联邦包括好几个国家。
    The British Commonwealth of Nation includes several nations.
  • 在一个联邦国家代表另一个联邦国家和大使有同样职责和有相同级别的人
    person who represent a commonwealth country in another commonwealth country, have the same rank and the same duties as an ambassador
  • 约翰逊创联邦运动会万米赛跑新纪录。
    Johnson set up a new Commonwealth Games in the 10000 meters.
  • 护国公从1653年到1659年统治格兰、苏格兰、爱尔兰组成的联邦的首脑
    The head of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland from1653 to1659.
  • 联邦内的一个独立国家,位于斐济岛上。
    an independent state within the British Commonwealth located on the Fiji Islands.
  • 国的,联邦的国的或联邦的或与之相关的
    Of or relating to the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth of Nations.
  • 由所罗门群岛构成的从联邦独立出来的一个岛国。
    the southern Solomon Islands that form an independent state in the British Commonwealth.
  • 位于西印度向风群岛的一岛国;联邦中的一个独立国家。
    an island state in the West Indies; an independent state within the British Commonwealth.
  • 所有联邦的国家的公民都可以进入国找工作,而且工作机会还很多。
    All Commonwealth citizens were free to enter the country and look for work, which was plentiful.
  • 护国公政体奥立佛·克伦威尔和他的儿子理查德以护国公身份统治国时期的国政府
    The government of England under Oliver Cromwell and his son Richard, ruling as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth.
  • 16岁时,弗里曼作为4×100m接力队的一员,在联邦运动会上赢得了金牌。
    At 16 years of age Freeman won gold at the Commonwealth Games as part of the 4 × 100m relay team.
  • 一个多山的岛屿;所罗门群岛中最大的一个,联邦独立成员之一。
    a mountainous island; the largest of the Solomon Islands in the independent state that is a member of the British Commonwealth.
  • 对许多国家(尤其是联邦国家)枢密院可能会审理来自最高法院的上诉。
    For many countries( especially commonwealth countries) appealed may be hear from the highest court of these countries by the privy council.
  • 非洲中部一个共和国;以前曾被国作为北罗得西亚的一部分控制,直到年在共和国内获得独立。
    a republic in central Africa; formerly controlled (as part of Northern Rhodesia) by Great Britain until it gained independence within the Commonwealth in 1964.
  • 一种印-欧语,属于西德语系的一个分支;国、美国、和大部分联邦国家的官方语言。
    an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch; the official language of Britain and the US and most of the Commonwealth countries.
  • 在那段日子,我有机会与国同学、以及来自印度、巴基斯坦和其他多个联邦国家的同学一起生活、共同学习,大家打成一片。
    Throughout those days I had the opportunity to live, work and mix with students from Britain, India, Pakistan and many other Commonwealth countries.
  • 在仍是君主制女王仍是它国家元首的联邦国家,如加拿大或澳大利亚代表王室的人。
    Person represent the British crown in Commonwealth Country( such as Canada or Australia) which is still a monarchy with the British Queen as head of state.
  • 位于太平洋东南部的占有两个主要岛屿和许多小岛的联邦内的独立国家;以绵羊和引人入胜的景观闻名。
    an independent country within the British Commonwealth occupying two main islands and a number of minor islands in the southeastern Pacific; known for sheep and spectacular scenery.
  • 联邦国家的首脑们可能根本就不知道,当他们与首相握手时,他们离那位裸体美女只有几寸远而已。”
    "Leaders at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Australia had little knowledge that when shaking the prime minister's hand they were inches away from the nude."