  • 令人悲哀的事实是:只要10分钟,随便看一下竞争对手的销路,就能明白问题所在。
    The sad truth is that 10 minutes of casual scrutiny of the competing outlets would have made the problem clear.
  • 编纂一部好词典要多年心血。
    It take year of hard work to compile a good dictionary.
  • 醒目、具有异国情调的鲜(如马蹄莲)对居室的整洁、宽敞起到了很好的补充作用。
    Bold, exotic flowers (like callas,) work well to complement this home's clean, open spaces.
  • 一种混合的黑色矿物,见于结晶岗岩中。
    a complex black mineral occuring in pegmatites.
  • 这种复杂的计算搞得我头昏眼
    My brain swam at the complexity of the calculations.
  • 例如,有多种选择的情况下,考虑到后继的工作量,比如引导航空器归航、监控飞行员执行管制指令的情况等,管制员将会选择比引导航空器费更少精力的调配方案。
    For example, in situations where several options are available, controllers typically prefer not to vector one aircraft around another because of the need to re-establish the vectored aircraft back on course as well as determine whether or not the pilot has complied with instructions. Other control actions are considered to be less costly than vectoring, in terms of the follow-up workload required.
  • 尤指禾木植物或菊科植物的一朵小或小穗,例如雏菊
    A small or reduced flower, especially one of the grasses and composite plants, such as a daisy.
  • 仅有盘心的,用于菊科头的
    Having disk flowers only. Used of a composite flower head.
  • 头状的,头状序的形成头状的一簇或稠密的一丛的,如菊科植物的
    Forming a headlike mass or dense cluster, as the flowers of plants in the composite family.
  • 冠呈放射状并成为一个整体涡漩的菊科植物。
    any of numerous composite plants having flower heads with well-developed ray flowers usually arranged in a single whorl.
  • 盘长有很多小的扩大的地方,如在菊科植物的头中,例如雏菊
    The enlarged area bearing numerous tiny flowers, as in the flower head of composite plants, such as the daisy.
  • 洋蓟一种菊科地中海的蓟类植物(菜蓟属洋蓟属),有羽状全裂叶和蓝色朵的盘状
    A Mediterranean thistlelike plant(Cynara scolymus) in the composite family, having pinnately divided leaves and large discoid heads of bluish flowers.
  • 鼠曲草任一种菊科鼠曲草属的有绒毛植物,开有白色或黄色的小型头状
    Any of various woolly plants of the genus Gnaphalium in the composite family, having small whitish or yellowish flower heads.
  • 樟脑草北美东部两种菊科草本植物腋下异宗菊或樟脑阔苞菊之一,长有许多小
    Either of two eastern North American herbs Heterotheca subaxillaris or Pluchea camphorata, of the composite family, having numerous small flower heads.
  • 被压成一包一包的。
    Cotton is compressed into bales.
  • 第二天我们了几个钟头集中进行讨论。
    The next morning we spent several hours in concentrated discussion.
  • 纹大理石具有眼状纹的大理石,如嵌在清澈玻璃中的聚集条纹或彩色点
    A marble having an eyelike design, such as concentric circles or a colored center set in clear glass.
  • "说来也怪,构思这本书只用了五分钟,但写这本书却去了整整一年。"
    "Strange enough, the conception of the book took five minutes, but writing it took a whole year."
  • 构思这本书只用了五分钟,但写这本书却了一年。
    The conception of the book took five minutes, but writing it took a year.
  • 了好长时间编造这些谎言。
    And they had taken me so long to concoct.
  • 刺山果蕾这种植物带刺的蕾,用作调味汁、调味剂和各种菜肴味道强烈的辛辣调味品
    A pickled flower bud of this plant, used as a pungent condiment in sauces, relishes, and various other dishes.
  • 海索草一种象树木的亚欧植物(神香草神香草属),有一穗穗的小的蓝色的,芳香的叶子用于制香水和用作调味品
    A woody Eurasian plant(Hyssopus officinalis) having spikes of small blue flowers and aromatic leaves used in perfumery and as a condiment.
  • 广泛种植的印度热带植物,黄色,有巨大芳香的深黄色根茎;辛辣调味品和黄色燃料的原料。
    widely cultivated tropical plant of India having yellow flowers and a large aromatic deep yellow rhizome; source of a condiment and a yellow dye.
  • 多少钱是由我挣多少钱决定的。;我量入为出。
    The amount of money I spend is conditioned by the amount I earn.
  • 我们挣多少钱才能多少钱。
    The amount of money we spent is conditioned by the amount we earn.
  • 这种土壤不宜种植生。
    Such soil is not conducive to growing peanuts.
  • 管束本质部的一种导管结构,包含死掉的圆管状细胞,它们一个连着一个,由孔联接起来,几乎在所有开植物中都能找到它们
    One of the tubular conductive structures of xylem, consisting of dead cylindrical cells that are attached end to end and connected by perforations. They are found in nearly all flowering plants.
  • 北美多年生草本植物的一个属,艳丽锥形冠。
    North American perennial herbs with showy cone-shaped flower heads.
  • 属于任何山龙眼种的热带非洲灌木,有交替的刚硬的叶子和密集的象圆锥细胞的多彩的
    any tropical African shrub of the genus Protea having alternate rigid leaves and dense colorful flower heads resembling cones.
  • 买麻藤科的模式属;小的树木或灌木丛,具有攀缘结生的茎,其穗的顶端长有簇成球状的橘红色的种子。
    type genus of the Gnetaceae; small trees or shrubs usually with climbing jointed stems and terminal spikes of flowers with orange-red seeds clustered in rough cones.
  • 这件上衣是用缎子和边精心缝制的
    The gown was a confection of satin and appliqu?
  • 随着情人节的到来,商家挟着铺天盖地的鲜、情人卡片和糖果来势汹汹。
    As the Valentine's Day is coming, industry gears up to spew out roses, cards and confectionery.