  • 克隆技术的一项生物医学应用是遗传性地改变动物,使它们的细胞或器官能移植人类。
    One biomedical application of the cloning technique is genetically modifying animals so that their cells and organs can be transplanted into humans.
  • 在2002年5月20日提交美国胸科学会会议上的研究报告中,布法罗大学医学和生物医学学院的医学、社会医学和预防医学系助理教授霍尔格·舒内曼医学博士报告称,近期以及终生饮用葡萄酒与肺部功能的改善有关。
    In research presented on May 20,2002 at a meeting of the American Thoracic Society, Holger Schunemann, M.D., Ph.D.,assistant professor of medicine and social and preventive medicine in the UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, reported that drinking wine recently and over a lifetime was associated with better lung function.
  • 这项研究成果表明,仿生学眼睛也许能使盲人恢复一定程度的视力,从而大约1000万患有盲眼病而影响视觉的美国人带来希望。
    The findings show that the bionic eye may restore some sight for the blind and raise hopes for the estimated 10 million Americans afflicted with blinding eye diseases.
  • 而且由于netware等网络操作系统是在引导时把日期送下面的客户机,所以局域网管理员需要为那些从pc机的bios而不是从服务器获得日期的网络驻留应用程序制定应急计划。
    Moreover, because NOSes such as NetWare roll dates out to downstream clients upon boot-up, LAN administrators need contingency plans for network resident applications that pull their dates from the PC BIOS instead of the server.
  • 我们那条母狗应能生一窝很好的小狗. 我们让约翰的狗她配了种.
    Our bitch should produce a fine litter. We mated her with John's dog.
  • 等我抓到那狗东西就把他宰了!
    I'll kill that son of a bitch when I get my hands on him!
  • …加苦味用调料使…发苦
    To make bitter in flavor.
  • 我申请加入篮球队时教练的印象非常糟糕,想来痛心。
    I recalled bitterly what a poor impression I had made on the coach when I went out for basketball.
  • 他那不适宜的话谈话增添一份苦涩。
    His unfortunate remarks introduced a note of bitterness into the conversation.
  • 这个信箱和里面的东西带来了一连串苦乐参半的回忆:我进入了一个"人缘竞赛"的世界,所收卡片的多少则显示了比赛结果,对于男朋友和女朋友的揶揄,以及我对班里最聪明男孩我的贺卡的精心爱护。
    That box and its contents ushered in a succession of bittersweet memories of my entrance into a world of popularity contests marked by the number of cards received,the teasing about boyfriends/girlfriends and the tender care I gave to the card from the cutest boy in class.
  • 教师在黑板上学生举出很多例子。
    The teacher quoted his students many examples on the blackboard.
  • 给钱打发掉敲诈者。
    Pay of a blackmailer.
  • 人们起初以为她是黑人,但是她洗过几遍澡之后,发现她是白人,她之所以外表漆黑,是污垢也可能还有涂料造成的。
    At first they assumed she was black. However, once they had washed her several times, they found that she was white, her apparent blackness being the result of dirt and, possibly, paint.
  • 一九三七年他不得不订合同让他十二岁的儿子铁匠当学徒。
    In1937 he was compelled to bind out his twelve- year-old son to a blacksmith.
  • 一九三七年他不得不订合同让他十二岁的儿子铁匠当学徒。
    In 1937 he was compelled to bind out his twelve- year-old son to a blacksmith.
  • 此外,"说着他递老约翰一把锤子,"我们这里也正需要一个好铁匠呢。
    Besides," he said, handing Old John a hammer, "we need a good blacksmith up here."
  • (刀刃)磨边;使锋利
    To give an edge to(a blade); sharpen.
  • 我队责备我没有经常他们写信。
    My team blamed me for my neglecting to write letters to them.
  • 她试图把责任推我来摆脱困境。
    She tried to get off the hook by blaming me.
  • 不论是日本的引诱和英国的引诱,都应该以坚决的拒绝,中国决不能参加东方慕尼黑。
    China must firmly reject any blandishments, whether from Japan or from Britain, and must never take part in an Eastern Munich.
  • 我一张空白电报纸。
    Give me a telegraph blank,please.
  • 我一张空白电报单。
    Give me a telegraph blank, please.
  • 他急忙受伤的人披上条毯子.
    He threw a blanket over the injured man.
  • 我一床毯子好吗?
    May I have a blanket?
  • 给她盖好毯子。
    Cover her over with a blanket.
  • 自己盖上一床毯子。
    He covered himself with a blanket.
  • 我们给他盖上毯子。
    We cover the blanket for him.
  • 列车员:我您再拿一床毛毯来。
    I'll get you another woolen blanket.
  • 孩子慢慢盖上毯子。
    The blanket was pulled over the child.
  • 我觉得冷,能我一条毛毯吗?
    I am cold. May I have a blanket?
  • 我把表格填错了. 再我一张空白的, 可以吗?
    I've filled in this form incorrectly. Can I have another blank?
  • 愿你美梦成真!愿上帝保佑你以及你想保佑的人!在新年到来之际,你我所能予的嘱咐!
    Wish you get what you want to get!May God bless you and the person you want to bless!By the coming of the New Year, give you what I can bless most!